From the Principal
From the Principal

Mrs Felicity Grima - Principal
Penrith Anglican College is a vibrant school, and this was once again highlighted at our recent John Lambert Assembly. Our students’ talents were showcased in ensembles, Chemistry Depth Studies, our Primary Dance ensemble, reflections on leadership and Drew Robins who spoke about his F4 racing experiences in Australia and abroad. These assemblies are a powerful source of inspiration for our student body and an encouragement for everyone to make the most of the opportunities they are provided at the College.
Anglican Schools Corporation Review
Every five years, the Anglican Schools Corporation (ASC) Board conducts a review of each of its schools. Each Review provides feedback to the ASC Board and our College Council. The feedback contributes to identifying the College’s strengths and areas for improvement and future planning. The ASC Reviews seek to ensure that all our Corporation schools are flourishing learning communities. The Review consisted of surveys to all stakeholder groups including parents, staff and students. It also included a 3 day site visit with a team of staff from various Corporation Schools at the end of Term 1. During this time, over 60 interviews were conducted with staff, as well as with student focus groups and visits to daily activities such as classes, Chapels, Assemblies and co-curricular activities.
The Review also helps to inform our master planning and clarify the realities of the strategic plan, so that there’s greater cohesion between our internal voice and our strategy.
Our College Council has asked me to share the following highlights from the Review. A range of strengths were reinforced, including:
- A strong Christian ethos
- Dedicated and hardworking staff
- A strong financial position to support the continued operations and growth of the College
- A positive parent community
- Quality facilities and grounds
- Strong enrolment growth
Areas for Continued Improvement:
- Teaching and Learning
- Supporting the Teaching and Learning in the Secondary section with the creation of a Teaching and Learning role, similar to Primary.
- Supporting an even stronger learning culture.
- Supporting diverse learners, with further direction currently being sought as part of the review of Learning Support practices.
- Supporting curriculum implementation, particularly the new NSW NESA Syllabus documents recently released across NSW Primary and Secondary schools.
- Leadership and Communication
- Clarification of reporting lines for staff.
- Review and refine communication practices, both internal and external.
- Develop leadership and administration structures that support the growth of the College.
- Student Wellbeing and Pastoral Care
- Strengthen pastoral care structures across Primary and Secondary.
- Support clear and coherent discipline processes.
- Staff Wellbeing
- Recognise and continue to support the value of staff dedication and commitment to student outcomes and gospel mission.
- Continue to review and clarify workload expectations.
- Christian Ministry
- Continue implementation of the Christian Ministry plan from SEED Review.
- Strengthen Chapel services for Primary and Secondary.
- Review Service programs
- Continue to develop school spirit across the P-12 College
We are well positioned for the next chapter of the College and to fulfill our mission to nurture and develop empowered learners with strong character who know and follow Christ and serve others. The College Council wanted me to convey its gratitude to everyone who provided feedback. Your involvement is sincerely appreciated.
Staffing Updates
Resignation – Mrs Fiona Wright
After 25 years of faithful service, Mrs Fiona Wright (Director of Students 10-12) has been appointed as Director of Students and Family Services at St Paul’s Grammar School at the commencement of 2025. We thank Mrs Wright for all she has contributed to the College as a teacher and leader over such a significant period of time. Mrs Wright will be taking Long Service Leave from the start of Week 3 Term 4 but will return to be officially farewelled at the end of Term 4.
Parents were notified last week that Mr Leighton Corr had resigned from his role as Deputy Principal (Secondary). We sincerely thank Mr Corr for his leadership of the Secondary School over the past 5 years and for all he has contributed to the life of the College. We also thank Mr Tony Kelshaw for his willingness to step into the Acting Deputy Principal (Secondary) role for the remainder of the year.
In light of the themes of the Review detailed above, in particular the need to develop leadership and administration structures that support the growth of the College, as well as making decisions which positively impact staff workload, we will be returning to a ‘stand alone’ P-12 Deputy leadership model in 2025 in an effort to support students, staff, and College leaders in this period of sustained enrolment growth. This position will be supported by our Head of Primary, Mrs Melinda Richardson, and the appointment of a new Head of Secondary.
In order to provide our community with certainty and stability and have these roles in place as soon as possible, we have engaged Hutton Consulting to immediately commence a recruitment process for these important roles.
I know you will pray for this process and that God would guide us in this process so that we can appoint the right people to serve Christ with us at the College.
Prayer and Praise
Please pray for:
Those members of the College community experiencing times of hardship and stress
Year 12 as they approach the last three days of their Trial HSC exams
Our upcoming Fathers’ Day events, and all fathers and father figures in our lives.
Praise God for:
Grandparents’ Day and seeing so many grandparents and other special people enjoying time with their grandchildren
The stunning weather allowing us to enjoy the outside spaces around the College
Camps, sporting events, incursions and excursions which engage our students in learning and developing positive relationships.
