From the Principal

Mrs Felicity Grima - Principal
Orientation for New Families to the College
Over the past few weeks, we have had Orientation programs for new students starting at the College in 2024. This has been a wonderful time for students and their families to become familiar with the College and its routines. During the parent sessions, I highlighted three areas for families where we can work together.
1. Modelling the values of the College
Our motto of ‘To Serve Christ’ and our values of Compassion, Integrity, Courage, Humility and Perseverance are talked about with our students and they are encouraged to behave and develop character in a way that reflects these values and our Christian beliefs. This commitment to character development is something we want you as families to be part of. As adults in the community, your children are watching us – parents and staff – and we have a responsibility to live our lives in a way that helps them learn and grow. We won’t always get things right. We will make mistakes, but I encourage you to join me in the noble pursuit of living compassionate, courageous lives with integrity, humility and the perseverance to continue on even when things get hard.
2. Communication with the College
We want to work in partnership with families, and we know that excellent relationships are based on clear communication and trust. If any College Staff has concerns about your child, we will come directly to you as parents or primary carers and we would not have discussions with other family members or friends. We expect the same courtesy when you have any issues with the College.
I hear about the use of parent social media groups to discuss concerns for hours before anyone contacts the College. This is how misinformation is spread and it makes it very difficult for us to address your concerns. I have heard about families seeking to solve carpark issues in this manner, leaving College staff out of the discussion. Frankly, at times I see or hear about parent behaviours that are not consistent with our College behaviour expectations for students.
Social media groups can be an effective tool for communication when used appropriately. However, if you would be embarrassed if people outside the group saw your messages then please rethink your posts in these groups. We do not want groups associated with the College where people are speaking about members of our community in disparaging ways. We teach our students to be responsible digital citizens and we expect that parents will model this behaviour.
Please be respectful of your child, other families, staff, and the College and come directly to us if you have issues or concerns. We are here to help.
3. Ensuring Child Safety
Our commitment to Child Safety, in line with the Office of Children’s Guardians 10 Child Safe Standards, is a significant priority for the College.
As part of that commitment, we will speak with students regularly about safety and we overtly provide opportunities for our community to share concerns with us in as many ways as possible.
Staffing Updates
At the end of 2023, we will be farewelling several staff. Each staff member has served the College faithfully, and we thank them for all they have contributed to the College community.
- Mrs Nicole Britton, Pre-K Aide, who will join Glenhaven Pre-School as a Teacher.
- Mrs Helen Muller, Primary RFF Teacher, will not be returning from Maternity Leave.
- Mrs Samantha Dearden, Primary Teacher, who has completed her 1 year contract.
- Mrs Monica Palmer, Primary Teacher, who has completed her 1 year contract.
- Miss Maria Dizon, Mathematics Teacher, who has been promoted to Head of Mathematics at Richard Johnson Anglican School.
- Mr Shane Stratford, Technologies Teacher, who will be returning to Colyton High School as a Technologies Teacher.
- Mr Tim Pigot, Science Teacher/Head of Ryle House, who has been promoted to Head of Science at Norwest Christian College.
- Mrs Debra Perry, Technologies Teacher, retiring after 19 years of service.
- Mrs Chris Plumridge, PA to the Principal, has been appointed as EA to the Executive at Caritas Australia.
The following staff have recently or will commence Maternity Leave at the end of the Term:
- Mrs Amelia Kuipers (recently gave birth to her second son, Nicholas).
- Mrs Irene Samuels (recently gave birth to her first son, Jireh)
- Mrs Donica Marks
- Mrs Luby Mansell
- Mrs Emily DeSousa
We pray for God’s care and protection of the ladies and their families in the coming weeks.
Prayer and Praise
Colossians 4:2
Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.
Please pray for:
Year 6 Graduation, Dinner and Disco.
Year 10 Charity Ball.
Christmas Chapel.
End of Year Presentation Events.
Praise God for:
Parent information Sessions and Orientation Days for Year 1-6 and Year 8-12 2024.
Year 10 CEP Camp.
Opportunities at this time of year to talk to students about the true meaning of Christmas.
Teaching and Learning
From the Director of Teaching and Learning (P-12)

