From the Principal
Message from the Principal

Mrs Felicity Grima - Principal
Dear Families,
I trust the holiday period has been a time where you have been able to get some rest and spend some time with your families.
As we begin the term, I would like to make you aware of a number of things that are happening in the life of the College.
Master Planning
The Master Planning process is well underway. More information can be found in our first Master Planning newsletter, available on the College website We will be updating the College community with further newsletters.
Volunteer Training
Volunteer Training
At Penrith Anglican College, the safety and wellbeing of our students is our highest priority. As such, anyone working in our College environment must be trained and adhere to our Child Safe policies and procedures. This includes our volunteers.
In the next week, parents will receive information about a new online training course for anyone who would like to volunteer at the College. Moving forward, anyone who would like to volunteer at the College will be required to complete the training and read the Child Safe Policy, Child Safe Code of Conduct and Staff and Student Professional Boundaries Policy provided at the end of the training. The training is based on the Code of Conduct for Volunteers (below).
Code of Conduct for Volunteers
A Volunteer is a person who works without payment or financial reward for the College. Volunteers may be family members of students or from the wider College or local community. Volunteers make a considerable contribution to the College community by giving their time and sharing their skills and expertise with others.
To assist the College in providing a safe and supportive learning environment, volunteers are asked to comply with the Code of Conduct for Volunteers at all times.
All volunteers at Penrith Anglican College should:
a. Comply with the Code of Conduct for Volunteers and participate in training as required by the College.
b. Complete the Working with Children Check and provide the WWCC number, date of birth and proof of identity to staff at College Reception for confirmation prior to commencing volunteer activities.
c. Complete the Volunteer Training session.
d. Sign in and out at Reception and wear a ‘Volunteer’ badge at all times.
e. Accept and follow the directions given by the supervising staff member at all times and seek clarification if uncertain of tasks or requirements.
f. Model appropriate behaviour in all interactions with staff, students, others in the College community and other volunteers.
g. Appreciate and respect that staff have a special duty of care in relation to the students that cannot be delegated or transferred to others. Teachers are responsible for student discipline.
h. Appreciate that students are involved in the learning process and should be treated with dignity and respect.
i.Observe confidentiality with respect to all information gained through their participation as avolunteer. Volunteers should not discuss or disclose to others any information obtained whilst volunteering about students, staff or students’ parents/carers.
j.Recognise that it is not always appropriate or possible to work with their child or their child’s class.
k.Use the resources of the College efficiently and avoid waste or extravagance.
l.Observe safe work practices which avoid unnecessary risks, apply reasonable instruction sgiven by supervisors and report to the supervising staff and/or College administration any hazard or hazardous practices, incidents, injury or property damage in the workplace.
m.Read and adhere to the College’s Child Safe Policy, Child Safe Code of Conduct and Staff andStudent Professional Boundaries Policy.
n.Disclose any concerns of a Child Protection nature immediately to one of the Deputy Principals or the Principal.
Volunteer Training
At Penrith Anglican College, the safety and wellbeing of our students is our highest priority. As such, anyone working in our College environment, must be trained and adhere to our Child Safe policies and procedures. This includes our volunteers.
In the next week, parents will receive information about a new online training course for anyone who would like to volunteer at the College. Moving forward, anyone who would like to volunteer at the College will be required to complete the training and read the Child Safe Policy, Child Safe Code of Conduct and Staff and Student Professional Boundaries Policy provided at the end of the training. The training is based on the Code of Conduct for Volunteers (below).
Code of Conduct for Volunteers
A Volunteer is a person who works without payment or financial reward for the College. Volunteers may be family members of students or from the wider College or local community. Volunteers make a considerable contribution to the College community by giving their time and sharing their skills and expertise with others.
To assist the College in providing a safe and supportive learning environment, volunteers are asked to comply with the Code of Conduct for Volunteers at all times.
All volunteers at Penrith Anglican College should:
a. Comply with the Code of Conduct for Volunteers and participate in training as required by the College.
b. Complete the Working with Children Check and provide the WWCC number, date of birth and proof of identity to staff at College Reception for confirmation prior to commencing volunteer activities.
c. Complete the Volunteer Training session.
d. Sign in and out at Reception and wear a ‘Volunteer’ badge at all times.
e. Accept and follow the directions given by the supervising staff member at all times and seek clarification if uncertain of tasks or requirements.
f. Model appropriate behaviour in all interactions with staff, students, others in the College community and other volunteers.
g. Appreciate and respect that staff have a special duty of care in relation to the students that cannot be delegated or transferred to others. Teachers are responsible for student discipline.
h. Appreciate that students are involved in the learning process and should be treated with dignity and respect.
i. Observe confidentiality with respect to all information gained through their participation as a volunteer. Volunteers should not discuss or disclose to others any information obtained whilst volunteering about students, staff or students’ parents/carers.
j. Recognise that it is not always appropriate or possible to work with their child or their child’s class.
k. Use the resources of the College efficiently and avoid waste or extravagance.
l. Observe safe work practices which avoid unnecessary risks, apply reasonable instructions given by supervisors and report to the supervising staff and/or College administration any hazard or hazardous practices, incidents, injury or property damage in the workplace.
m. Read and adhere to the College’s Child Safe Policy, Child Safe Code of Conduct and Staff and Student Professional Boundaries Policy.
n. Disclose any concerns of a Child Protection nature immediately to one of the Deputy Principals or the Principal.
During the holiday period the Uniform Shop relocated to M Block, next to TheirCare, our before and after school care provider. After the move into L Block last year, we were made aware of changes to compliance expectations that meant it was not possible to keep the Uniform shop under L Block. To ensure best practice and ongoing compliance we will need to move the shop.
From the start of Term 2 2023 the new location of the uniform shop will be in the M Block, in the rooms previously used for Learning Support.
In Term 2 Week 1, the uniform shop will be open for trading on:
Wednesday 26 April 12pm - 5pm
Thursday 27 April 8am - 11am
Friday 28 April 8am - 11am
The College changeover to full Winter Uniform will be after Mother’s Day (Monday 15 May 2022). Prior to this date, students may wear either full Summer or full Winter uniform, but not a combination of both.
Car Park Update
At the end of last term, we trialled a new system in the carpark with ‘one way’ traffic in two lanes and a new Secondary student drop off and pick up area. We understand that there were times when this arrangement caused delays for families and we appreciate those that sent feedback in to the College.
For Term 2 there are some small amendments we are making to try and assist in making this improve, but a general reminder that, if possible, families with Secondary students should seek to use the drop off and pick up area and avoid parking in a car spot.
We are also asking some of our staff to park in different areas and extending the Secondary pick-up area to try and create three lanes in the one way traffic from Gate 1. We will trial this for two weeks and see if it helps the afternoon flow of traffic. There will be staff and signs noting the arrangements in the carpark. We greatly appreciate your understanding and support as we continue to ensure the carpark is safe and allowing people access to the site.
Whole School Anzac Chapel
Our P-12 Anzac Chapel will be held this Friday, 28 April at 9:00am. All students are expected to be present, and our morning classes will be amended to accommodate the service.
Message from the Deputy Principal (Primary)

