From the Principal

Mrs Felicity Grima - Principal
Reminder: Uniform Change Over Period
Winter Uniform - Term 3
Summer Uniform - Term 4
CHANGE OVER PERIOD from Winter Uniform To Summer Uniform from Father’s Day (3 September 2023) until end Term 3.
During change over period students can wear EITHER full Summer OR full Winter Uniform, but not a combination of both.
Prayer and Praise
Isaiah 49:13 NIV
Shout for joy, you heavens;
rejoice, you earth;
burst into song, you mountains!
For the Lord comforts his people
and will have compassion on his afflicted ones.
Please pray for:
Years 3-6 Performing Arts evening.
Year 11 students who have commenced their Preliminary exams this week.
Preparations for Year 12 Graduation.
Praise God for:
Our new Deputy Principal (Primary) - Mrs Melinda Richardson.
Recent events: Primary Camps, Father's Day Chapel, Pre-K Taster Morning,
K-2 Performing Arts evening, Year 8 CEP Camp.
College tours and continuing enrolments.
Teaching and Learning
From the Director of Students 10-12

Mrs Fiona Wright - Director of Students 10-12
I had the opportunity to take two groups of prospective parents on tours of the College last Wednesday. It is one of my favourite things to do because it is an opportunity to speak about our wonderful learning community.
This time I was accompanied by two different groups of Year 10 students who were excellent. They were articulate, confidently speaking to strangers and engaging with them helpfully by answering questions about the College. They were polite – holding doors open for people to walk through. They were happy to give up their time to serve the College. It was a privilege to have these students on the tours. Their behaviour and way of interacting spoke far more highly to parents about the College than any words could, and prospective parents commented to me that our students were very impressive.
It reminded me how important culture is, and why we work so hard to maintain a culture which is respectful, safe and promotes a sense of belonging and serving others. Parents might not be aware, but at the end of most lessons in the Secondary School, the vast majority of students will thank their teacher as they leave the room. When travelling to sport or on excursions, bus drivers receive thanks from most students as they disembark. As staff move around the College it’s not unusual for students to open doors, or to move to the side for staff to pass though groups of students. Of course, it’s not just the Secondary School where this happens. This only happens there because of the hard work done in our Primary School teaching and modelling what it is to be respectful and to value the dignity of others.
At the College, we are passionate about developing students of character who know and follow Christ and serve others. Our conviction that all people have dignity and worth as people created in the image of God means that we want our students to value others, to show respect to others and to experience the sense of community and belonging that respectful and kind language and behaviour engenders. We endeavour to protect our community from attitudes and behaviours which are self-serving and disrespectful, and to spend time in Mentor Groups, Year Meetings, Assemblies and House Meetings overtly talking about the culture we have here and wish to grow and perpetuate.
It is such a privilege to work with students who interact positively and respectfully with others and to be part of a community which values serving others and we know that we can do this because of our partnerships with parents who share similar values. I look forward to continuing to run tours with the help of many different students, all of whom will be a testament to the partnership between their parents and the College.
Mrs Fiona Wright
Director of Students 10-12
From the Deputy Principal (Primary)

