From the Principal
Message from the Principal

Mrs Felicity Grima - Principal
Dear College Families
Due to recent changes in her family circumstances, Mrs Luby Mansell has made the difficult decision to step back from her current role as Deputy Principal -Primary, effective Friday 2 June 2023.
Mrs Mansell is a wonderful asset to the College and has led the Primary School since 2021. She was actively involved in the planning and management of our response to the pandemic and has been instrumental in growing the Primary School during her time in this role. She is someone who cares greatly for people, and this decision only highlights that strong aspect of her character.
Fortunately for the College, Mrs Mansell will remain a member of staff as she returns to classroom teaching in Year 3 and she will be an excellent addition to this team. We sincerely thank Mrs Mansell for her leadership and service in the Primary School and are delighted that we will have her continuing to work at Penrith Anglican College.
Mr Phil McMurray, our current Director of Teaching and Learning and someone well known to our community will be Acting Deputy Principal -Primary from Monday 5 June until we have confirmed a suitable permanent replacement. Recruitment for this role has commenced, and we ask that you join us in praying for the right candidate to lead our Primary School into the future. We will be in contact with families as soon as we are able to announce an appointment.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Felicity Grima
Child Safe Posters

To further support our commitment to being a Child Safe School, the College has designed new posters and slides that will be displayed around the Campus to help children know how to seek help if they feel unsafe. We have attached an example here and we encourage families to discuss the contents with their children.
Our complete Child Safe Policy can be found on the College website:
PAC Turns Pink Fundraising Total
A huge Thank You to our wonderful community, and Mr Anthony Kelshaw for organising the day. PAC Turns Pink Day last term raised $4,515 in total for Breast Cancer Research. This money will go to the McGrath Foundation.
Prayer and Praise
1 Corinthians 13:13
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Please pray for:
Clear weather for the upcoming Book Parade and Year 10 CEP.
Good health for everyone as we enter cooler weather.
Those families in the College community experiencing times of hardship and stress.
Praise God for:
A successful Year 9 CEP and Duke of Edinburgh hike.
The many enriching co-curricular opportunities available to our students.
A fabulous time at the Secondary Cross Country and Tug-O-War.
Teaching and Learning
From the Director of Teaching and Learning P-12

Mr Philip McMurray, Director of Teaching and Learning P-12
Persisting – the art of getting your hands dirty
It’s stating the obvious, but learning is not simply confined to the classroom. Learning is an activity that occurs continually in social interactions, academic settings and even when we’re alone. That’s why we continue to promote learning as learnable and why students and teachers alike are encouraged to keep on talking about the dispositions (or muscles) required to do so successfully.
We have been focusing on the art of questioning – and the kind of questions that promote learning. Currently, we are reviewing ten different types of questions and their ability to expand students’ skills in understanding, analysing and synthesising information. It’s a challenging task, but one that we are committed to working on because it is these soft skills, these inquiry skills, that will outlast syllabus revisions and school reports.
But the art of learning how to learn takes effort – persistence. That’s why, alongside our efforts to promote and challenge our students to ask and engage in better kinds of questions, is a need to encourage them to keep on keeping on! Persisting is a lot like gaining callouses or tougher skin – it only happens because you don’t give up when it gets hard. In fact, they only form BECAUSE you have worked hard in the face of difficulties. Learning, in any context, is like that. It’s not always predictable, the outcome isn’t necessarily certain, and the progress may indeed be sporadic.
It can be tempting, both as teachers and parents, to “rescue” our learners when they are finding the going tough. It is often easier in the short term to help out all too quickly, but what does that say about learning or the all-too-familiar struggle we ourselves face when learning new and challenging things? This is why we are committed to helping students value the skill of persisting, to wrestle with new situations, content or challenges, because we are convinced that this will promote learners who are not afraid to face tough or uncertain contexts, rather they will recognise this as an authentic part of learning.
Would you like to explore this more? Check out James Nottingham’s “The Learning Challenge” where he discusses how all of us go through a process of struggle and confusion on the way to learning mastery and success.
Mr Philip McMurray
Director of Teaching and Learning P-12
Message from the Deputy Principal (Primary)