Mr Philip McMurray, Director of Teaching and Learning (P-12)
Another year is almost over! It’s hard to believe just how quickly time goes. However, in reflection, the year has been a good one. We’ve all continued our learning journey – students, staff and parents. We as a learning community have reflected together, questioned and strategised, planned and produced a wide range of learning outcomes in all spheres of life, of which only a part occurred in the classrooms.
That process of learning, the culture of intersecting with challenges, questions, situations and hurdles describes life. It’s what people do. That’s why we continually talk about the Learning Culture at the College. It’s not extraordinary, rather we have chosen to scaffold all aspects of schooling, relationships, scholarly and sporting, interpersonal and intrapersonal, so that regardless of the context, we all have access to the tools, mindsets and practices to learn. This intentional training and encouragement around our four aspects or dispositions towards learning (Reflective, Relational, Resourceful, and Resilient) continues to provide us all with both a shared language and a growing self-awareness of how to respond, react, interact and grow through all of life.
So as we “wind down” for Christmas, and enjoy time with family and friends, holidays and a less structured period, learning won’t stop it’ll simply be expressed, experienced and pursued differently. I do hope and trust that you all enjoy a peaceful and joyful Christmas, full of hope and wonder. I trust that you all also get time to slow down and walk at a different pace together as a family. And in those times, enjoy the learning journey together.
Mr Philip McMurray
Director of Teaching and Learning (P-12)
From the Deputy Principal (Primary)

Mrs Melinda Richardson - Deputy Principal (Primary)
As we come to the end of a busy year, please note the number of events for Primary:
- Tuesday 28 November:Year 6 Graduation (9am in the Lighthouse Theatre) - Year 6 families welcome
- Tuesday 28 November: Year 6 Dinner & Disco (6pm - 8:30pm in the Hospitality Space) - student only event
- Thursday 30 November:Pre-Kindergarten Graduation (4:30pm in the Lighthouse Theatre, students arriving 4pm) - Pre-K families welcome
- Friday 1 December: Christmas Chapel (9am in the Gym) - all families welcome
- Wednesday 6 December:Presentation Events (K - 2: 9am - 10:30am, 3 - 6: 11am - 12:30pm in the Gym) - all families welcome
A general reminder that Home Learning has concluded for the year. As of next week, students will remain with the CORE teacher for all learning experiences.
Year 6 Cupcake Stall
Year 6 will be running a cupcake stall to raise money for the Compassion children we sponsor at Penrith Anglican College. At the stall there will be cupcakes, slices and confectionery that students from Kindergarten – Year 6 will be welcome to purchase.
Date: Thursday 30 November
Time: Recess
Location: Primary Assembly Area
Price: Treats will range from $1.00 - $3.00
Early Departure - Year 6 Graduation / Presentation Events
Please be reminded that students will be dismissed from their classroom for those wishing to collect students early. Teachers will have class lists to document those that go home. Families will not be required to sign out at Reception on these occasions.
Dr Justin Coulson Coming in 2024
We are incredibly excited to have engaged Dr Coulson on Tuesday 21 May 2024. He will present 'Carrots and Sticks', providing parents with a toolkit for building better boundaries with their children. Further information will be provided at the start of the new year.
Mrs Melinda Richardson
Deputy Principal (Primary)
CRU Visits BIG and Primary Chapel

In Week 6, Tom from CRU Camps came to visit BIG, our Christian lunchtime group for students in Years 3-6. He helped the students prepare to lead Chapel on Friday which would be the first of our Christmas series.
The Chapel focused on the promised rescuer using the Bible verse Isaiah 9:6 “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace". The Primary Chapel team helped students to see what this rescuer came to do and how we can remember him at Christmas time using a Christmas cracker with a crown, a gift and a joke. If you have a child in Pre K-6 see if they can tell you how each item reminds us of Jesus!
We invite you to join us in celebrating Jesus this Christmas time. You can join our our whole College Christmas Chapel at 9am on Friday 1 December; or get along to a local church near you!
Miss Meg Anderson
Primary Teacher