Mrs Melinda Richardson - Deputy Principal (Primary)
The past two weeks have been such a wonderful opportunity for me to become part of the community here in the College. It has been a privilege to be in classrooms and playgrounds, as well as some additional events that has enabled me to connect with families. Thank you to those who have extended such a warm welcome.
I am learning quickly, that providing opportunity for students beyond just academic learning, is something that is fostered, and I commend our dedicated teachers who commit themselves to these endeavours. Our students have been able to access a wide variety of experiences over the fortnight, with Healthy Harold, Father’s Day, and the K – 2 Performing Arts just to name a few.
We were blessed with perfect weather for our Father’s Day event, and it was a pleasure to watch the interactions between our dads and their children through the shared breakfast and sporting challenges. My thanks particularly to our P&F for their coordination of the stall. I was impressed by the variety of gifts the children could choose from, and awed by conversations I had with them about why they chose these, demonstrating the important role our dads and father figures play in their lives. The message, shared by Mr McMurray, was a wonderful reminder of Jesus as the ultimate gift, available for all humanity.
Our K – 2 Performing Arts evening was an amazing showcase of our younger students. It is excellent that we can start to develop performance skills within our learners at such a young age. I enjoyed the opportunity to witness how independently they applied their learning in this area – especially in navigating such a dark space! The message of being able to trust in the Lord regardless of the situations we face, shone through and I hope provides assurance to our families of God’s goodness.
The Year 3 & 4 camp gave our students intentional time to foster relationships amongst their peers and teaching staff, beyond the classroom walls. They experienced a myriad of activities involving climbing, water sports, Christian development and exploration of God’s amazing creation. Camp is such an important part of what we offer, and I thank parents for their trust in us when caring for students outside of the norm.
Mrs Melinda Richardson
Deputy Principal (Primary)
War of the Words
War of the Words 2023 took a different approach to our annual Public Speaking challenge. This year students were provided with visual stimuli and encouraged to consider the theme of Light. The results were amazing. Students right across the Primary rose to the occasion, presenting speeches to their peers with enthusiasm, creativity and even a few nerves.
Much like an athletics carnival, students competed in "heats" with finalists moving through to the next round. It was delightful to witness the nervous excitement of students as they walked to the front of their peers, speech in hand, ready to wow their audience. All students displayed courage, compassion and perseverance, facing either their greatest fears or enjoying the thrill of the challenge.
In the end, the finalists emerged and presented their speeches to the Primary school in the Lighthouse Theatre. While all our finalists received certificates and medals for their efforts, in the end, one student was identified as the Stage winner. From Early Stage 1 this was Liam Collimore, Stage 1 - Mia Egglestone, Stage 2 - Harper Egglestone, and from Stage 3 it was Oliver Hall who hushed the audience with his graphic storytelling.
Thanks to all the parents, caregivers and siblings who supported, encouraged and coached students to create, imagine and participate. I've even had students giving me suggestions already for next year's theme. Until then, I am certain that students will rise to all kinds of challenges, overcome obstacles and achieve goals they did not think possible.
Mr Philip McMurray
Director of Teaching and Learning P-12
Father's Day Breakfast and Chapel

It was wonderful to be able to come together last Friday morning to celebrate fatherhood. Throughout the morning, we were reminded of the important role of fathers in our lives and the love they have for their families, and there is no greater love than the love of God our Father. We hope all our fathers and father figures enjoyed their bacon and egg roll breakfast, followed by fun and games on the oval. Thank you to all the fathers, grandfathers, uncles and caregivers who took the time to be a part of this special celebration - we are so grateful for the love and support you provide to your families. We would also like to acknowledge that this was a celebration made possible through the efforts of many volunteers and staff members.
Healthy Harold

We are thrilled to share the fantastic experience that our Primary school students recently had with Healthy Harold, courtesy of the Life Education program. This engaging event not only captivated our young learners but also imparted crucial lessons on health, safety, and emotional well-being. Let's take a moment to revisit this memorable day.
Our school hosted the Life Ed van, where students had the unique opportunity to interact with Healthy Harold, a beloved giraffe puppet who is a mascot for health and happiness. The event was part of the Life Education program, which aligns with the Australian and state-based Curriculum, covering topics related to the Health and Physical Education Learning Area and General Capabilities.
Life Ed offers a variety of age-appropriate modules tailored to Primary school students. These modules are designed to inspire and empower students, equipping them with knowledge, skills, and strategies to lead happy, safe, and healthy lives. What sets this program apart is its interactive and engaging approach to learning. Students participated in hands-on activities and discussions that made the lessons come alive.
The event included pre and post-visit lessons, which enriched classroom learning and provided students with the tools they need to thrive. The Life Ed van was parked right here on our school grounds, making it convenient for our students to access this valuable resource.
During their time with Healthy Harold and the Life Education educator, students explored a wide range of topics. They learned about the importance of physical health, safety, and social and emotional well-being. These are critical life skills that will serve them well as they continue to grow and develop.
The highlight of the sessions was undoubtedly the chance to meet Healthy Harold himself. Students were captivated by his charming and friendly character and his presence made the learning experience even more enjoyable. Harold's puppetry and storytelling skills brought important lessons to life in a way that resonated with our young audience.
We can take pride in knowing that our children are gaining essential life skills in a fun and engaging environment. The Healthy Harold visit was a remarkable success, thanks to the dedication of our educators and the enthusiasm of our students.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Life Education for their valuable contribution to our children's education and well-being. We look forward to future opportunities to collaborate with them and provide our students with unforgettable learning experiences.
We hope that this event has sparked meaningful conversations at home about health, safety, and emotional well-being. Together, as a community, we can continue to support our children in their journey in being happy, safe, and healthy individuals.
Mrs Ljubica Mansell
Primary Teacher
Healthy Harold was an amazing experience that let me learn things that I never would have thought about in day-to-day life. We learnt how to contact, connect and relate with friends. We did an exercise when you hear something that you’ve done, and you stand up. When you stand up, you’re relating with the people around you and so my class is now all relating with each other with that simple exercise. We also learnt that you need to connect and contact your friends and family to maintain a healthy friendship. Maintaining beneficial relationships is extremely important. It’s critical because if people are being disrespectful to yourself, it can affect some life-threatening body parts. Such as your lungs, brain and heart. These are significant body parts, and they need to be kept hale and hearty. Alice Braga Year 5 Student
K - 2 Performing Arts Night

