From the Principal

Mrs Felicity Grima - Principal
The Depth and Breadth of College Life
As a College, we seek to nurture and develop empowered learners with strength of character who know and follow Christ and serve others, and this edition of the Vine is filled with reports that provide a small glimpse into the richness of College life. In the last few weeks alone, we have had students involved in a range of sporting endeavours, and we have celebrated the talents of our Year 12 students who have completed practical works for their HSC courses in English, History, Society and Culture, Visual Arts, Music and Design and Technology. We have recognised students actively involved in the life of the College with the presentation of the John Lambert Awards and welcomed over 600 Grandparents and Friends to enjoy a morning at the College. These are all in addition to the incredible learning in each classroom each day of the week.
We have an Information Evening for Pre-K to Year 12 2025 coming up on Wednesday 6 September for prospective families looking to apply. Please encourage any family or friends who may be interested to register on our website. Tours can be booked separately.
Sincere condolences
A few weeks ago, we communicated that Mr Andrew Cox needed to take some carer’s leave to care for his 4 year old daughter, Amelia. With great sadness, we inform you that Amelia passed away on Tuesday afternoon. Mr and Mrs Cox were able to be with her.
As a Christian community, we are incredibly saddened by this news, and we join with Mr Cox and his family in grieving Amelia’s passing. We also rejoice in the truth that she is now with her Lord and Saviour for eternity.
I am sure you will continue to join us in praying for the Cox family as they navigate this tragic news and the time ahead. Mr Cox and his family’s personal faith in Jesus has been and will be incredibly important to them at this time.
Staffing Updates
Our College continues to grow, and we continually review our approaches and structures to ensure our students are nurtured and supported as empowered learners with strength of character. In Semester 1, we focussed on a review of the Primary Leadership structure and our approaches to Christian Mission and Ministry.
Primary Leadership Structure
In 2024, we will introduce 2 significant leadership roles to support the Deputy Principal – Primary.
1. Director of Students P-6
This role will provide leadership and oversight of the pastoral care, well-being, behaviour management, organisation and events for students in the Primary School. They will support staff to provide a safe and supportive learning environment where all students are known and valued. This role will be on the College Executive team and will have relief from a face-to-face teaching role.
2. Primary Teaching and Learning Co-ordinator
This role is responsible for overseeing a strong academic focus, ensuring quality practice and compliance with the curriculum in the Primary School (Pre-Kindergarten to Year 6). The Primary Teaching and Learning Co-ordinator, in conjunction with the Director of Teaching and Learning, will ensure the College Learning Culture is embedded and upheld and will ensure an excellent learning environment for students. This role will also oversee and teach in our gifted and talented programs.
These roles will both support the work of our Stage Co-ordinators across Primary. After a thorough recruitment process, I am pleased to announce that:
· Mrs Lynette Karp has been appointed as the Director of Students P-6
· Mrs Bronwen Knebel has been appointed as the Primary Teaching and Learning Co-ordinator.
I will provide more information about the Christian Mission and Ministry review in the next Vine.
John Lambert Awards
Last week I had the pleasure of presenting John Lambert Awards to students in Kindergarten through to Year 12.
The award is presented to students who have accumulated points for effort and achievement in academia, sports, creative and performing arts, community service, citizenship and fellowship. The John Lambert Award signals that a student is actively involved in the life of the College, represents the College well, and displays an attitude of service.
I congratulate all the students who have been presented with their John Lambert Awards in term 3.
Mrs Felicity Grima
Prayer and Praise
2 Timothy 1:9 NIV
He has saved us and called us to a holy life—
not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace.
This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time,
Please pray for:
Members of our community who are experiencing hardship.
Year 12 students as they continue to sit for the Trial HSC Examinations.
Upcoming Year 5 Camp.
Praise God for:
Grandparents Day.
Opportunities to work closely with College families.
Our Peripatetic Music Tutors, Learning Support staff, Property Staff.
Teaching and Learning
From the Director of Students 7-9