2023 has been a very busy year for Library staff across our 3 centres. We have loaned almost 30000 resources to students and staff and held library lessons for PreK to Year 6 fortnightly (over 600 lessons in all).
We enjoyed celebrating the visit of inspiring authors and our splendiferous Primary Book Parade, we’ve shared National Simultaneous Storytime, Book Week and our Book Fair. Students participated in nominations and voting for the KOALA awards and we congratulated the 253 students who completed the 2023 Premier’s Reading Challenge.
In addition, we have provided research and referencing assistance to secondary students, supplied e-textbooks and physical copies of all required texts and encouraged wide reading for leisure across the entire College. G and L library spaces have hosted games as well as study during recess and lunch with our collection continuing to grow and reflect our readers’ needs.
It is a joy and privilege to serve our community here through provision of comprehensive and relevant library services and we look forward to new opportunities to work within the College in 2024. Our library spaces have highlighted important events and celebrations throughout the year and we currently have the true spirit of Christmas adorning our spaces as 2023 draws to a close.
Library Staff
Secondary School
From the Deputy Principal (Secondary)

Mr Leighton Corr - Deputy Principal (Secondary)
As we continue to get closer to the end of the year I have been consistently challenging students to ‘finish well’. The school year is long and busy for young people and I completely understand that students at this point in Term 4 feel tired and are counting down until the school holidays.
Even with the busyness and tiredness, I have been impressed with how our student body has gone about Term 4. In particular I have been encouraged by our current Year 10 cohort, who have had a series of activities in the last few weeks, including Australian Business Week this week. In each of their activities students have been engaged and keen. They have made the most of opportunities and prepared well for Year 11. The same praise is relevant for those students who have helped out with our recent Orientation Days. New students were made to feel welcome, taken on tours and spent time in the playground with our current students. We received lots of positive feedback about these days from new families and I commend our community for being welcoming and friendly to new faces.
I hope the final two weeks of school goes well for all of our students. Learning has not finished for the year, so each day the same expectations are in place, right until we finish with Presentation Afternoon on Wednesday December 6.
Mr Leighton Corr
Deputy Principal (Secondary)
Year 7 English Poetry
These are the winning performance poems that Year 7 students have composed for a class competition in English:
The Importance of Bees
By Abigail Stanford
Bees are often a terrifying thought,
One sting will leave you in distraught,
That the life of our plants comes down to the bees.
As you gaze upon a sea of flowers,
You breathe out a sigh of relief.
You can’t help but smile as the butterflies’ dance with the daisies!
But you are forgetting one thing.
A bee is the key to a blossoming spring.
You watch as speckles of yellow buzz from flower to flower,
Awakening the Marigold that sleep in the meadow.
Bees work so hard to pollinate our plants and ensure their survival.
So, what do you see when you look at a bee?
A kind caretaker?
A saviour?
Or a scary insect with a bad behaviour?
Either way,
It is not too late,
To give the bees a different fate,
Because they are dying at a rapid rate.
Habitat loss,
Pollution and more,
Are all causing the bees to drop dead on the floor.
Don’t you care?
Seriously, imagine a life without the bees!
There would be dead flowers in your vase,
No honey on your toast,
And no sticky glaze on your honey chicken roast.
Without bees pollinating berries, fruits, and nuts,
The food chain will suffer,
And animals’ lives will get tougher,
Bees prevent all of this pain,
Just like a warning sign before rough terrain.
So please,
Don’t shy away from the struggling bees,
I know their stingers send chills down your spine,
But I promise you, they’re kind!
Simple things like planting flowers and trees,
Will immensely help the dying bees,
So, I really hope you are able to see,
The importance of saving the bees.
By Sithula Samarakkody
I like cricket and that’s the truth
I’ve been playing ever since my youth.
When I bowl in cricket
I’m on my toes.
I bowl a clean wicket
Off the pitch the batsman goes.
6, 6, 6, then a four
The batter, half century
He can't wait for more
Boom goes the stumps eventually.
Howzat, howzat, howzat
LBW leaves my nothing to spare
That’s out, out, it’s out.
We got to go upstairs.
Ball tracking on the big screen
Balls pitching and all
Something we’ve never seen.
Wickets umpires call
I’ve been playing ever since my youth.
I like cricket, that’s the truth.
This is something you all had knew
To all listening thank you
Not Everyone Is As Lucky As Me
Iremide Ohunayo
Not everyone is as lucky as me
To come home to warm cup of tea
Not everyone is as lucky as me
Enslaved to tiring hours of labour and cannot be free
Not everyone is as lucky as me
Too poor to go to school while I’m able to get a university degree
There are many out there who walk long distances just to drink dirty buckets of water
and yet we’re here complaining about the littlest things in our everyday lives that don’t
even compare to the bigger struggles of our world.
Take a moment and take a better look at the world around us.
Slavery, corruption, disease, war, poverty, labour.
All the terrible things that happen everyday right before our eyes.
Now look at yourself and realise how much better you got it in life,
and tell yourself 'not everyone is as lucky as me’.
Year 10 End of Year Program