On Tuesday 5 September the Lighthouse Theatre was buzzing with excitement as K-2 students performed for their families. Students are always so excited to have their families at the College. There was lots of waving and joyful smiles as they looked into the audience. The theme for the Performing Arts evening was 'Perseverence'. Congratulations to all the students who put on such a great show, and to the staff who put so much time and effort into making it a huge success.
Kindergarten and Year 12 Prayer Buddies

Year 12 students visited their Kindergarten Prayer Buddies one last time on Monday 28 August before their time at PAC comes to a close.
Prayer Buddies time is a great opportunity for Kindergarten students to play and bond with their Year 12 buddies through prayer. The students get together a few times throughout the year to share prayer requests and words of encouragement. For the older students, it allows them to practice being in a role-model situation. And for the younger students, it's exciting to recognise their prayer buddies around the school.
Kindergarten's prayer for Year 12:
Dear God,
Please help our prayer buddies to remember that you are always with them.
Help them as they study and do their HSC tests.
Year 2 Indigenous Education Incursion

On Thursday 24 August, Year 2 were treated to an incursion by Cindy Laws, an indigenous educator. This learning opportunity was part of their studies in Geography this semester. Cindy came to teach us about the history of her people in this area. She shared her language and the importance of Country to her people. We learnt how tools were made and what they were used for. We discovered how these were specific to the tribes and areas they were from, and how trading would happen between tribes to obtain wood and stones from other places to make them. She shared her knowledge of different bushfoods and where to find them and what they are used for. Year 2 learnt how important the landscape around us here at PAC is to the local Aboriginal people. We even learnt a song and dance about the kookaburra in the Darug language! By the end of the incursion we had a much deeper understanding and appreciation of our local Aboriginal heritage.
Mrs Vicki McGrath
Primary Teacher
Year 3 Day Camp at Deer Park

Students in Year 3 travelled to Port Hacking, Deer Park to engage in a range of outdoor educational activities run by Youthworks. These activities are designed to encourage students to step out of their comfort zone, learn new skills and build their team building. Additionally students took part in Christian education lessons where they will grow in their understanding of God and the Gospel.
Eleanor Thackray
Primary Teacher
My highlight of Year 3 camp was going on a boat to the mangrove island. When we arrived we stirred our finger in the river and tasted it. The staff asked if it was fresh or salty. It was a trick question. We licked mangrove leaves and tasted salty mangrove sweat. We then built a sandcastle to see how the tide changes. We walked to the other mangroves across the river and saw roots sticking out from the ground. We went back to our sandcastles to see how the tide changed. It went down! Zayn De Souza
I have one word about camp...FANTABULOUS! Camp was awesome! During camp we did 5 things in my group. Making delicious Damper, Bushwalking, Mangroves, and Navigation. I LOVED Mangroves because we got to discover leaves that you can lick, and they tasted salty. The damper that I made was burnt at the end, but the rest was delicious! We got to find things when we were Bushwalking. We also got to wear Life Jackets in the boat for the first time! In Navigation, we had to find tags with our map and we had to find out the answers. I was DEVASTATED when we had to leave! Sairah Anand
At camp we got to go to the mangroves. It was FUN. We got to taste the water, we got to lick the salty part of the leaves and we got to make sandcastles as well. When we did our wilderness adventures, we got to make damper it was tasty and fun. We got to go find our damper sticks - the Damper was very sticky while it was raw. When we got to do navigation, we got a map and an answer sheet, we got to play fun games like snatch. It was SUPER FUN! Overall, camp was AWESOME! Cooper Martin
My camp was amazing because we did so many fun activities. First, we made damper and it was so yummy. All you need is flour and water to make it. Trust me you need to put golden syrup on, it makes damper taste even better! Making damper takes a long time but all you need is patience and it will be easy to make. Second, we went to the mangroves, it was the best. We went on a really big boat and we definitely got wet and had a chance to see the mangrove bushes and they have salt on the leaves, don’t worry it's completely edible! We had the opportunity to lick the leaves and it actually tastes really good. Third, we did a navigation activity. We had to navigate our way around the campsite to find certain tags. It has so many cabins in this huge grass space where if you finish early you get to play on it with all your friends. It’s really fun as we got to choose a group. You have to find 15 tags and we found all of them. You find out about so many new animals like the White Bellied Eagle, Turtles, Red Bellied Black Snake and so much more. That was my experience of camp and I hope you enjoyed reading about my amazing and fun camp experience. Frankie Lee
Year 3 Popcorn and Poppers Stall - Thank You