Mr Anthony Kelshaw - Director of Students 7-9
As many parents and community members know, the College has been dealing with the increased demand for drop-off and pick-up in the school's car park. Part of this is due to the fact that we are a growing school, and another part is because of the increased demand for car drop-off and pick-up post-COVID. By far, the easiest option for families is to encourage their child to use the bus as their primary mode of transportation to and from school. Of course, there will be times when personal transport is necessary for families.
If choosing to use private transport, we strongly encourage families to use either the secondary, primary, or Pre-K drop-off and pick-up locations. Some families are asking their child to meet them at locations outside the school grounds. This has resulted in students leaving the school through inappropriate and unsafe ways. This exposes students to risks that are more managed when on school ground and is a significant safety concern that can be reduced with the support of the parent body. Please partner with us in creation of a safe environment for all students at the school by using the designated drop-off and pick-up locations.
As teachers, we love having conversations with students about their passions, learning, and how they can make the most of the opportunities at PAC. These positive interactions are often disrupted by issues related to uniform and presentation. Parents can help students have a positive day by encouraging them to dress in line with the school policy in the mornings. If parents are unsure about the guidelines, information can be found on the school's website or by scanning the QR code or following the link below:
Morning Supervision
The school day officially starts at 8:00 am in the morning. A couple of buses arrive about 10 minutes prior to this, and some families need to drop children at school earlier for various reasons. To ensure students' safety, students must wait in the playground area bordered by the E-Centre, F-Block, B-Block, and the Cenotaph until 8:00 am. Although direct supervision is not provided before 8:00 am, this is a visible place for students to gather before the official start of the day. Secondary students are not allowed in any other area of the school before 8:00 am, and they are only permitted to leave this area when the duty person arrives and dismisses them to the playground. It would be appreciated if families could remind students of these requirements if dropping them off early.
Mr Anthony Kelshaw
Director of Students 7-9
Edumate Portal

Mr Felix Kobus - Director of Operations
As we are into Semester Two, I would like to remind you that Edumate is one of the major forms of communication that the College uses to partner with you in your child’s education. I invite you to read through the attached document and familiarise yourself with instructions on how to navigate the Edumate Parent Portal.
Mr Felix Kobus
Director of Operations
Message from the Acting Deputy Principal (Primary)

Mr Philip McMurray - Acting Deputy Principal (Primary)
One of the greatest joys of being an educator is watching students conquer fears, try new things and make progress in areas that at one time seemed overwhelming. This is definitely on show in Term 3 as students across the Primary apply their imaginations to our War of the Words speaking challenge. It is a wonderful opportunity for students to craft words that convey imagery, bring smiles and wow the audience through their tone and delivery. For some this is as exciting as a sports carnival, for others it’s more in line with going to the dentist. However, it has been lovely to see students demonstrate compassion, courage and perseverance – central values of our College – to all, regardless of their polish, professionalism, preparation or presentation.
Thank you to the numerous parents, carers and family members who have sat through countless rehearsals, rewrites or refusals. Thank you for providing suggestions, editorial advice and care. It will not be everyone’s favourite thing, but it is an essential skill that we aim to develop in all students.
Mr Philip McMurray
Acting Deputy Principal (Primary)
Primary Disco

This year, supported by perfect weather, the Primary parents enjoyed a village-like atmosphere thanks in large part to the Year 10 students BBQ, raising money for their Charity and the presence of a coffee cart. While the families enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere, Pre-K rocked out in the expanse of our common room. Kindergarten to Year 6 enjoyed the more elaborate lightshow provided by Ellison Game in the Gym. Student leaders were active throughout the evening providing support in the discos and to our parents who needed directions. The P&F volunteers, clad in their bright pink vests did a fantastic job once again making sure that the students were glowing, fed and safe. Thanks must be given to the staff who got into the groove and jived, supervised and supported students and families.
Grandparents Day 2023

Just this week we had the opportunity to welcome over 600 Grandparents and guests to our Primary School. They were treated to time a range of opportunities to see the learning that takes place here at the College. Students welcomed their families into classrooms, presented cards, played games and invited them to the Book Fair. The Primary College Showcase highlighted a diverse range of gifts, talents and learning. Students from Kindergarten to Year 6 stepped up to the microphone and shone. It was a delight to see their confidence growing with every word spoken. The day was topped off with a morning tea of jam and cream scones served by members of our Year 9 and 10 Food Technology students, with assistance from parent volunteers. Our Secondary Leaders proved to be welcomed guides for our guests, and the book fair, staffed by the Librarians was very well attended. Grandparents Day is one of many perfect examples of the strength and commitment of our community to celebrating and sharing milestones together.
Reminder - Year 3 Compassion Charity Day