Mrs Ljubica Mansell - Deputy Principal (Primary)
Dear Families
It has been such a wonderful few weeks since the beginning of term and so much has been happening. With the lead up to Mother’s Day, students have been busily preparing their special gifts and presentations. However, we’ve also had students attending sports gala days, leadership days and actively involved in new and exciting class-based activities.
Afternoon Pick Up
As a friendly reminder for the afternoon pick up arrangements, please ensure that you are either using the kiss and run zones for a quick pick up or if you intend on parking to collect your children from the assembly area, that you do so in marked bays. It is for the safety of our students that we ask all families to park in marked bays only. We also remind everyone to use the crossings in the carparks, even though it may mean a few extra steps. The crossings do ensure everyone’s safety so thank you for adhering to the car park guidelines in place.
Mother’s Day
Thank you to all the mothers and guests who joined us for our Mother’s Day Chapel on Friday. It such a wonderful morning celebrating all that you do and continue to do for your children each day.
Congratulations to all the students for their incredible performances and for time and effort you’ve placed into their performances. I know your mothers are so proud of you.
Mother's Day gives us time to reflect on the important role that mothers play in our lives. It's a day to honour and appreciate the love, care, and sacrifices that mothers make every day for their children.
For many of us, our mothers are the first people we learn from, and they shape our personalities, values, and beliefs. They're the ones who comfort us when we're sad, cheer us on when we're happy, and guide us through life's challenges.
To our students, Mother's Day is a time to recognise all that mothers do for their families and express our gratitude for their selflessness. It's a chance to celebrate the unique bond between a mother and child and the love that flows between them.
But we are also aware that Mother's Day can be a difficult time for those who have lost their mothers, or for those who long to be mothers themselves. It's important to acknowledge and support those who may be struggling during this time, and to remember that not all mothers fit the traditional mould.
So, let's take this opportunity to celebrate all the mothers or other maternal figures. We appreciate your unwavering love, support, and sacrifice.
Warm Regards and God Bless,
Mrs Ljubica Mansell
Deputy Principal (Primary)
Mother's Day Chapel
The Anglican Schools Corporation Young Leaders Day

On Wednesday 10 May, the Primary Leaders attended the TASC Young Leaders Day with a number of other schools from the Anglican Schools Corporation. The students were immersed in a full day program that focused on empowering them as young leaders within their roles. The students were inspired by the guest speaker, Daniel Merza, who equipped them with tools and strategies to help them to be successful and joyful leaders. The students also really enjoyed brainstorming ways that we can serve our local community and they are working hard on developing some upcoming initiatives.
Jump Rope for Heart Reminder

A friendly reminder to Primary families that our bi-annual event, Jump Rope for Heart, supporting the Heart Foundation, will take place on Friday 2 June.
Log in to and register on the Heart Foundation website to pledge donations. Please make sure that you write your child’s First Name, Surname and also the name of their class when registering.
Primary Sweet Treat Stall

Look Inside the Library

Children’s Book Council of Australia Awards for 2023
Congratulations to all authors and illustrators who have successfully made it to the shortlist for the Children’s Book Council of Australia Awards for 2023. Winners will be announced on Friday 18 August at the commencement of Book Week. To check out the shortlist in each category follow this link to the official website htps://
Book Parade 2023
Don’t forget our Book Parade is coming up on Wednesday 24 May at 9am. We hope everyone is thinking hard about their favourite book character to dress as for the day. We are constantly amazed by the creations our families work on each year and can’t wait to celebrate this special day with our College community.
Secondary School
Message from the Deputy Principal (Secondary)