Since the end of exams, Year 10 have had the chance to engage in a wide range of activities designed to prepare them for Year 11 and 12 and equip them for life beyond school.
Year 10 have completed All My Own Work and sat the Minimum Standards tests. They have also had the privilege of hearing from Dominic Aarsen who runs MoneyVest. Students were encouraged to think about choosing a Superannuation Fund wisely, and selecting the most appropriate options for them. They were taught the importance of receiving a payslip and how to read it correctly and given the tools they need to understand interest rates and savings accounts and make sure that they are making the most of the money they earn.
In Week 6, students engaged in Work Experience. Some decided that the career they experienced was definitely not for them, while others are now even more passionate about pursuing a career in their chosen field. Staff of the College contacted employers to check in on our students and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive with our students receiving comments such as:
“Great enthusiasm and integrity”
“A very proactive and intelligent young man!”
“Would hire him if I could.”
“She is willing to help wherever and is pretty amazing.”
We are so proud of the way our students conducted themselves and represented the College for the week.
Following Work Experience, students returned for a week of Leadership Training, a Your Choicez Seminar and CEP Camp. Leadership and the development of character is something we value highly at the College and we offer all Year 11 students the opportunity to demonstrate and experience leadership by buddying them up with Year 7 students as Mentors. Mr Corr spent time with Year 10 thinking about what leadership is, what characteristics define leadership and how excellent leaders operate. I challenged Year 10 to work in small teams in situations of time pressure to achieve set goals and to refine the processes they used to achieve them which required clear and open communication, a willingness to take on board ideas, and the need to make a decision and try new things. Mr Corr then took the boys while I took the girls and we explored leadership as young men and women, thinking through issues that might impact male and female leaders. The final activity centred on leadership was a team building afternoon run by Mrs Heath. Students had to work in teams to successfully complete a series of challenges to gain materials and clues which allowed them to solve the puzzle and find and unlock the box to win! Students were engaged and work well together to ensure their teams were able to complete all the challenges.
The Tuesday of this week was spent hearing from Dave and Beck from Your Choicez. Dave spoke to the boys and Beck to the girls about respectful relationships and the importance of thinking through what and who it is that you value and admire and how you want to relate to others both in real life and online. There was time for discussion and students were informed and challenged throughout the day.
The final two days of Week 7 were spent at the CCC Hawkesbury Campsite for an activity based CEP experience. Students rock-climbed and abseiled, went on the Flying Fox, played Laser Tag and engaged in initiative games. The Thursday was very hot and so many students took the chance to cool off in the pool. The night involved marshmallows and a campfire, and team games. A highlight was some particularly competitive and intense games of Laser Tag! Our students were incredibly well behaved and so supportive and encouraging of each other. It was a privilege to spend time with them. Thanks to Mrs Dunn, Mrs Calfoforo, Mr Kobus, Mr Bingham and Mr Voller for attending and working so well with Year 10. “CEP This year was a great experience that pushed us to go out of our comfort zone to try new things like abseiling and rock climbing. As well it gave us the opportunity to strengthen our relationships with our friends.” Nate Ciantar Pirrone
Week 8 has all been about Australian Business Week which Mr Pigot facilitates. Students are working in teams with a CEO, an Operations Division, a Marketing Team and a Finance Department to create, cost and market a product, making decisions concerning salaries, materials, marketing budgets and so on along the way. Today was their Trade Display and it was incredible to wander F Block and see the work that has been done and the creativity and passion that was on display. Well done Year 10!
Week 9 consists of two days only for Year 10 and they are days when Year 10 serves the College Community and the wider local community. Students will be mulching gardens, spreading soft fall, cleaning benches, participating in bush regeneration with Penrith Council and Mulgoa Landcare, assisting Lower Mountains Anglican Church with decorating for Christmas and more. The development of character through service, and the importance of valuing others and serving others is of critical importance at the College.
On Wednesday night the year ends for Year 10 with their Charity Ball at The Sebel, Hawkesbury. This event celebrates the end of a year of fundraising for Rare Cancers NSW. This year, Year 10 have raised over $5000 which is a wonderful achievement. Special thanks to Mrs Lackey and Ms Duxbury for their organisation of the fundraising activities and Charity Ball.
It has been wonderful to see Year 10 take hold of the opportunities presented to them and engage in such a wide range of activities. We hope they have a wonderful Christmas break and look forward to welcoming them back as Year 11 students in 2024.
Mrs Fiona Wright
Director of Students (10-12)
Local Volunteer Meets HRH Duke of Edinburgh