From the Deputy Principal (Primary)

Mrs Melinda Richardson - Deputy Principal (Primary)
Last week we recognised 'National Week of Action: Bullying - No Way!', with students participating in intentional learning activities that promoted a sense of inclusion and belonging, as a strategy to overcome bullying. The Australian Human Rights Commission provides the following definition: Bullying is when people repeatedly and intentionally use words or actions against someone or a group of people to cause distress and risk to their wellbeing. Bullying is not the same as conflict between people or disliking someone, even though people might bully each other because of conflict or dislike.
It is important that education regarding bullying is not completed on one off days, but is at the core of our conversations and intentional learning around social and communication skills. Our teachers do a wonderful job at helping students navigate the social element of school, providing not only whole class learning opportunities, but also small group and individual support as required. In addition, we have a growing wellbeing team, overseen by Mrs Lynette Karp (Director of Students P - 6), that can provide more intentional support where appropriate.
As part of our Child Safe education and processes, our students are regularly encouraged to speak with a trusted adult, should they feel worried or fearful. Sometimes the reality is that this trusted adult is you as the parent, and not always the classroom teacher. We need to work in partnership and understanding, to help our students, our children, continue to build the strategies they need, within this important topic.
Please be encouraged that should you ever have concerns for your child, that you make contact with your child's teacher as early as possible. Encouraging your child to report is incredibly helpful. Often children are concerned about reporting, as they perceive potential repercussions. A way you can support is ensuring them that concerns raised are taken seriously and managed professionally, and, where possible in collaboration with you as the parent.
Science Week in 5W
Klarissa, Keira and Samuel from Year 9 came to our classroom on Friday of Science Week to talk about food webs. We learnt that if one animal became extinct many other of animals would too. We used string to make the web. We each had a piece of string and they told us that if one person dropped their string the entire web would collapse. That then showed us how all parts of the web need to be cared for otherwise extinction would eventually happen.
- Harper V 5W
The Year 9 students came to our class to show us all about food webs and how they work. The three students were Keira, Klarissa and Samuel. Firstly, they handed us pieces of paper with names of a tree or an animal. Then they gave us a string to connect to someone else’s animal or tree. It was to show us how the two things connect to the environment. For example, koalas eat the leaves from a eucalyptus tree to survive. They also showed us that if one thing disappears like grass the animal that eats the grass would die and the animals that eat the animals that eat the grass would also die and so on. It would collapse the entire food web. What a disaster that will be!
- Noah K 5W
Kindergarten Excursion to the Zoo
On Wednesday in Week 4 Kindergarten enjoyed a wonderful trip to Sydney Zoo. For many students, it was their first time going on a bus! There was delight all around as the five classes travelled to and from the zoo.
At the zoo, the students were immersed in learning whilst they participated in special zoo educator-led groups that taught them about different types of animals and their habitats. Students were able to pat a blue tongue lizard and a children’s python. They heard a story about the animals in the zoo and learned many interesting facts. This was followed by a walking adventure in which the students had to look for green leaves around the zoo. Each leaf held information or challenges for the children to complete.
A highlight for many was playing in the huge dinosaur-themed sandpit area during Lunchtime. The children were able to climb, dig and brush the sand as they explored for ‘bones’.
Some student highlights included….
“I like when I saw the meerkats and they were running around and standing up. They were so cute.” -Subeg, KW
“I liked it when I saw the tigers. They roared so loud. It was so much fun.” -Nicola, KS
“I loved the sharks and penguins. I liked the sharks because they snap fish. I liked the penguins because I love water and they went in the water.” -Harry, KR
“I like that I could see the painted dogs. I like doing art at school and they look funny.” -Mila, KG
“I like the hyenas because they are fast and I’m super-fast too.” -Brandon, KB
Happy Book Week!
Library staff were overwhelmed by the incredible support from our community at Book Fair 2024 during Grandparents’ Day and for that we say a huge thank you!
Your purchases translate directly to more resources for our students and that is a win for everyone! We are so thankful for the patience and kindness shown to staff and our amazing prefect helpers during the busy morning at the fair, what a wonderful example to set our students!
An extra thank you to the generous families who donated books to the College library on the day. These donations will be recognised with a special book plate inside each book.
Happy reading.
Premiers’ Reading Challenge 2024
We are pleased to say that over 200 students have completed the NSW Premiers’ Reading Challenge for 2024 which has just closed.
If you have questions about the Challenge please email Mrs Killeen
CBCA Book of the Year Winners
Book Week saw the announcement of winners in all categories of the Childrens’ Book Council of Australia awards for 2024 in a week long celebration of literature and reading.
To see all the winners go to their official website Here.