Thank you to all Primary students who supported our Popcorn and Poppers Stall on 22 August 2023.
Year 3 students raised $600.50 for Compassion.
We thank you for your generosity.
Year 3 Staff and Students
Year 4 Camp to Sutherland

Year 4 left for camp on Thursday morning at 8am. We had 2 buses filled with some very excited year 4 students and teachers ready for our fun adventure to Rathane, Sutherland.
Day 1 started with some gorgeous spring weather. It was filled with many fun activities; raft building and racing in the pool, delicious lamingtons for morning tea, super slip and slide time, burgers for lunch and then some adventurous rock climbing! Year 4 we’re very brave in having a go at everything. Free time was enjoyed throughout the day with playing outdoor sports and indoor games.
We enjoyed a delicious dinner of chicken and rice and dessert was pudding and caramel sauce. We ended our wonderful day with a fun bush walk at night with our torches and a warm campfire while we toasted marshmallows. A wonderful first day on camp.
After a good night's sleep we rose to some rainy weather. Day 2 was filled with even more fun! Our breakfast menu consisted of pancakes, cereal, yoghurt and fruit for breakfast. We listened to a Christian Discovery talk and gathered into discussion groups with our leaders on Gods love for us and our world. John 3:16 bible verse was explored more.
We had a wonderful performing Arts rehearsal and then off to our activity groups. The banana cake for morning tea was especially appreciated!
Group activities involving catapult construction and launching was fun, even with the rain. The teamwork for this activity was incredible! Lunch and pack up went well as the sunshine finally came out!
Students have grown in their personal growth achievements and goals after trying new activities and continuing to work together in teams.
God has certainly blessed our time at Rathane this year and given us special and memorable times with our friends.
We are looking forward to seeing our families to tell of our camp adventures!
Mrs Jody Bolden
Primary Teacher
Year 5 Camp at Waterslea

In Week 5, the Year 5 cohort travelled to Waterslea for a 3-day camp. This was a wonderful opportunity for students to step outside of their comfort zone and try new and exciting challenges. It was also a time where students were able to enjoy God’s glorious creation and learn more about how much Jesus loves them. A special thanks goes out to the amazing teaching team that joined us for the trip. Without them, camp would not be possible.
The students displayed wonderful perseverance and commitment as they took on challenges like canoeing and archery. They bravely tackled the speedy waterslide and a billy cart ride down a steep hill! They cared deeply for one another as they encouraged their peers who were facing challenges. Waterslea was a wonderful experience for all involved!
Miss Amanda Fowler
Stage 3 Coordinator
On the 23rd – 25th of August, Year 5 students went on camp to Waterslea. I found canoeing a challenge because it was hard to balance and try not to capsize. I found Archery exciting and interesting because you had to put the bow in a certain way and pull the bow another certain way. My favourite activity was the waterslide because you got to go with another person and with a partner you go faster. At first it was very cold but after you go a few times it got warmer. I went for ages! My favourite meal was the breakfast. It was waffles, toast and yogurt. It was yummy. I loved our camp! Ashleigh Guff
Camp was the best; I had the best time ever. The challenge for me was pulling the Billy Cart back up the hill when we rode it down. What I found interesting on camp was one of the youth workers told us that when the wombats are being chased by wild dogs, they run up to forty kilometres an hour and run into their hole for safety! My favourite activities were canoeing and the water slide. My favourite food was the burger we had on the last day. William McKeown