Photo Credit: NSW Rural Fire Service
Yesterday, Year 10 student Will Watson was one of a group of young NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) volunteers who met and chatted with His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh. Here is what Will has to share about the experience.
I had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet and talk with HRH Prince Edward for about 5 minutes. We discussed the Duke of Edinburgh Programme and what we did and how we got involved in it and what we do at RFS. I told him that I had completed my Bronze medallion and he asked if I was going to carry on to do Silver. I replied that I was not sure at this stage. We discussed what we learn at cadets which we attend every Sunday morning. I was very nervous as there were a lot of security and Commissioners from all different departments from Police, Fire and Rescue, RFS, SES, Surf Life Saving, St John’s Ambulance. Prince Edward was very nice and friendly and that made it easy to have a conversation with him. It was a meet and greet with Prince Edward and I also had to do media interviews on behalf of the RFS Cadet Program.
I joined RFS to do my volunteer hours as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Programme. It did not take me long to complete the hours, and I enjoy the skills RFS teaches me and the friendships I have made. I have decided to stay with the RFS and next year I hope to complete my Basic Fire Fighting course which will allow me to actually go out and fight fires. The RFS doesn't just teach me fire fighting skills and how to save lives which will allow me to help the community, it has also taught me about teamwork and leadership skills that will help me throughout my life.
Photo credit: NSW Rural Fire Service
- Photo Credit: NSW Rural Fire Service
The Airforce Cadets

The Airforce Cadets had their Parade last Saturday. Congratulations to Nathan Bean (Year 9) who received the Commanding Officer's Commendation Award for 2023.
Performing Arts
Wicked The Musical Excursion

In a magical afternoon filled with enchantment and musical splendour, the Secondary students of Penrith Anglican College recently embarked on a thrilling journey to the Emerald City. The occasion? A special matinee performance of the Broadway sensation, Wicked. Transported to the land of Oz, our students were captivated by the spellbinding tale that unfolded before them. The visually stunning set, mesmerising performances, and the infectious energy of the cast left an indelible mark on our students, sparking conversations and igniting a newfound appreciation for the world of musical theatre. The outing served as a source of inspiration for creativity and artistic expression.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to Mrs. Allan for orchestrating this magical experience for our students. Her dedication to providing enriching cultural opportunities is truly commendable and contributes immensely to the well-rounded education our students receive at Penrith Anglican College.
A special appreciation also goes out to Mrs. Nott, Mrs. De Sousa, and Mrs. Jagger, who joined the students for this theatrical adventure. Together, the Penrith Anglican College community continues to embrace the magic of the Arts, creating lasting memories for our students.
Mr Nick Lane
Head of Performing Arts
Music and Drama Showcase

Nicholas Weir and Kallan Maurer - Halo On Fire by Metallica
Congratulations to all the vocalists, instrumentalists and performers for a wonderful and dynamic night showcasing their passion for the performing arts. The Music and Drama Showcase offered a glimpse of what the Year 12 2024 students have been working on this year as they refine their God-give talents and skills to bring joy to the College community. It was a lovely evening attended by families and friends. Thank you to all staff, students and the tech team involved on the night.
- Elysia Castillejo - La Flute de Pan Movement 3
- Kaleb Irawan - Haydn Sonata 62
- Jerome Cruzado - Whiplash by Hank Levy
- Elena Tomaras - Don't Rain On My Parade by Barbra Streisand
- Kallan Maurer - Halo On Fire by Metallica
- Nicholas Weir - Halo On Fire by Metallica
- Jovanna Hanna - If I Ain't Got You by Alicia Keys
- Timothy Batcheldor - Autumn Leaves by Joseph Kosma
- Drama Group Performance 1: Louise Hammond, Tahlia Mayo, Ella Tassone, Elena Tomaras - Mother Knows Best
- Drama Group Performance 2: Tahlia Mayo, Isabella Stewart, Isabella Taylor - Never Enough
Visual Arts Department
Years 7-9 Visual Arts Exhibition

