From the Principal
John Lambert Assembly

Mrs Felicity Grima - Principal
John Lambert Award Assembly
The John Lambert Award Assembly for Term 4 was held on Wednesday, 18 October.
It is one of the most significant awards we present at the College, recognising the effort and achievement of students in a range of areas, including:
· Academic studies
· Sport
· Creative and Performing Arts and other Co-curricular activities
· Community Service outside the College
· Citizenship and Fellowship
The achievement of a John Lambert Award signifies that a student
· is actively involved in the College's life,
· displays effort and perseverance,
· represents the College well, and
· demonstrates an attitude of service.
Our College is committed to providing a breadth of opportunities for our students because we know the importance of participation and involvement of students in a vast array of curriculum-based, co-curricular and spiritual activities.
Firstly, participation in College activities allows students to develop new skills and talents. The Bible reminds us that we are all fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of our creator God. By getting involved, students can explore their interests and discover hidden talents they may not have known they had. Joining a sports team can help develop teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. Being part of a club can teach leadership, communication, and organisational skills. The more they participate, the more they learn and grow.
Secondly, participating in College activities helps to build friendships and create a sense of belonging. School is not just a place for academic learning; it's also a place for social interaction. By joining in, students meet new people who share similar interests and passions. This can lead to long-lasting friendships and memories that will stay with them for a lifetime so that they feel connected and supported.
Lastly, participation in College activities allows students to make a positive impact. By actively participating, they have the chance to contribute to the improvement and growth of the College. Their ideas, actions, and energy can influence and inspire others. They have the power to make a difference, not only in their own life but in the lives of others around them.
In the final weeks of 2023 and as we look towards 2024, I encourage all the students at PAC to take a chance, step out of their comfort zone, and embrace all that their College has to offer. Seize opportunities to learn, to make friends, and to leave a positive mark on our community. Get involved. It will make their school experience richer and more meaningful, and it will continue to reveal all that God has created them to be.
Congratulations to all our award winners. They should be very proud of their achievements.
Mrs Felicity Grima
World Teachers' Day

PAC Teachers, Property, Support and Admin Staff who instruct, guide, care and encourage our students and point our community towards Christ each day, were celebrated on Friday 27 October. To say thank you on World Teachers' day, the College Student Leadership team got together with the Primary Student Leaders to organise for letters of gratitude to be written by all students to all staff. Leaders then personally delivered the letters and chocolates to classrooms. The Leadership team also put together a short video with messages for staff. We hope staff feel valued and appreciated for all the work they do, today and always.
Prayer and Praise
Psalm 91
2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”
Please pray for:
Class of 2023 as HSC exams continue.
Years 7 and 8 students sitting yearly exams.
Year 10 students on Work Experience.
Praise God for:
Kindergarten excursion to Featherdale Wildlife Park.
Year 10 and 11 Visual Arts and Photography Exhibition.
Continuing enrolment and College Tours.
Teaching and Learning
From the Director of Students (10-12)

Mrs Fiona Wright - Director of Students (10-12)
The Power of Reflection
In both Mentor Groups and Positive Education classes this term we have begun to look at the power of reflection.
In learning, reflection is critically important. Reflecting on a learning activity and asking questions around your process, your understanding of the task criteria, your time management and your choice of learning strategies can help you to improve your choices and increase your ability to learn effectively and efficiently.
In life, the ability to reflect involves contemplating your behaviour and your choices and is an important skill to develop. Honest reflection requires courage and the ability to admit you may have been wrong or handled something poorly. One study conducted with 442 executives concluded that the most powerful reflections occurred when people had experienced surprise, failure or frustration[1]. This made me wonder if we are harnessing the power of such moments in our own lives and the lives of our children and students. When was the last time you were genuinely surprised by someone’s reaction to something you said or did? How did you deal with that? Did you reflect and learn? Or think about the last time one of your children experienced failure. How did they talk about that? What advice did you offer? Did you reflect calmly together on what led to that experience and what, if anything, could be changed to ensure a greater chance of success next time? Frustration is a normal and natural part of the learning process and one we see students struggle with frequently. Helping students reflect and understand that frustration can be a great sign of understanding that there is more to know, and a wonderful opportunity to show perseverance can help them push on and experience the light bulb moment of understanding!
Reflection is a difficult skill to master and requires practice, but is associated with improved learning and outcomes. So the next time you or your child is surprised, frustrated or failing, I encourage you to look to reflect and make the most of the learning opportunity.
Here are two ways of reflecting which may help.
1. Ask “What? So what? What now?” [2]
2. Reach for the 5R’s – Reporting, Responding, Relating, Reasoning and Reconstructing[3]
Mrs Fiona Wright
Director of Students (10-12)
From the Deputy Principal (Primary)