Premier's Reading Challenge
We are delighted to announce that 253 students completed the Challenge in 2023, an amazing feat in such a busy year at the College. Library staff are so thankful that reading is supported at home and the Challenge is a wonderful way to celebrate the joy of books. Please continue to encourage students to flex their reading muscles for the long term emotional and intellectual benefits they will experience. Pictured is just one of our trophy windows at the College recognising successful participants in this year’s Challenge.
Library Displays
Big thanks to some of our Year 10 students for inspiring and working on the latest display in G Library which celebrates self-acceptance, empowerment and the positive power of pink!
We’ve also focused on A Midsummer Night’s Dream while it is being studied in Year 7 this term. We hope they’ve enjoyed their adventure in the forest!
Library Book Returns
We love a good detective story here in the library and invite you to join us in solving the Case of the Missing Library Books! As the end of Term approaches, could we ask everyone to look under their beds, inside their school bags & lockers, on top of their bookcases and on the backseat of the car for any wandering library books which need to be returned. Please return books you uncover to any of the library centres at the College.
PAC Library Staff
Secondary School
The Victor Chang School Science Awards

Established in 2004 in honour of pioneering cardiac surgeon, Dr Victor Chang, the Victor Chang School Science Awards celebrate gifted students, and stimulate growth in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects. The School Science Awards foster and encourage an interest in science among secondary school students, with the goal of promoting careers in STEM as a viable and interesting career path.
For 2023 the award goes to Elissa Ferguson (Year 11) for her efforts and exceptional achievements in Biology and Physics.
Elissa is a talented, dedicated and courteous student who always show enthusiasm for the sciences. She is meticulous in her work and has excellent analytical and reporting skills, who always collaborates effectively with her peers, showing kindness and empathy towards others while contributing significantly to whatever team she is working with.
We congratulate her on receiving this award.
Mr Stephen Matthews
Head of Science
Penrith Show Success 2023

Recently some of our talented Art Club students entered their Artworks into the Penrith Show and we are thrilled to announce their success. Each Monday a group of dedicated young artists meet to develop their skills working on a range of directed and self-directed projects. During Term 2 students developed a canvas painting of someone who is significant to them.
Congratulations to our Year 7 winners:
Painting 1st Prize – Anastasija Mansell
Painting 2nd Prize – Noan Peikos
Painting 3rd Prize – Maria Imameeva
Highly Commended – Lily Smith
Mr Steven Lewis
Head of Visual Arts
Year 10 BStreetSmart Excursion

As part of the PDHPE syllabus, Year 10 attended BStreetSmart on Thursday 24 August, a road safety initiative focused on promoting safe behaviour as drivers, riders and passenger. Students were exposed to the realities of a crash scene scenario through a simulation with NSW Police, Fire & Rescue NSW and the NSW Ambulance Service, following casualties all the way to hospital. They also heard stories of the impact of road accidents, from drivers, passengers & also the families of those involved. It was a sobering experience as students heard challenging accounts of the way lives has been changed. The event was a thought provoking and powerful experience for many, promoting reflection on how students make decisions when they get behind the wheel of a vehicle or interact on our roads. Students will continue to unpack these themes in PDHPE classes as we promote safe road behaviours.
Mr Darryl Kelshaw
Head of PDHPE
Year 10 Vietnam Veterans Incursion

On Thursday 7 September Vin and Nancy Cosgrove, from the Vietnam Veterans Association St Mary’s Branch, came and enriched our Year 10 students with stories about their experiences during the Vietnam War. Students found it very helpful having eye-witness accounts of this period in History. Four of our students were dressed up in a range of equipment from the time which gave us a visual of what it would have been like to get ready for the War. This was the 12th time we have had the Vietnam Veterans Incursion and as usual we were very appreciative of their insightful and engaging presentation.
Mr Al McCallum
Head of HSIE
The Great Debate