Congratulations to our Year 7-9 Visual Arts students who had their artworks on display in the B Block Gallery over the past two weeks. Every student in Years 7 and 8 had at least one artwork displayed. Students have worked consistently throughout the year developing their technical skills in response to a concept directed by the unit of study.
Throughout the year, Year 9 Visual Arts, have been working towards the 7-9 Art Exhibition which opened on Thursday 16 November. Our works included our Promotional Drawings for Future Penrith, a ceramic mobile and functional ceramics as well as a semi abstract landscape painting inspired by our Cockatoo Island excursion in Term 3. The exhibition is testament to the hard work that we have put into our practical elements of Visual Arts over the course of this year. Andrea Esdaile, Year 9 Visual Arts.
Artworks featured in this year’s exhibition consisted of ceramic works, self-portraits, paintings and digital illustrations, some of which were inspired by the artist, Sarah Fordham. My mum's favourite work was Year 9's Term 1 painting, 'Penrith Re-imagined' where we morphed key icons of Penrith and a human/animal element to promote the area of Penrith to teens and young adults. Overall, my family and I found much enjoyment in the exhibition as I was able to showcase all the artworks I've created throughout the year. Seini Taumalolo, Year 9 Visual Arts.
Parents and students are asked to arrange safe collection and delivery of artworks home from Monday 27 November. Please take measures to bring necessary wrapping materials (such as a box, towel or bubble wrap to ensure ceramic works are delivered home safely). Any works that are not collected may, regrettably, be discarded as our storage is limited.
Mr Steven Lewis
Head of Visual Arts
Basketball Gala Day

PAC played at the NASSA Year 7 and 15s Basketball Gala Day on Friday 10 November, and all four teams had a great day! Whilst no medals for the 15s teams, our Year 7 teams show that the future is looking bright for Basketball – both the boys’ and girls’ teams finished in 3rd place! Congratulations to all students involved on representing the College with pride, and a special thank you to the Year 9 helpers that managed bench and scoresheets for the day.
Wanderers Foundation Private Schools Football Cup

On Wednesday 22 November, PAC was proud to take part in the inaugural Wanderers Foundation Private Schools Football Cup. This event was a fundraising event, allowing for the further development of opportunities for women and disadvantaged youth through football, a worthy cause that PAC is proud to support. Students were introduced to a new format of football – Fives – and our boys’ teams competed against schools from around NSW and ACT. Our girls’ team, consisting of all Year 7 students, played games against teams from Hills Adventist College, the only other school with girls involved. Our girls showed tenacity, playing games against students 3 or 4 years older than themselves! At lunch, students had the opportunity to meet players from the Wanderers A-League team, have merchandise signed and take photos. After lunch, both boys’ teams played in their semi-finals, and qualified for the Grand Finals! Both teams finished with the silver medal, and outstanding result for our first time playing this format. PAC looks forward to further opportunities with the Wanderers Foundation in the future!
Rowing NSW Independent Schools Championship

Congratulations to Elyse Currall (Year 7) on her success at this weekend’s Rowing NSW Independent Schools Championship. Elyse is in her first year of rowing, and finished an impressive 4th place in her event, the Schoolgirls Year 8 Single Scull. Elyse was only 1.68 seconds from the Bronze Medal – what an outstanding result! We look forward to following Elyse’s successes in 2024 and beyond!
Mrs Amanda Houison
Director of Sport
Ridley House Charity Day