Mrs Melinda Richardson - Deputy Principal (Primary)
Recognising our amazing staff.
Today marks 'World Teachers' Day', and as I joked at assembly with our students, I'd like to think that every day is Teachers' Day at PAC in the way that our community recognises the dedication and passion of our incredible team.
Our teaching staff are incredible. They work beyond expectations to ensure that learning in the classroom is engaging, challenging and relevant. They ensure that our students continue to progress, not only academically, but also socially, emotionally and spiritually. Their care and concern for our students is paramount.
Our teachers are also supported by a myriad of staff who are continuously willing to complete a range of tasks that ensure the smooth running of the school. Without them, we are unable to do the jobs that we do.
So, on this day of acknowledgement, I would like to publicly recognise our school staff for all that they do in the education of the children you have entrusted us with.
Mrs Melinda Richardson
Deputy Principal (Primary)
Pre-K Living Safely With Dogs Incursion

On Tuesday and Thursday of Week 3, Pre-K welcomed Nikki from the Living Safely with Dogs program. Nikki taught students how to be safe around dogs. They learned to not touch a sleeping, eating, or hurt dog, and not approach a dog if it doesn’t have a lead and an owner with it. Nikki taught students how to approach a new dog. They need to stop, ask the owner if they can pat the dog, offer their hand low and in a fist for the dog to smell, and then pat the dog along its side. Students were offered the opportunity to pat Nikki’s dog, Joker. It was a fun and interesting learning experience!
Mrs Rebecca Gange
Pre-K Teacher
Secondary School
From the Deputy Principal (Secondary)

Mr Leighton Corr - Deputy Principal (Secondary)
As a College we often pray for our students. We are also committed to sharing the Gospel with our students and families. This happens through Chapel services, Christian Living classes, camp programs and a variety of other groups and opportunities. We also seek to partner with our local Churches in developing the faith and understanding of the Bible of our students.
We were delighted to hear about two of our College leaders, Ava and Toby recently getting baptised at their local churches. People are baptised as a formal declaration of their belief in Jesus and in publicly noting their decision to follow Him in their actions.
What an encouragement for our College to see students seeking to share their faith with others. We would love to keep hearing of the good work that is happening in local churches and youth groups.
Mr Leighton Corr
Deputy Principal (Secondary)
RFS Field Day

In the previous edition of The Vine, we congratulated William Watson, as part of the RFS Orchard Hills cadets team, for being selected to compete at the RFS State Field Day. As a follow up, we are happy to report Will's team came First in Event 2 which was the Tanker Replay. They had to connect hoses and pump water from one to another, and they had to do this to four different types of fire trucks. They completed this event in the fastest time and without losing any water. The RFS Field day competition at Holbrook was a great experience for all who attended.
Visual Arts Department
Years 7 - 9 Visual Arts Exhibition

Year 10 & 11 Visual Arts and Photography Exhibition

The Year 10 & 11 Visual Arts and Photography Exhibition held in the B Block Gallery on showcased student works from across the year. Student artworks demonstrated experimentation in a wide range of media including drawing, painting, printmaking, ceramics, sculpture and digital photography. Students also demonstrated a more considered approach to their artwork’s conceptual strength. Theme’s such as Body Attack, Disaster Zones, Double Take and Shaping Architecture were explored in their artworks. Congratulations to all students in Year 10 & 11 Visual Arts and Photography on such an excellent exhibition of their hard work from across the year.
Mrs Katie Dunn
Visual Arts Teacher
Save the Date