Mrs Ljubica Mansell - Deputy Principal (Primary)
Dear Families,
We are excited to have a range of additional opportunities for students to be involved and recognised in Term 2 that include building stronger and wider connections with our community through service within the Intergenerational Program, through our sporting opportunities and throughout service within the wider school community. This also brings an additional way students to be recognised for their service and commitment to our wider community with a special award better known as the Aussie of the month Award.
Term 2 will also see our student leaders being further developed in a range of programs that include service to their school community, training both in and out of the school and opportunities to engage their peers in day to day activities.
Detailed information will be sent to parents throughout the term.
Warm regards and God Bless,
Mrs Ljubica Mansell
Deputy Principal (Primary)
Save the Date - Primary Book Parade

Mother’s Day Chapel, Open Classrooms and Mother’s Day Stall

We warmly invite our mothers to our Mother’s Day Chapel and Open Classrooms on Friday 12 May from 9am.
Additional information about the program will be sent to families in Week 2.
Our Parents and Friends Association will be running the Mother’s Day stall on Wednesday 10 May and Thursday 11 May. Donations can be made by placing the gifts into the Gift Box located in the College Reception. More information is located on the note sent to families at the conclusion of Term 1.
Secondary School
Message from the Deputy Principal (Secondary)

Mr Leighton Corr - Deputy Principal (Secondary)
We are looking forward to another busy and exciting term. The Music Tour, that was originally planned in Term 1, commences this week and we pray for the students and staff attending. Our new Student Leadership team will be decided this term with applications opening in Week 3. All students in Year 11 are welcome to consider applying.
Cross Country Carnival
Our Secondary School Cross Country Carnival will be held on Tuesday 2 May. This will take place during the school day on site and is a compulsory school event for all students. Students will have the opportunity to participate for their house with representative pathways through to NASSA also decided on this day.
The event will take the place of Tuesday afternoon sport for Week 2, with the usual sport program commencing in Week 3.
Year 9 Visual Arts on Display in Penrith Library - Last chance to visit this week
Our Visual Arts students have been working on a project-based learning activity in Visual Arts to develop promotional material in response to a brief from Penrith Council.
Students were required to design a Penrith mascot and promote the Penrith area to youth.
Artworks from 2022 and 2023 by Year 9 Visual Arts students will be on display in the Penrith Library for the month of April.
Community Notices
Upcoming Events
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