Mr Leighton Corr - Deputy Principal (Secondary)
The cooler weather certainly arrived this week with some very cold mornings. A reminder to everyone in our community that we are officially in full Winter Uniform and all students should be wearing their blazer to and from school each day. The rain jacket is not to replace the blazer, but can be worn over the top of this, or the jumper when appropriate. A letter was sent to families recently regarding uniform and we appreciate your ongoing support in helping our students present themselves as they should each day.
It was wonderful the week before last to see our Cross Country Carnival go so well. We saw on this day many students persevere through stitches and discomfort to finish the course and I commend everyone who took part in the event. We also saw the return of our annual Tug-O-War competition, with Mr Latham’s group, Ridley 1 taking out the 2023 title. This event was an excellent display of House spirit, which we hope continues later in the term with the return of the our Talent Quest.
On Wednesday 10 May, Secondary School Captains Francesca Pereira, Samuel Lucas and myself attended a Civic Reception hosted by our Penrith City Mayor. Student leadership is an important part of College life and we are always so proud of all our student leaders.
At our last Assembly, I challenged our students to think before they speak and act this term. We are committed to helping our students learn and to learn to love learning, but we also care about their character and the decisions that they are making as young people. I look forward to seeing how our students continue to grow in the Secondary school throughout the remainder of the term.
Mr Leighton Corr
Deputy Principal (Secondary)
College Uniform Policy
The College uniform serves as a method of identifying students who belong to our community. We hold high standards and regularly speak to students about taking pride in their appearance, and the need to become familiar with codes of dress and behaviour appropriate to the various communities they choose to be involved in. We seek your support to ensure that the college uniform expectations are followed.
There are a few points of uniform that we are regularly seeing variations to:
- The length of sports shorts for both boys and girls. These shorts are designed to sit midthigh and not to be skin-tight. Female fit sports shorts are available.
- The length of tunics and skirts. Tunics are designed to sit just on or above the knee and skirts on or below the knee. When you are purchasing winter uniform or summer uniform in the future, please ensure that you are purchasing skirts and tunics of the appropriate length.
- Jewellery. We accept only very minimal jewellery. No visible necklaces. Earrings, for girls only, and only one in each ear lobe with no large hoops or dangly earrings. No rings or bracelets.
While the vast majority of our students willingly comply with our uniform expectations, there are an increasing number of students receiving uniform demerits which, when accumulated, result in formal detentions.
We would love for parents to partner with us by purchasing the right sized uniforms and ensuring your child/children leave the house or car dressed appropriately for school without visible jewellery. This helps us keep the focus at the College on learning and working positively with our students.
We celebrate our diverse and culturally rich school community and are mindful that at times, exemptions to the uniform policy may be required for religious reasons. If your child/children have a need for an exemption to the uniform policy based on religious grounds, the exemption request needs to be provided in writing. A template has been sent to Secondary School families. Please note that exemptions will not be provided for sentimental items.
The exemptions will be reviewed at the discretion of the Deputy Principal (Secondary) and Directors of Students. The outcome of the review will be communicated with parents and staff.
We thank you in advance for your partnership. For further information on the Uniform Requirements, please visit our website.
Mr Leighton Corr - Deputy Principal (Secondary)
Mr Anthony Kelshaw - Director of Students -9
Mrs Fiona Wright - Director of Students 10-12
Visual Arts Report

Term 2 is shaping up to be a very exciting and busy time for our Art Department. All classes have launched into a new topic this term, developing new problem-solving skills linked to a specific material practice. Currently on display in the B Block Gallery is student works from Term 1. Parents are welcome to drop by and see the impressive work of our talented students.
Artist In Residence – Coming Soon
During Week 9 this Term the College is hosting Sarah Fordham for an artist in the residence program. Sarah Fordham is an artist/designer, educator and workshop facilitator with over 25 years of professional experience. Her range of teaching expertise extends from primary and secondary to tertiary Visual Arts education. Most recently, she has launched her business - SAFO, which sees the artist expand her art practice into design, which has led to collaborations with brands such as frank green and Glasshouse Fragrances.
During Week 9 a range of enrichment programs and classroom experiences are scheduled. We are planning a specialist program for nominated students in Years 5-8 with letters being sent out in the coming weeks. The College will also be hosting a combined schools event - HSC Success Workshop - Visual Arts Art Critical & Art Historical Written Exam on Tuesday 20 June. Find out more about Sarah Fordham:
Term 2 Visual Arts Excursions
On Friday 28 April Year 9 Visual Arts visited Penrith Regional Gallery to view the Margo Lewers Exhibition. This beautiful site on the banks of the Nepean River is a bequeathed property of the artist. Students are exploring the influence and significance of this avant-garde modernist artist seeking inspiration from her style and technique.
On Monday 1 May, Year 9 and 10 elective Visual Arts and Year 10 Photography and Digital Media, experienced a creative adventure as we toured architectural sites, contemporary art installations, Cockatoo Island, and the Museum of Contemporary Art.
The experience of this day and the photographs shots will be the inspiration for a range of artworks investigating architecture, urban design, digital montage, and contemporary art. We look forward to exhibiting these artworks in the coming term.
I look forward to some exciting artmaking ahead.
Mr. Steve Lewis
Head of Visual Arts
Penrith Anglican College Music Tour to Dubbo