Dear Families,
On Tuesday 22 August, Year 3 will be holding a Popcorn and Poppers Stall for all the Primary School students to enjoy for a gold coin donation.
Students in Primary can bring their gold coin donation on the day, and make their purchases at the following times:
Recess: Pre-K – 2
Lunch 1: Years 3-6
Money raised will go to Compassion for the children we sponsor from P-6.
We thank you for your generosity as we raise money for our Compassion children.
Year 3 Staff and students
Book Fair 2023

Our sincere thanks to the amazing PAC community for your support of the Book Fair held during Grandparents’ Day.
The Fair was a great success and we are so thankful for the amazing number of donations made to the Library on the day. It was wonderful to meet with College families and share our love of reading.
Library Staff
Secondary School
Message from the Deputy Principal (Secondary)

Mr Leighton Corr - Deputy Principal (Secondary)
The start of the term has been full of celebratory events in the Secondary School. We commenced the term in Week 1 by commissioning our new leaders at our Investiture Service. It was wonderful to see a formal ‘handover’ from the outgoing student leaders to the incoming. It was an excellent challenge from Mrs Grima as she shared about the story of David from the Bible, who although he may not have appeared to the best the leader, God knew his heart and that he was the right person to lead God’s people. I hope and pray that our new leaders remember that while uniform and presentation matters in this context, we care far more for someone’s character and values too.
We have also had our HSC Showcase event where many of our students were able to display, present, discuss and perform in relation to their HSC works. Credit to Dr Jackson and the staff involved in teaching these courses and organising the event as it was a wonderful exhibition of our talented students. Major Works take many months of work and dedication and I have seen many of our students and the journey they have been on during this time. As a College we value perseverance and I commend the students for the perseverance they have shown as they have worked on their essays, projects, designs and performance pieces. I wish all Year 12 all the best as they commence their Trial HSC Exams this week.
As a P-12 College it was also fantastic to have parents present and showcase so much of the College with our Term 3 John Lambert Award Assembly last week. The service highlighted so much of who we are as a school and what we value. It also reminded me the wonderful community we are a part of and I am glad that we can host an event like this each term for students and families to come together and recognise achievement.
It has been a joy seeing all of the great things taking place at PAC in the first few weeks of the term. I hope it continues to be a term that highlights our students and our community in such a positive way.
Mr Leighton Corr
Deputy Principal (Secondary)
HSC Major Works Showcase

This year’s HSC Showcase event combined works from a number of subjects across a range of faculties in the College, including: Design and Technology, English Extension 2, History Extension, Music, Society and Culture, and Visual Arts. It was great to see so many of the HSC students supporting each other and celebrating the work which has been produced. Thank you also to the families, friends, teachers, and other students from the College who attended. It was an excellent opportunity for the HSC cohort to be able to share the results of their efforts over the last nine months. The pieces performed, projects, bodies of work and major works exhibited or displayed, each represent the diligence of the students, as well as demonstrating their learning, craft, creativity, critical analysis, organisational skill and perseverance. Congratulations to these students and thank you to those who have supported them through their process and to those who helped to make the evening possible. We look forward to seeing how these students fare in the HSC and in their pursuits beyond life at the College.
Dr Samuel Jackson
Director of Studies
Legacy Junior Public Speaking Award

On Monday 31 July, Aryan Patial and Laura Batcheldor competed in the Local Final of the Legacy Junior Public Speaking Award run by the NSW Arts Unit. As part of the competition students were required to deliver a 5 minute speech on a topic of their choice as well as a 2 minute impromptu speech. Both Aryan and Laura did the College proud, speaking confidently and persuasively about their chosen issues. A particular congratulations of Aryan who was selected to progress to the next round of the competition.
Ms Monica Sharpe
English Teacher
Years 9 PASS Wheelchair Sports Experience