The hotly contested Staff v Students Debate took place on Wednesday 30 August during lunch in front of a packed and very enthusiastic crowd - it was fantastic to see lots of younger secondary students among the audience! Thank you to Miss Amanda Fowler, Mr Jon Wright and Ivana Stefanovski (Year 11 Student) for agreeing to be the judges. Congratulations to all participants for this highly entertaining debate. Here are recaps from both sides of the debate.
From the Affirmative:
Arguing that 'Artificial Intelligence is the future and we should embrace it', on the affirmative front, the incredibly witty staff team of Mrs Fiona Wright, Mr Felix Kobus and Mr Timothy Pigot defeated the talented and spirited student team of Oliver Jenkins, Tanisha Aggarwal and Spencer Ruggeri in a hilarious exchange of wits (sprinkled with some terrible Dad jokes), research (maybe not so much by staff) and compelling arguments (more or less throw-away one liners). In his rebuttal, Mr Pigot's cutting summary of the negative team as 'Bronze Age pedlars in a time of iron' will go down in history for having the audience in stitches!
From the Negative:
In the highly anticipated Staff v Students Debate, in a staggering display of marital bias, the teachers came away with the win. Arguing for their own redundancy with the topic 'AI is the future and we should embrace it' Mrs Wright, Mr Kobus and Mr Pigot managed to barely defeat Oliver Jenkins, Tanisha Aggarwal and Spencer Ruggeri. Highlights include Mr Kobus' misunderstanding of the topic, Tanisha's repeated breaks within her own speech for laughing bouts, and a worrying glimpse into Mr Pigot's childhood. This win leads to a climactic final vie for dominance in the upcoming netball game, with a current 3-3 tied score.
Stay tuned for results of the decider in Week 9!
Learning Enrichment
HICES Gifted & Talented Camp

Gifted & Talented (G&T) Camp was an experience that challenged and fuelled PAC students with new ideas and skills. Many students (and teachers!) faced their fears by participating in the 'Gorge swing,' a large contraption that propelled you forwards and out beyond the terrifying drop of the cliff that overlooked the Nepean River. The students made a lot of new friends while carrying out challenging and exciting activities, including "business glow up", architectural geometry and historical role play. We were sad to leave our new friends but happy to arrive back home. A great camp that was had by all!
Miss Hannah Prow
Primary Teacher
My experience on G&T Camp was great. My core class was robotics and what we did while we were there was make sumo wrestling robots and robots that would pick up a object. This was extremely fun as the feeling you get when you finally get it to work after ages of coding and making was just like no other. I also really enjoyed the gorge swing. It was so exhilarating as you felt like you were flying at 100km an hour as you swing off a cliff. I made a lot of friends from other schools and I just really enjoyed myself there. Lewis Clarke
I loved making new friends and meeting new teachers and all the activities we did together. I did architectural geometry every day with my hilarious teacher, Mr. Garret, it was so fun! The disco was very fun and exciting, but I lost my voice! Jadon Shenouda
The G&T Camp was a fun camp, where I got to learn about new things and make new friends. My core-class was Big Company Face Lift, I got to learn about the features of a business and how to give it a face lift. I chose Nike business, comfortable business wear from Nike. On Thursday all 128 people sang happy birthday to Miss Prow, led by Me, Jadon, Lewis, and Sehaj. The G&T Camp was amazing fun, I would recommend it to anyone with the chance to go. Spencer Witten
G&T Camp was full of fun and interesting times. One of my highlights was the gorge swing. Were you get swung over a huge cliff face. Me and my friends went to the top, but you could go lower. This was just one of the incredible experiences we had at G&T Camp. Torah Kelly
NASSA and AICES Secondary Athletics
PAC finished in 4th place at the NASSA Secondary Athletics on Wednesday 23 August. Congratulations to Isla Puri (Year 9) for setting a record in the 15s 200m, and Connor O'Shannessy (Year 10), setting a record in 15s Shot Put. The following students also placed in the Age Champion points score:
- Timothy Hammond (Year 7) – 3rd place 12 years boys
- Isla Puri – 3rd place 15 years girls
- Harrison Ovington (Year 9) – Runner-up 15 years boys
- Elizabeth Godwin (Year 10) – 3rd place 16 years girls
Of the 112 Secondary students who qualified for NASSA, 22 students proceeded to represent PAC at AICES Athletics on Tuesday 5 September. NASSA finished 2nd on points score, and 3rd in percentage score. PAC podium results for the following students, who have all qualified for CIS Athletics in Week 9:
Year 7:
- Ire Ohunayo - Shot Put - 1st; Discus - 2nd
- Abigail Stanford - 100m - 2nd
Year 9:
- Oliver Jackson - Triple Jump - 3rd (and a PB)
- Harry Ovington - 400m - 1st (and a PB)
- Isla Puri - 200m - 2nd; 400m - 2nd
Year 10:
- Elizabeth Godwin - 400m - 2nd (and a PB); Javelin - 3rd; also a PB in the 200m
- Connor O'Shannessy - Shot Put - 1st (and a PB… a 1.80m improvement from NASSA!)
Year 11:
- Annie Oliver - 3rd - Javelin
Year 12:
- Isabella Degei - Shot Put - 3rd
- Madison Galea - 800m - 3rd
- Willow Hampton - Shot Put - 1st
Amanda Houison
Director of Sport
Inaugural Basketball NSW 15s Tournament