Photo credit: Saint John's Catholic Primary School, Dubbo
In Week 1, the Concert Band and Senior Choir of Penrith Anglican College embarked on a musical tour to Dubbo, showcasing their incredible talent and dedication to music. The tour was an incredible opportunity for the students to perform in front of new audiences and to experience the vibrant culture of regional New South Wales.
The tour started with a visit to the Dubbo Zoo, where the students had the opportunity to observe and learn about some of Australia's most iconic wildlife species. The visit was an amazing opportunity for the students to bond as a group and to experience some of the natural wonders of our beautiful country.
As well as the zoo visit, the students performed at Macquarie Anglican Grammar School and Orange Anglican Grammar School, where they received enthusiastic applause. It was a testament to the hard work and dedication of the students and their teachers, who have been tirelessly preparing for this tour for months.
The highlight of the tour was the performance at Saint John's Catholic Primary School in Dubbo, where the students received a rapturous welcome from the audience. The stunning acoustics of the hall made for an incredible musical experience, and the students rose to the occasion with their impeccable performances. The tour also included a workshop at the Orange Conservatorium, where the students had the opportunity to learn from some of the most talented musicians in the region.
Overall, the Penrith Anglican College Music Tour to Dubbo was an incredible success, and was an amazing opportunity for the students to perform, learn, and grow, and we are incredibly proud of their achievements. A few students had this to say about the tour:
My favourite activity was exploring the zoo on bikes. It was interesting to see things you don’t regularly see in your day-to-day life like an elephant or a tiger. Elysia Castillejo (Year 11)
The tour was a wonderful experience where I grew closer to my friends and band mates. My personal favourite experience was when we played along with another band at the Orange Conservatorium, we read new music that was challenging but educational. I highly recommend this to anyone that has this opportunity in the future. Makaylah Carroll (Year 12)
The music tour was a great experience not only did we get to perform in front of other school what was fun also talking to students from the schools we performed at and finding out what they thought of our performance, both the Band and Choir. All was really positive which made us all feel good. Performing in front of other schools was different and a bit daunting but we all supported each other which made it fun. One of the things I took away from our Orange Conservatorium workshop was if you put time and practice into your instrument, you will develop your skill and be able to play harder pieces. It was great to play with other schools who were there and talk to them to see what they do at their school. Our stay at Dubbo zoo and doing the night walk of the animals was a big highlight for me. William Watson (Year 10)
- Photo credit: Saint John's Catholic Primary School, Dubbo
Rostrum Voice of Youth

Congratulations to Joehan Manjooran (Year 7) and Josie Birtles (Year 10) who both competed in the Regional Final of the Rostrum Voice of Youth Public Speaking competition this week. Both students were required to present a prepared speech and then a 3-minute short notice speech that they only had 15 minutes to prepare. Joehan and Josie both did the College proud, speaking persuasively and sincerely about issues that mattered to them. Well done!
Plain English Speaking Competition
The Plain English Public Speaking competition was a very enjoyable event hosted at St Dominic's College on Tuesday 9 May, that had participants from a wide range of schools, everyone being between Year 9 and Year 12. The event began with everyone presenting their prepared speeches of 8 minutes, followed by a morning tea. We were all then given 3 minutes to prepare an impromptu speech of 3 minutes, each contestant being given the same prompt to base their speech off. It was really interesting to meet everyone and listen to their choices of topic, everyone choosing to write about something they had a passion for or fascination with. Notably, most speeches were some sort of social or political commentary. This nicely substantiated my own speech which explored how political Gen Z is. Overall, I found Plain English to be fun and enlightening, and would recommend it to anyone interested in honing their public speaking skills, as it provides an avenue for both prepared and impromptu.
Tanisha Aggarwal
Year 12
Years 9 and 10 English Incursion