Thank you to the College community for your amazing support of the Ridley House Charity Day on Thursday 9 November. The event raised a massive $3,057.00 for the chosen charity Convoy of Hope! This week at Secondary School Assembly, Convoy of Hope representative Ms Michelle McAndrews spoke to students about the impact such compassion and generosity has on peoples' lives. The non-profit organisation has been distributing food hampers to those in need, as well as hygiene kits to survivors of domestic violence - simple items that we all take for granted but to those who have nothing it can make such a huge difference. Convoy of Hope also supports disaster relief efforts and so far this year has responded to 78 disasters worldwide: from flooding in Namibia to earthquakes in Turkey and Syria to the Middle East conflict. In recent months, they have been assisting communities in the Northern Rivers region of NSW who are still trying to recover from the floods 18 months ago. But it's not just about the money, or the food hampers or hygiene kits. It's about lifting the burden off people's lives and giving them hope that's invaluable.
Community Notices
Upcoming Events
Monday, 27 November 2023 | NASSA Years 7-8 Cricket Gala Day | |
Douglas Shield Rd 3 vs. William Clarke College | ||
Art Club | ||
Primary ESports Club | ||
Secondary ESports Club | ||
Year 8 Drama Group | ||
Year 3-6 Friendship spot | ||
Tuesday, 28 November 2023 | Primary Football Advanced Programs | |
Mega Maths Day TBC | ||
Year 6 Graduation Chapel | ||
Crotchet Choir | ||
Primary Football Program Pre K - K | ||
Year 6 Graduation Dinner and Disco | ||
Wednesday, 29 November 2023 | Primary Football Advanced Programs | |
Senior Choir | ||
Year 8 History Excursion | ||
Secondary Chapel | ||
BIG | ||
Year 7 Drama Group | ||
DnD Club | ||
Primary Football Development Program Stage 1 | ||
Vocal Ensemble | ||
Year 10 Charity Ball | ||
Thursday, 30 November 2023 | NASSA Year 7, 8 & 9 Mixed OzTag Gala Day | |
Secondary Chess Club | ||
3-6 Chess Club | ||
Quaver Choir | ||
K-2 Friendship Spot | ||
Concert Band | ||
Dance Club | ||
Primary Football Development Program Stage 2 and 3 | ||
Pre-K Presentation Afternoon | ||
Friday, 1 December 2023 | Primary Reports Home | |
Dance Troupe for Yrs 3-6 | ||
Whole School Christmas Chapel | ||
Year 1 and 2 Chess Club | ||
K-6 Friendship Spot | ||
Year 8 Public Speaking Competition | ||
Chess Competition | ||
Monday, 4 December 2023 | Friendly T20 Match vs. Nowra Anglican | |
Secondary Reports Home | ||
Primary Assembly | ||
Art Club | ||
Primary ESports Club | ||
Secondary ESports Club | ||
Year 8 Drama Group | ||
Year 3-6 Friendship spot | ||
Wednesday, 6 December 2023 | Crotchet Choir | |
K-2 Presentation Morning | ||
Year 3-6 Presentation Morning | ||
Secondary Presentation Afternoon | ||
Term 4 Concludes |
Celebrate Christmas with Local Anglican Churches
Stationery and Book Lists for 2024

Stationery and Book Lists for Years 1 to 12 in 2024 are now available on the College website. Click here to download a copy.
Uniform Shop
Uniform Shop Extended Trading Hours

As the 2024 school year approaches, we would like to inform you of our additional opening hours from November 2023 through to January 2024 when you can order and try on uniforms for purchase.
Normal Operating Hours:
Tuesday 8am-12pm
Wednesday 1pm-5pm
Thursday 12pm-4pm
Friday 8am-12pm
Orientation Day Extended Hours:
Thursday 2 November 11am-4pm
Thursday 9 November 11am-4pm
Opening Hours in January 2024:
Wednesday 10 January 10am – 6pm
Thursday 11 January 8am – 4pm
Friday 12 January 8am – 4pm
Tuesday 16 January 8am – 4pm
Wednesday 17 January 10am – 6pm
Thursday 18 January 10am – 6pm
Friday 19 January 8am – 4pm
Monday 22 January 8am – 4pm
Tuesday 23 January 8am – 4pm
Wednesday 24 January 10am – 6pm
Thursday 25 January 10am – 6pm
Friday 26 January – Closed Australia Day
Monday 29 January 8am – 4pm
Tuesday 30 January 8am – 4pm
Wednesday 31 January 8am – 12pm (Store will resume normal trade from this date)
Online Booking Appointments for new students open on 7 November 2023.
In January we will have Online Bookings available for new students on 10, 11 & 12 January 2024.
We look forward to helping you with all your uniform needs for the new school year!
Jasmine Bratby
Perm-A-Pleat Penrith Anglican Uniform Shop
02 9098 3123