Year 8 and 9 students represented PAC at the inaugural Basketball NSW 15s Tournament.
Our boys’ team, solely comprising Year 8 students, faced a first tough match, but bounced back in the following rounds showing perseverance to secure their first win as a team.
Our girls’ team were undefeated during the rounds, and, after a close match in the Grand Final, walked away with the Gold Medal! Congratulations to our girls’ team, and thank you to BNSW for adding this tournament to the Sports calendar – we look forward to participating again in 2024.
Photo credit: Basketball NSW
MS Mega Swim

Congratulations to Ethan Thomas (Year 8), Klarissa Goodwin (Year 8), Scarlett Stoneham (Year 9) and Samuel Stoneham (Year 10) for their recent involvement in the 24 hour MS Mega Swim, a fundraising event supporting those with Multiple Sclerosis, a debilitating autoimmune disease.
Ethan swam with his team, the Rubber Duckies, consisting of swimmers aged 6-13 years old. As an individual, Ethan raised over $1000, and was in the Top 50 individual fundraisers for the event. Over the course of 24 hours, Ethan swam over 20km. The Rubber Duckies raised a total in excess of $3500, swimming just over 100km during the event!
Director of Sport
Community Notices
Roadworks on Wentworth Road 11-13 September
We have received notification that road works will be carried out on Wentworth Road between the Veterinary Clinic and Cross Road roundabout on Monday 11, Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 September between 9am and 5pm. We have been advised by Penrith Council that works should be completed by 3pm.
People coming from Glenmore Park will be most affected. People coming from Penrith can use Cross Road from the Northern Road.
We would ask that you follow all directions of the Traffic Controllers, do not park on the road, and that you allow additional travel time during this period.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the road work please contact 02 96792044.
Latimer House Charity Day

Latimer House Charity Day is approaching! The fundraising event will be held on Thursday 14 September and will be a fun-filled day celebrated through food and games, with the ultimate goal of caring for others in need. All money raised will be donated to Take Love, a Christian organisation who support families and individuals facing hardship.
Students in Latimer House can wear their sports uniform on the day. All other students are expected to wear the normal uniform for the day.
A sausage sizzle and drink can be pre-ordered through Flexischools no later than Tuesday 12 September. There will be no gluten free, vegetarian, or dairy free options available. Please make an order from the canteen for these options.
Pre-K - 2 sausage sizzle orders will be delivered to classrooms.
Years 3 - 6 students will collect orders from the Staff Common Room just before lunch.
Years 7 - 12 orders will be collected from the Barbeque Area at lunch.
There will be live music on the day including performances from the school’s very own student band, the Red Frogs. They will be selling some merchandise through Flexischools. Profits will go towards the charity Take Love.
Students in Years 3 – 12 will be able to participate in a variety of carnival-style games and a lolly guessing competition. There will be about 6 different activities to participate in, each of which will cost 1 token ($1 each, purchased through Flexischools). There will be a maximum purchase of 3 tickets per person. This is due to the limited amount of time students have to participate in the games at lunch. Extra donations through Flexischools are more than welcome.
For students in Pre-K-2 there will be “Fun on the Farm”, which will be free games and activities run by our older students. Tokens are not required for students in Pre-K to Year 2, however you are welcome to make a donation through Flexischools.
Important Note: There will be no cash on the day so please make sure that you order all the food, tokens, and merchandise through Flexischools no later than Tuesday 12 September.
If you have any questions, please contact the College on 4736 8100 or at [email protected]
Mr David Thurlow
Head of House - Latimer
TheirCare GlowTopia Disco

Next week we are having a disco to celebrate our charity we have been celebrating all term. Friday 15 September, 4:15 to 5:15pm. See attached poster for more details.
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)

Kerry Gale, a PAC parent, is doing a walk to raise awareness and funds for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). She will be taking 8,000 steps a day during October for the eight Australians diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes every day, and her goal is to raise funds to support research to improve lives and work towards a cure for this lifelong autoimmune condition.
If you would like to support this cause simply visit Kerry's personal fundraising page
CRU Rush Day Camp