‘The Players’ from The Bell Shakespeare Company came to the College on Thursday Week 1 Term 2 to perform and deconstruct key scenes from Romeoand Juliet and Macbeth. Please enjoy these student reflections.
On Thursday 27 April, Year 9 had the pleasure of attending a Shakespeare Incursion performed by the very talented group, Bell Shakespeare. Three excellent actors performed Romeo and Juliet, a very well-known Shakespeare play and also the text in which Year 9 is focusing on this term. This was extremely entertaining and provided a simpler way of understanding the storyline to the play, Romeo and Juliet. There were many elements of humour incorporated into the performance making everyone laugh at clever and relatable jokes, aimed at the Year 9 audience. The actors projected their voices, ensuring everyone watching could hear and clearly understand each line. There were many speedy costume and prop changes helping to make it easier to follow along with the characters and the setting. We will think back to some of these specific scenes as we explore the play in class. I have no doubt that this performance will contribute to Year 9 students better interpreting and appreciating Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.
Andrea Esdaile (Year 9)
Year 9 had the opportunity to watch a performance of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Three people from the Bell Shakespeare Theatre company came to school and performed a play for us. In this incursion we were able to see the tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet come to life, which helped us grasp a better understanding of the plot, a great beginning to this term's topic. It was performed in such a manner that we knew what was going on and were able to stay engaged for the whole hour. The actors were super friendly and through their entertaining performance, created a relaxed atmosphere. Even though Shakespeare may be confusing for some people, I like how they found a perfect way to communicate the play to us with props and jokes. This experience was very fun and enjoyable, jumpstarting English this term.
Layla Giampietro (Year 9)
On Thursday of Week 1, a few people from the Bell Shakespeare Company came to the College to perform key scenes from Macbeth for Year 10. In my opinion, their performance was great and quite admirable. It would take a lot of confidence and practice to be able to perform in front of a room full of teenagers. The actors were incredible and had the right amount of enthusiasm, emotion and projection at the right times. What made it enjoyable for me was how they performed as if we were watching them rehearse for a production of Macbeth as it made their performance more interactive and entertaining. The actors included a couple of people from my year to play some of the witches as well as my teacher Mrs Sharpe to play the King for a few scenes which gave everyone a good laugh.
Brianna Campbell (Year 10)
Chess Club

At the beginning of the year, a group of keen chess-playing Year 12 students started up a Chess Club at the College for all interested Secondary students. The club has been running over two terms now, and we have had great success, having many consistent members. It's been a place for new friendships to be made and existing ones strengthened over fun and intense games. Many of chess club's members started out as beginner players, however over time they were able to develop their skill as they played each other during Friday lunches. After each game, either an older and more developed player gives feedback, or friends would show each other vital moves played and missed, to help members improve their skill.
Recently, we have joined the Metropolitan Secondary Schools Chess Teams Competition run by The NSW Junior Chess League. The competition runs for 10 weeks during Term 2 every Friday afternoon. On Friday 5 May, we hosted the first round of competitions for the two Stage 4 teams who competed at PAC. The Stage 5 team competed at Penrith High School. The younger teams played against one another where they showed great skill whilst having fun. The older team had the opportunity to show College values during the first round whilst they played their tough opponents at Penrith High.
Chess is a game of strategy, and we aim to continue to develop and improve our tactical skills.
Harry Ramsay
Year 12 Student
Learning Enrichment
ICAS Assessments 2023

This year as part of the College’s Enrichment Program, students have the opportunity to participate in one or all of the ICAS English, Mathematics and Science tests.
ICAS is an independent, skills-based assessment which recognises and rewards student academic achievement and requires students to think beyond the classroom. Each test is sat at the College and is invigilated by teachers under normal examination conditions.
Over one million student entries come from over 6300 schools in Australia and New Zealand annually. Additionally, students from over 20 countries including Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa and the USA participate in ICAS each year.
Each student receives a UNSW Certificate acknowledging their level of achievement. The College receives timely, objective information about student achievement.
The tests will be held on the following dates:
- Monday 14 August 2023 - English
- Monday 21 August 2023 - Science
- Monday 28 August 2023 - Mathematics
Specific preparation for ICAS tests is not required as the assessments are skills based. The ICAS website has a section with practice papers.
Participation in English, Mathematics and Science test costs $19.25 inc GST per test. The tests are open to students from Years 3 to 10.
Parents need to register their child for any/all of the tests via the UNSW Global Parent Payment System. The Parent Payment System is a simple and secure online payment service specifically for parents to purchase ICAS Assessments. Registration and payment to be made by Monday 31 July 2023 through the UNSW Global Parent Payment System, using the College’s unique access code that was emailed to families on 1 May 2023.
Secondary Cross Country and Tug-O-War

