From the Principal
Secondary Leaders 2024-2025
After careful consideration we are pleased to announce the Secondary Leaders for 2024-2025. This is the highest leadership honour we can bestow on students at the College.
We often think of leaders as those who are charismatic, confident, and have all the right qualities on the outside. But true leadership isn't just about appearances. The most important qualities of a leader lie within a leader’s heart or as we often talk about at the College, the most important qualities of a leader are the strength of their character.
Please pray for our new leaders, that they will carry out their positions with wisdom and godliness.
Mrs Felicity Grima
- Mrs Felicity Grima - Principal
P&F Colour Run
The Penrith Anglican College Parents and Friends’ Association (P&F) will be hosting its rescheduled Colour Run fundraiser on Tuesday 2 July 2024. The event will commence shortly after 11am for students in Years 3-6, followed by Pre-K to Year 2 students from 12pm.
Students participating in the Colour Run are required to pay a $20 entry fee.
If you have already purchased a ticket for the previous date, it is still valid.
This fee can be paid via Flexischools or cash at College Reception.
Parents and younger siblings can join for a $20 family entry fee and will be allowed to enter the course during the first half of lunchtime (12:55 to1:16pm).
What to wear: house colours mufti-day with a white shirt. (with usual College dress code)
The coloured powder is safe (cornflour based) and the colour washes out easily, however we recommend students do not wear good clothes or shoes.
All participants will be issued with a pair of bright coloured sunglasses to protect their eyes and will be rewarded with a frozen ice block at the completion of the course.
Parents, family and friends are encouraged to attend on the day to cheer on students and join their children for a BYO Picnic lunch on The Farm following the event.
Students can be signed out at the completion of their event.
Supervision will be provided for all students who remain at the College until the normal finishing time. Written permission will be required for a child to go home with someone else.
Thank you to our generous sponsors.
Enrolment demand at the College continues to be strong and there are currently only limited places available for 2025. If you would like a place for a sibling please apply now. We also encourage anyone who is seeking a place at the College to apply early - enrolments are being taken now for 2026.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Production
There are still three performances to come for our Wonkalicious musical Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Be quick and you might be able to grab a last minute ticket to a Friday 21 June evening or Saturday 22 June matinee and evening. Book here:
Musical Sponsor - Ample Air
Please support our Silver Sponsor Ample Air.
Ridley House Charity Day 28 June
On Friday Week 9, Ridley House will be having a sausage sizzle, a cake stall and running games at lunch in support of Convoy of Hope. Convoy of Hope is a Christian non profit with a passion to feed the world through children's feeding initiatives, community outreach, and disaster response. Preorders for sausage, drinks and tokens for games are available via Flexischools and close at 2pm on Wednesday 26 June. Students in Ridley House are invited to wear their sports uniform on the day.
Prayer and Praise
Please pray for:
Those staff and students involved in the production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as we near the final week of rehearsals.
Those members of the College community experiencing times of hardship and stress.
Our incredible Property Team who work hard to help the College be a safe and beautiful place to work, study and play.
Praise God for:
Stunning weather and wonderful involvement from our students at the Primary and Secondary Athletics Carnivals last week.
The debating and public speaking opportunities our students enjoy at the College.
Warm classrooms and plenty of places to enjoy the sun at recess and lunch.
From the Deputy Principal (Primary)

Mrs Melinda Richardson - Deputy Principal (Primary)
Mrs Melinda Richardson
Deputy Principal (Primary)
Year 4 Compassion Lolly Stall Fundraiser

We extend our sincere gratitude to all the parents and students who participated in our Year 4 Compassion Lolly Stall fundraiser. Your generous contributions and active involvement were instrumental in raising an impressive $1787.48 for our compassion children. This event would not have been the success it was without the hard work and dedication of our Year 4 students and the overwhelming support from our College community.
Every donation has made a significant impact, and we deeply appreciate your commitment to fostering compassion and kindness. Thank you for your unwavering support.
Dahl-icious Library spaces
We’re excited to report that our Roald Dahl books are racing out the door with a new generation of readers being inspired to read Matilda, the BFG, Danny the Champion of the World, the Witches, and more.
Our favourite quotes from the master story-teller:
Secondary School
From the Deputy Principal (Secondary)

Mr Leighton Corr - Deputy Principal (Secondary)
I am sure that the Musical will be mentioned throughout the Vine today and in future weeks, but it is hard not to focus on an event that highlights so much about what we celebrate as a College.
For me, the musical is an excellent example of students having opportunities to use and develop their gifts. We believe that all of our students are created in the image of God and have been blessed with the ability and capacity to do some wonderful things. I have been delighted to see so many of our students engaged in the Musical in a way that highlights their talents and the creative gifts that God has blessed them with.
Having had the joy of watching the Musical come together over many months I can also confirm that it has been a chance for students to learn and grow. We often talk about school in this way, a chance for people to learn new things and grow because of it. Having seen the first rehearsal and also seeing parts of the Musical on Saturday night it has been wonderful to see the growth in our students. They have all learned their lines and parts magnificently well and grown from the experience.
At Penrith Anglican College we also talk a lot about relationships and community. Musicals don’t work without a number of roles being filled. I credited students in Assembly this week for being on stage and performing so well, but also for those that were back stage, on tech, involved in costumes, who made the props, helped with make-up or performed in the orchestra. In the college Musical we see a wonderful example of community. I commend the students and staff for creating a community that has achieved wonderful things.
There are other examples I could give in our College of great things happening in 2024, but the Musical stands out right now as something that really signifies who we are and what we are trying to do. Well done to everyone involved.
Mr Leighton Corr
Deputy Principal (Secondary)
North-West Schools Rugby Competition (NWSRC)
Community Notices
Primary Football Camp 8-10 July
TheirCare Time Warp Winter Holiday Program
The team at TheirCare have an exciting program lined up for the Winter holidays! See the full brochure here
Staff and Parent webinar
Over the course of Term Two, a local Psychology practice Mindflare has been running a program with groups of PAC students designed to support their mental health and wellbeing.
As part of the program Mindflare is hosting specifically designed webinars to help both parents and teachers when supporting children with both mental health and/or behavioural concerns.
The webinar series is scheduled for next week and there is no cost for attendees. All Staff and Parents of the College are welcome to attend.
Registered people are also able to receive the recording even if they can't attend.
Register here:
If anyone has questions or needs specific guidance, they can be asked live in the Q+A section of the webinars but everyone is more than welcome to submit them to Mindflare prior to the series at [email protected].