Year 9 PASS students have been studying physical activity and sport for people with a disability and had the opportunity to meet Brendon Talbott from Wheelchair Sports NSW. They discussed the challenges of life with a physical disability and the importance of resilience and surrounding yourself with supportive people.
They also had the opportunity to play wheelchair basketball – a popular sport amongst people with a disability. The students had a great time learning a new sport and certainly have a new-found appreciation for how difficult wheelchair sports can be. A special thank you Wheelchair Sports NSW for providing such a fun and enjoyable learning experience for the students.
Mr Isaac Bingham
Science and PDHPE Teacher
Year 10 Charity Ball Fundraising

Year 10 continued their fundraising for Rare Cancers Australia by running a sausage sizzle at the recent Primary Disco. They cooked over $300 sausages and were able to add almost $1000 to their fundraising tally. Our Year 10 students have a few more fundraising ideas planned before they celebrate their fundraising efforts at the Charity Ball in Term 4. They have set themselves a goal of $5000 and they are well on their way, thanks to our amazing school community, particular thanks to our Primary school parents for supporting us at the Primary Disco sausage sizzle.
Mrs Renata Lackey
Year 10 Charity Ball Coordinator
Staff vs Students Football

After a recent win in the inaugural Chess competition, Year 12 students appeared confident of another win. It was nice overcast day on the PAC oval as the students looked to extend their lead in the Staff vs Students Series 2023. Things started off quick with an early students try, however the staff responded through a Mr (Carried the Team) Hall try. Efforts from the teacher were incredible, but the fast ball movement and superior speed from the students got the job done.
Hayden Comber
Year 12 Student
Pre K - Year 2 Sports Day

The weather couldn't have been better for this year's Pre-K to 2 Sports Day. We had the opportunity to make use of the College Oval, introducing a variety of exciting new activities. The students enthusiastically ran, jumped and threw throughout the event and were eager to be outdoors. Once again, the chicken throw event stood out as the highlight of the day. To conclude the carnival the students had the pleasure of enjoying a refreshing Zooper Dooper. A special mention to the Year 6 students for their organisation and assistance on the day.
Mr Chris Hall
Primary Sport Coordinator
Paul Kelly Cup Regional Finals