Tuesday 2 May was an epic day of competition with the Secondary School Cross Country taking place after Recess, followed by the event of the year - the Tug-O-War!
Well done to students who participated, you all have done the College proud with your determination and perseverance to get to the Finish line. Results have now been tallied and are as follows:
Points score:
- Latimer – 889 points
- Ridley – 832 points
- Cranmer – 732 points
- Ryle – 716 points
Congratulations to the follow students:
Age Champions | Runners-Up | |
12 years | Abigail Stanford | Mackenzie Wright |
Timothy Hammond | Ishan Aggarwal | |
13 years | Ruby Lee | Keira Gurney |
Aarav Jolly | Caelan Green | |
14 years | Audrey Stubbs | Andrea Esdaile |
Eamon Toland | James Comber | |
15 years | Isla Puri | Sandra Stojanovic |
Harrison Ovington | Matthew Jones | |
16 years | Lucy Young | Elizabeth Godwin |
Samuel Stoneham | Morgan Leita | |
17 years | Hannah Roots | Ava Toland |
Jeremy Noakes | Cloud Lim | |
18 years | Willow Hampton | Mackenzie Capili |
Alexander Wright | Hayden Comber |
House spirit was truly awakened for the Tug-O-War as teams were pitted against one another: Mentor Group vs Mentor Group, House vs House, Staff vs Year 12 students! Congratulations to the mighty Ridley 1 - the winning Mentor Group, and the Staff team who came back from a loss last year to claim a resounding victory.
CIS Primary Netball Championships

PAC was proud to have three representatives at the CIS Primary Netball Championships – Sarah Broad (Year 6) was a member of the NASSA Team, and Annie Oliver and Ava Toland (Year 11) were selected as umpires for the Championships. Congratulations to all three girls on their outstanding efforts!
Secondary CIS Swimming Championships

Congratulations to Klarissa Goodwin (Year 8), who represented PAC at the CIS Swimming Championships. Klarissa finished in 7th place in the 50m backstroke and an impressive 4th place in the 200m backstroke, an event that was particularly challenging to place.
Klarissa’s swimming season isn’t finished yet – she will continue to represent at the All Schools Swimming Championship in early June in the 400m Individual Medley event. We can’t wait to follow your success, Klarissa!
Parents & Friends Committee
Mother's Day Stall

Leading up to Mother's Day weekend the excitement was palpable as Primary and Secondary students 'shopped' at the popular Mother's Day Stall organised by the dedicated and hard-working members of the Parents and Friends Association.
Assisted by volunteers, our students took the task of selecting the perfect gift for their mums quite seriously - with some of the younger children confidently announcing to one and all "Mum wouldn't like that!", while others were on a mission with military precision. Year 3 families may be interested to know "Is this diamond real?" was the most asked question as students stood transfixed in front of the rather large and engraved 'rock'.
While we can't burst anyone's bubble or give away any clues, whatever gift you received on Sunday, remember that the Bible teaches us to honour and love our mothers. “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you." Exodus 20:12 NIV. We hope all our families had a Happy Mother's Day!
Community Business Directory