Primary Sports Round Up
NASSA Primary Cricket Gala Day
On Thursday 19 October boys and girls from Stage 3 represented the College at the NASSA Cricket Gala Day. The day turned out to be a great day for cricket and the students were eager to get out on the pitch and show off their cricketing skills. The team played some tough games throughout the day and were competitive in each of those games. These students showed great sportsmanship and represented Penrith Anglican College very well on the day.
Congratulations to Jasneet Bhullar, Liam Bowler, Lewis Clark, Nathaniel Grima, Sehaj Mangat, Williams McKeown, Gauravie Rodrigo and Jacob Williams.
NSWPSSA Athletics Championships
Congratulations to Sabella Whelan, Harper Egglestone and Jake Farrugia at the recent NSWPSSA Athletics Championships. The weather was a mixed bag for the two days going from one extreme to the other.
Sabella competed in the Junior Girls High Jump on Day One of the competition. She cleared 1.30m and came equal 7th overall. She managed to refocus after knocking the bar off twice to clear on her 3rd attempt, something she hasn’t been able to do before, so she was extremely proud of herself.
A change in weather conditions on Day Two of the competition made it a little more difficult to compete. Jake and Harper competed in the Junior Boys Shotput and Junior Girls Long Jump.
Jake threw a distance of 7.46m placing 34th overall and Harper jumped a distance of 3.63m placing 13th overall.
Well done Sabella, Jake and Harper on your achievements at this elite level.
NASSA Primary AFL Gala Day
Congratulations to the eleven Year 5 students who represented the College at the AFL Gala Day. The weather was stifling HOT and better suited for a Swimming Carnival but regardless of the unseasonal conditions our students gave 100 % effort in every game. At the end of day PAC won 1 game and lost 2.
The standout players on the day were Zane Clifford, Jack Fenech, Isaac Galea, Chelsea Membreno and Sabella Whelan.
Game results:
Game 1 V THAC PAC Won 59 – 1
Game 2 V TIGS PAC Lost 19 – 47
Game 3 V STL PAC Lost 32 – 55
NASSA Primary AFL team: Layla Atkinson, Darcy Bernuetz, Alice Braga, Zane Clifford, Jack Fenech, Isaac Galea, Chelsea Membreno, Aaliyah Scicluna, Parasdeep Singh, Sabella Whelan and Isabella White.
Mr Chris Hall
Primary Teacher and Sports Coordinator
Australian National Oztag Championships

Congratulations to Jake Farrugia (Year 4) who represented Western Sydney at the Australian National Oztag Championships at Coffs Harbour this month. His team won the tournament, winning the gold medal in the Under 10 Boys division.
Upcoming Music and Drama Showcases

Families are warmly invited to the Year 12 Music and Drama Showcase on Thursday 16 November at 5:30pm. This Showcase will highlight the amazing work students have completed in both Year 11 and the Year 12 courses so far. Families are advised the pieces are not appropriate for young audiences as they deal with mental health.
Years 7 and 8 Drama Group have been working on different scenes over the last semester at lunchtime. Year 8 will be performing a one act play called Rapunzel Uncut where two Narrators argue over the real story of Rapunzel. Year 7 will be performing short scenes that explore friendship breakdowns, preparing for a Drama assessment and being suspended. The Drama Showcase will be held in the TLC on Wednesday 22 November starting at 4:30 pm.
Both Showcases will be held in the Tiered Learning Centre.

Anglicare Toys n Tucker

Once again this year, the College is proudly supporting Anglicare’s annual Toys and Tucker Appeal.
Please scan the QR code above for a helpful shopping list.
It is important that we only collect what is on the list as we need to ensure that each hamper we pack has uniform items. Please, NO chocolate!
- Pre K to Year 6 – please give to your Core Class teacher.
- Years 7 – 12 please give to your Mentor Group teacher.
The last day for donations is Monday, 27 November 2023.
Mrs Cate Duxbury
Toys n Tucker Coordinator
Ridley House Charity Day