Participants will enjoy the experience of camp, with the chance to participate in exciting outdoor activities and explore a Christian worldview. Activities include Laser Tag, Lego building challenge, Jumping Castles, EzyRollers and much more.
The Day Camp will run from 25-29 September, which is the first week of the September/October school holidays.
Registrations are now open, so be quick to book a spot!
TheirCare Holiday Program
Unleash your child's inner scientist at our Weird Science Holiday Program! Dive into a world of bubbling potions, mind-blowing experiments, and science tricks that will spark their imagination and curiosity.
Each day promises a day full of fun, laughter, and incredible discoveries. Prepare for epic explosions and gravity-defying surprises that will have them talking for days! Engage in interactive games and wacky challenges that will challenge their minds and creativity.
'Weird Science'. Bookings are now open. See the brochure for TheirCare OOSH holiday program for more details.
Upcoming Events
Monday, 11 September 2023 | Primary State Futsal Schools Championships | |
Primary 3-6 Performing Arts Dress Rehearsal | ||
Stage 1 CRU Day Camp | ||
Art Club | ||
Secondary ESports Club | ||
Year 8 Drama Group | ||
Motiv8 Sports Program Primary | ||
Tuesday, 12 September 2023 | All Schools Open/15 & U Netball Tri-Series | |
Primary Girls Adv Football Program | ||
Year 8 English Incursion | ||
Crotchet Choir | ||
Tabitha Picnic | ||
Kilometre Club - Primary | ||
Primary Football Development Program Pre K - K | ||
Year 3-6 Performing Arts Evening | ||
Wednesday, 13 September 2023 | Primary Boys Adv Football Program | |
Senior Choir | ||
Secondary Chapel | ||
BIG | ||
Year 7 Drama Group | ||
DnD Club | ||
Primary Football Development Program Stage 1 | ||
Vocal Ensemble | ||
P and F Meeting | ||
Thursday, 14 September 2023 | RUOK Day | |
Development Band | ||
Latimer House Charity Day | ||
Pre K Taster Morning | ||
3-6 Chess Club | ||
Quaver Choir | ||
Concert Band | ||
Dance Club | ||
Primary Football Development Program Yr 3-6 | ||
Cadets | ||
Friday, 15 September 2023 | Primary Sports Award Presentation Morning Term 3 | |
Primary Chapel | ||
Secondary Chess Club | ||
Year 1 and 2 Chess Club | ||
Chess Competition | ||
Monday, 18 September 2023 | Year 12 Breakfast and Dress up Day | |
Art Club | ||
Secondary ESports Club | ||
Staff V Students Netball | ||
Year 8 Drama Group | ||
Year 11 Showcase Rehearsal Drama | ||
Tuesday, 19 September 2023 | CIS Primary Athletics (Day) | |
CIS Secondary Athletics (Twilight) | ||
Primary Girls Adv Football Program | ||
Year 11 Showcase Music Rehearsal | ||
Secondary Leadership Meeting | ||
Year 2 Science Cooking | ||
Crotchet Choir | ||
Year 11 Showcase Music Rehearsal | ||
Kilometre Club - Primary | ||
Primary Football Development Program Pre K - K | ||
Year 11 Music and Drama Showcase | ||
Wednesday, 20 September 2023 | Year 12 Concert, Kindy Class Visit & Beepout | |
Primary Boys Adv Football Program | ||
Senior Choir and Performance | ||
Secondary Chapel | ||
BIG | ||
Year 7 Drama Group | ||
DnD Club | ||
Primary Football Development Program Stage 1 | ||
Vocal Ensemble | ||
Council Meeting | ||
Thursday, 21 September 2023 | Development Band | |
Year 12 Graduation Service | ||
3-6 Chess Club | ||
Quaver Choir | ||
Concert Band | ||
Dance Club | ||
Primary Football Development Program Yr 3-6 | ||
Year 12 Valedictory Dinner | ||
Friday, 22 September 2023 | Primary Chapel | |
Secondary Chess Club | ||
Year 1 and 2 Chess Club | ||
Term 3 Concludes | ||
Chess Competition |
Uniform Shop
Changes to Trading Hours
Families are advised that due to staffing, the Uniform Shop will be closing early on the following date:
Wednesday 13 September - open from 12pm to 3:30pm
The Uniform Shop is located in M Block, next to Their Care. Regular hours are:
Tuesday | 8:00am–11:00am |
Wednesday | 12:00pm to 5:00pm |
Friday | 8:00am–11:00am |