On Monday 31 July, our Boys A Paul Kelly Cup team made their way to Blacktown Sports Complex to compete in the Paul Kelly Cup Regional Day. The weather was fantastic for playing some Aussie Rules. Our boys were keen to again get out on the field and kick, mark, handball and score. They competed hard throughout the whole day as they came up against some tough competition in their pool games. It was a huge effort making it to this level, congratulations to our boys.
Team members: Darcy Bernuetz, Rueben Bleasdale, Liam Bowler, Zane Clifford, Jacob Cruzado, James Darcy, Jack Fenech, Isaac Galea, Alexander Godwin, Jordan Kyte, Addison Ralphs and Parasdeep Singh.
Mr Chris Hall
Primary Teacher & Sports Coordinator
Community Notices
Upcoming Events
Sunday, 13 August 2023 | HICES Music Festival | |
Monday, 14 August 2023 | HICES Music Festival | |
Sydney Science Trail Year 9 | ||
HSC Trial Examination | ||
SSA 15s Touch Football Championship | ||
Year 10 Vaccinations | ||
Year 11 First Aid Certificate | ||
Art Club | ||
Secondary ESports Club | ||
Year 8 Drama Group | ||
Year 3-6 Friendship spot | ||
ICAS English | ||
Motiv8 Sports Program Primary | ||
Tuesday, 15 August 2023 | HICES Music Festival | |
Primary Girls Adv Football Program | ||
HSC Trial Examination | ||
Primary Principal's Awards Assembly | ||
Science Week | ||
Crotchet Choir | ||
Kilometre Club - Primary | ||
Primary Football Development Program Pre K - K | ||
Wednesday, 16 August 2023 | HICES Music Festival | |
Primary Boys Adv Football Program | ||
Senior Choir | ||
Gateway8 Year 9 and 10 | ||
HSC Trial Examination | ||
Secondary Chapel | ||
BIG | ||
Year 7 Drama Group | ||
Science Week | ||
DnD Club | ||
Primary Football Development Program Stage 1 | ||
Vocal Ensemble | ||
Thursday, 17 August 2023 | HICES Mathematics Tournament | |
Development Band | ||
GATEWAY8 Years 5 and 6 | ||
HSC Trial Examination | ||
Year 2 Zoo Excursion | ||
3-6 Chess Club | ||
Quaver Choir | ||
K-2 Friendship Spot | ||
Concert Band | ||
Dance Club | ||
Primary Football Development Program Yr 3-6 | ||
Cadets | ||
Council Meeting | ||
Friday, 18 August 2023 | Gateway8 Year 7 and 8 | |
HSC Trial Examination | ||
Primary Chapel | ||
Year 1 and 2 Chess Club | ||
K-6 Friendship Spot | ||
Chess Competition | ||
Monday, 21 August 2023 | Book Week | |
CIS Open/15 & U Netball Challenge Day | ||
HSC Trial Examination | ||
Year 7 Sydney Zoo Excursion | ||
Primary War of the Words | ||
Art Club | ||
Secondary ESports Club | ||
Year 8 Drama Group | ||
Year 3-6 Friendship spot | ||
Motiv8 Sports Program Primary | ||
Amazing Me Evening family sessions Yr 4 and 6 | ||
Tuesday, 22 August 2023 | Book Week | |
Primary Girls Adv Football Program | ||
HSC Trial Examination | ||
ICAS Science | ||
Living Safely with D Pre K | ||
Popcorn and Poppers Compassion Fundraiser | ||
Crotchet Choir | ||
Kilometre Club - Primary | ||
Primary Football Development Program Pre K - K | ||
Wednesday, 23 August 2023 | Book Week | |
Secondary NASSA Athletics | ||
Year 5 Camp 2023 | ||
Primary Boys Adv Football Program | ||
Senior Choir | ||
Amazing Me - Student session Yr 4 and 6 | ||
Secondary Chapel | ||
BIG | ||
Year 7 Drama Group | ||
DnD Club | ||
Primary Football Development Program Stage 1 | ||
Vocal Ensemble | ||
Thursday, 24 August 2023 | Book Week | |
Development Band | ||
Year 10 Road Trauma Forum | ||
Pre K Taster Morning | ||
Year 2 Indigenous Talk | ||
Living Safely with Dogs Pre K | ||
3-6 Chess Club | ||
Quaver Choir | ||
K-2 Friendship Spot | ||
Concert Band | ||
Dance Club | ||
Primary Football Development Program Yr 3-6 | ||
Cadets | ||
Friday, 25 August 2023 | Book Week | |
NASSA Sec Open B & G Basketball Gala Day | ||
PSSA Primary Gala | ||
Primary Chapel | ||
Year 8 Medieval Day | ||
Chess Club | ||
Year 1 and 2 Chess Club | ||
K-6 Friendship Spot | ||
Chess Competition |
Tanya Davies MP Christmas Card Competition 2023
Students have the opportunity to enter a Christmas Card competition run by Tanya Davies MP.
Entries are encouraged to recognise the true meaning of Christmas in a creative, funny and/or unique way.
Participation is voluntary and open to all students Pre-K to Year 6. Entries must be received by Tanya Davies' office by Friday 23 September.
Please see the attached information sheet for details.
2023 Non-Government Schools Census Privacy Collection Notice
The Australian Government Department of Education (the department) would like to advise all staff, parents and guardians that it will collect certain information about your school, its staff and student body as part of the 2023 Non-Government School Census collection (the Census).
A copy of the Notice is attached for families. It explains:
- what information the department collects in Census and Special Circumstances Applications
- why the department collects this information
- how the department can use the data
NCCD Parent Info Letter
Please see the attached letter for information regarding the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD).
Uniform Shop
Trading Hours
The Uniform Shop is located in M Block, next to Their Care. Regular hours are:
Tuesday | 8:00am–11:00am |
Wednesday | 12:00pm to 5:00pm |
Friday | 8:00am–11:00am |
PAC Long Sleeve Polo Shirts Available for Purchase

Reminder: Long Sleeve Polo Shirts are available for purchase from the Uniform Shop. Prices range from $41 - $44.