Community Notices
Upcoming Events
Monday, 30 October 2023 | HSC PDHPE Examination | |
Year 7 and 8 Exams | ||
The Low Down - Transition for Year 6 to Year 7 | ||
Year 2 Swimming Program | ||
Bell Ringing | ||
Year 4 Swimming Program | ||
Art Club | ||
Primary ESports | ||
Secondary ESports Club | ||
Year 8 Drama Group | ||
Year 3-6 Friendship Spot | ||
Year 6 Swimming Program | ||
HSC Earth and Environment Science Examination | ||
Bell Ringing | ||
Tuesday, 31 October 2023 | HSC Community and Family Studies Examination | |
Primary Football Advanced Programs | ||
PreK Murru Mittigar Aboriginal Cultural Experience | ||
Year 7 and 8 Exams | ||
Secondary Chapel | ||
Year 2 Swimming Program | ||
Bell Ringing | ||
Year 4 Swimming Program | ||
Crotchet Choir | ||
Year 6 Swimming Program | ||
HSC Engineering Studies Examination | ||
Primary Football Program Pre K - K | ||
Bell Ringing | ||
Wednesday, 1 November 2023 | HSC Examinations | |
Primary Football Advanced Programs | ||
Senior Choir | ||
Year 7 and 8 Exams | ||
Kindergarten Orientation and Information Morning | ||
Year 2 Swimming Program | ||
Yr 10 Music assessment | ||
Year 4 Swimming Program | ||
BIG | ||
Year 7 Drama Group | ||
Year 6 Swimming Program | ||
HSC Design and Technology Examination | ||
Bell Ringing | ||
DnD Club | ||
Primary Football Development Program Stage 1 | ||
Vocal Ensemble | ||
Thursday, 2 November 2023 | HSC Physics Examination | |
Development Band | ||
Pre K Information Session | ||
Pre K Orientation Morning | ||
Year 2 Swimming Program | ||
Bell Ringing | ||
Year 4 Swimming Program | ||
3-6 Chess Club | ||
Quaver Choir | ||
K-2 Friendship Spot | ||
Year 6 Swimming Program | ||
HSC Information Processes & Technology Examination | ||
Concert Band | ||
Dance Club | ||
Primary Football Development Program Stage 2 and 3 | ||
Final Bell Ringing | ||
Friday, 3 November 2023 | HSC Concludes | |
HSC 2024 PIP Day | ||
Dance Troupe for Yrs 3-6 | ||
Year 10 MoneyVest | ||
ANVDC Debating Competition Year 8 Quarter Finals | ||
Primary Chapel | ||
Year 6 Mentor Group Visit | ||
Year 2 Swimming Program | ||
Year 4 Swimming Program | ||
Secondary Chess Club | ||
Year 1 and 2 Chess Club | ||
Year 10 Charity Ball Drinks Stall - Secondary ONLY | ||
3-6 Friendship Spot | ||
K-2 Friendship Spot | ||
Year 6 Swimming Program | ||
Monday, 6 November 2023 | Year 10 Work Experience | |
The Low Down - Transition for Year 6 into 7 | ||
Primary Assembly | ||
Art Club | ||
Primary ESports | ||
Secondary ESports Club | ||
Year 8 Drama Group | ||
Year 3-6 Friendship Spot | ||
Tuesday, 7 November 2023 | Primary Football Advanced Programs | |
Year 10 Work Experience | ||
Crotchet Choir | ||
Primary Football Program Pre K - K | ||
Wednesday, 8 November 2023 | Primary Football Advanced Programs | |
Senior Choir | ||
Year 10 Work Experience | ||
Year 7 Orientation Day | ||
Year 7 Parent Information Morning | ||
WICKED The Musical - Lyric Theatre | ||
Secondary Chapel | ||
BIG | ||
Year 7 Drama Group | ||
DnD Club | ||
Primary Football Development Program Stage 1 | ||
Vocal Ensemble | ||
Thursday, 9 November 2023 | Ridley House Charity Day | |
Development Band | ||
Year 10 Work Experience | ||
Kindergarten Orientation Session 2 | ||
Secondary Assembly | ||
3-6 Chess Club | ||
Quaver Choir | ||
K-2 Friendship Spot | ||
Concert Band | ||
Dance Club | ||
Primary Football Development Program Stage 2 and 3 | ||
Cadets | ||
Friday, 10 November 2023 | NASSA Year7 and 15 B & G Basketball Gala Day | |
Introduction to English Extension 2 for 2024 | ||
Dance Troupe for Yrs 3-6 | ||
Year 10 Work Experience | ||
Primary Chapel | ||
Secondary Chess Club | ||
Year 1 and 2 Chess Club | ||
3-6 Friendship Spot | ||
K-2 Friendship Spot |
We have recently had a significant number of students with Gastroenteritis (Vomiting) at the College.
If symptoms start at school, students will be removed from the classroom and sent home as soon as they can be collected.
If symptoms start at home, we request families adhere to the guidelines, recognising that a single occurrence of symptoms may be evidence of a contagion.
It is essential that your child does not attend school until 48 hours has passed since the last symptom (vomiting or diarrhoea).
We have attached a fact sheet directly from NSW Health that provides a detailed explanation of the symptoms and treatments.
Thank you for your support in keeping our College community safe.
Cranebrook Family Fun Day

Uniform Shop
Uniform Shop Trading Hours Term 4
The Uniform Shop is located in M Block, next to Their Care. The trading hours are:
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday: 8am - 12pm
Wednesday: 1pm - 5pm
Thursday: 12pm - 4pm
Friday: 8am – 12pm