The latest version of our Community Business Directory is available for download.
The Community Business Directory acts as a link for business and families to support each other. This initiative was created by the Parents & Friends Association for businesses of Penrith Anglican College families rather than a general advertising site to assist our College Community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Each business in the Directory has a direct link with a College family.
Please note, the Parents & Friends Association, Penrith Anglican College and their staff will not be liable for any interactions or transactions that occur between any parties connected through this P&F Initiative. The Parents & Friends Association has not vetted the information, products or offerings provided by these businesses.
We will continue to update this document and post a link to the updated version on the website and the College App. If you would like your business to participate in the Community Business Directory, please fill out the form via this link. There is no cost involved.
We are excited to be able to support our College families in this way, and hope you find this Directory helpful.
Community Notices
Upcoming Events
Sunday, 14 May 2023 | Mothers Day | |
Monday, 15 May 2023 | Year 7 Vaccinations | |
Art Club | ||
ESports Club | ||
Year 8 Drama Group | ||
Motiv8 Sports Program | ||
Year 11 Subject Selection Marketplace | ||
Tuesday, 16 May 2023 | Australian Geography Competition (Y9 &Y10) | |
Australian Geography Competition (Y7 & Y8) | ||
Crotchet Choir | ||
Primary Dance Club | ||
Kilometre Club - Primary | ||
Wednesday, 17 May 2023 | CIS 15 & Under Rugby League | |
FNSW Schools Futsal Competition - 14s | ||
Ryle House Charity Day | ||
Senior Choir | ||
John Lambert Assembly | ||
Active Volunteering Certificates | ||
BIG | ||
Year 7 Drama Group | ||
DnD Club | ||
Thursday, 18 May 2023 | CIS Open/16 & U Boys & Open Girls Hockey | |
FNSW Schools Futsal Competition - 16s | ||
Development Band | ||
Pre-K 2024 Taster Morning | ||
3-6 Chess Club | ||
Quaver Choir | ||
Concert Band | ||
Dance Club | ||
Cadets | ||
Council Meeting | ||
Friday, 19 May 2023 | FNSW Schools Futsal Competition - Opens | |
Year 11 Subject Selections Open | ||
Primary Chapel | ||
ESports | ||
Year 1 and 2 Chess Club | ||
Chess Competition | ||
Saturday, 20 May 2023 | AICES Rugby Camp | |
Monday, 22 May 2023 | CIS Open Boy & Girls/ 16 & U Boys Football | |
Year 10 CEP | ||
Art Club | ||
ESports Club | ||
Year 8 Drama Group | ||
Motiv8 Sports Program | ||
Tuesday, 23 May 2023 | CIS Open Boys & Girls / 16 & U Boys Football | |
HSC Practice Afternoon | ||
Level Up Year 7 | ||
Crotchet Choir | ||
Primary Dance Club | ||
Kilometre Club - Primary | ||
Wednesday, 24 May 2023 | Year 10: Careers Expo | |
AICES Open Netball | ||
Senior Choir | ||
Year 12 Law Day Out | ||
Book Parade | ||
Simultaneous Story Time | ||
BIG | ||
Year 7 Drama Group | ||
DnD Club | ||
Thursday, 25 May 2023 | NASSA Primary Cross Country | |
NASSA Secondary Cross Country | ||
Development Band | ||
3-6 Chess Club | ||
Quaver Choir | ||
Concert Band | ||
Dance Club | ||
Cadets | ||
Friday, 26 May 2023 | NSW All Schools 15 & Under Netball Trials | |
Year 11 Reports Sent Home | ||
Year 11 2024 Subject Selections Due | ||
Primary Chapel | ||
ESports | ||
Year 1 and 2 Chess Club | ||
Chess Competition |
Changes to Busways Bus #4047 and #4002
Please see letters from Busways notifying students & parents of changes affecting Morning School Buses #4047 and #4002, commencing on Monday 15 May.
For further information please contact Busways Customer Service on 1300 69 2929. Alternatively visit their website at
Ryle House Charity Day

On Wednesday 17 May, Ryle House will be holding our annual charity day to raise money for the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal. The Salvation Army in Australia helps someone in need every 17 seconds. And this help is only made possible through the generosity of those like you, who support the Red Shield Appeal.
Right now, everyday life has turned into a struggle for millions of families across the nation. Grappling with hardship, homelessness, domestic violence, addiction, mental illness, poverty, isolation and much more, many are on the brink of, or already in crisis.
The Salvation Army is asking for your support this Red Shield Appeal, so we can continue to provide crucial assistance through our vital community programs and support services to the thousands of vulnerable Australians who seek us every day, and ensure nobody struggles alone.
As part of Ryle House Charity Day, students can pre-purchase a sausage sandwich and drink, as well as tokens to use for Carnival style games that will be run on the day.
Some of the games on the day will include Water Dunk, Lolly Jar Guessing, Penalty Shoot-out, Bottle Flip and Pin the Horn on the Rhino.
Orders will need to be made through by clicking on the events tab and selecting Ryle House Charity Day. All orders will need to be finalized by Monday 15 May at 10pm.
Prices are as follows:
- Sausage Sandwich and Drink Combo $5.00
- Sausage Sandwich $3.00
- Juice Popper (Primary) / Can of Soft Drink (Secondary) $2.50
- Carnival Game token $1.00
This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to enjoy food and fun activities as they financially support the work of the Salvation Red Shield Appeal.