Secondary School
From the Acting Deputy Principal (Secondary)

Mr Tony Kelshaw - Acting Deputy Principal (Secondary)
This past week has seen some significant changes in our school community. Mr Leighton Corr has played a vital role in shaping Penrith Anglican College over the last 5 years. He has been instrumental in focusing the College on the development of students of character and reflecting Christ into the lives of the staff, students and families. I am grateful for his leadership and the impact he has had on my personal view of character education and what that can look like in a growing Christian school. Mr Corr often talks with students about integrity and the importance that it plays in our lives. Hallmarks of his leadership are a commitment to the Gospel, a focus on learning, integrity and a commitment to trusting those that he leads. Mr Corr is an exceptional leader who invested in the lives of his students, and he will be missed by the school community. It is my intent to foster Mr Corr’s legacy and continue this work of developing learners with strength of character who know and follow Christ and serve others.
Another significant change in our community is the announcement that Mrs Fiona Wright will be moving to a new position for 2025. Mrs Wright has grown along with PAC. First appointed as a History, English, Drama and Geography teacher (yes, she can do it all) in 1999. During this time, she has honed her teaching craft along with developing strong leadership skills as the college has grown. Mrs Wright has contributed to the lives of a generation of PAC students and now teaches some of their children. As you look across the College you can see her influence in many areas. Over the last 2 years I have worked with Mrs Wright to develop the welfare and wellbeing aspects of the secondary school. I have observed her unrelenting drive to develop programs that care for people. She will continue to be connected to our community through her family and the many friendships she has made during her time here.
Week 4 of this term has continued to offer a myriad of opportunities for students to learn both inside and outside the classroom. Some of the learning that has been taking place include:
- Art Club
- ICAS (Academic Assessments)
- Year 11 PDHPE First Aid Course
- CASA Basketball
- Year 11 Biology Excursion
- CASA Athletics
- Year 10 Road Trauma Forum
- Inter-schools Chess
- HSC Trials
I want to take this opportunity to thank all staff for their commitment to learning at PAC and for their willingness to invest in the lives and character of our young people. These learning opportunities happen because of the commitment and professionalism of our staff.
Wool4School Competition
We are incredibly proud to announce that Penelope Robson, Year 9 Textiles Technology student has won the Year 9–10 category of the prestigious Wool4School competition! This is an annual design competition, which encourages students to explore the creative potential of Merino wool.
Penelope’s winning design, inspired by the element water and traditional Japanese fashion, showcased her incredible talent and innovative thinking. Penelope’s prize for her outstanding work includes a Bernina sewing machine, a $100 Assembly Label voucher, and EMU slippers.
In her own words:
"My design was centred around the element water and its ability to shape itself into anything. I was also inspired by Yukatas, a traditional Japanese dress, and cultural clothing that is a part of my client’s heritage. The water-inspired patterns and wool material make the outfit not only bold and creative but also a symbol of fearlessness and self-expression."
Congratulations to Penelope for her outstanding achievement in this international competition!
Secondary Enrichment News
A small number of students in Year 8 and 10 were fortunate enough to attend the Thriving Minds Conferences on the 6th and 7th of August. The conferences were held at Ascham School and was overseen by Julie Arliss from Oxford University in the UK. These conferences encouraged students to stretch their brains and think outside the box. The focus of the days revolved around empowering bright minds to adeptly navigate ideas and establish connections across various academic disciplines.
Year 8 engaged with lectures on topics such as genetics, epigenetics and transhumanism while Year 10 delved into the profound ideas of René Descartes trying to find explanation for his famous declaration “I think, therefore I am”. Students also engaged in communities of inquiry with pupils from other schools conversing around ideas of fairness and Plato’s ‘The Ring of Gyges’ text.
Aryan Patial, of Year 10 provided these thoughts:
“Senior Stretch was an amazing experience that I was privileged enough to undertake along with 9 other Year 10 students at Ascham School. The day was centred around how to think laterally and philosophically, with our lecturer helping us to engage with topics related to life after death, the life and principles of Descartes, and the different ways to interpret a lightbulb. For me, the best part was the debate at the end about the ethical implications of AI, which encouraged me to think deeper about AI and how we use it. Overall, it was an amazing experience, and I would like to thank our team and Miss Anderson for organising this event for us!"
It will be wonderful to see how students use these skills across their learning in future.
Miss Debra Anderson
Student Spotlight - Dusty Boots Service Trip
Dusty Boots was a great opportunity for some of Year 11 to go on, where we headed down to Wellington and served the community for a week. My favourite part of the week was getting to meet some of the locals there and seeing their positive reactions to the work that we did for them. It really showed me the mass amounts of good that a little bit of service can do. I highly advise everyone in the younger years to give it a go when their time comes.
- Edison N (Year 11)
Staff Vs. Students Football
Last week, the highly anticipated staff vs. students football game took place, and it was a thrilling match! The staff team emerged victorious with a 3-0 win, adding another notch to their belt in this year’s competition.
With football behind us, the excitement continues as we gear up for the upcoming staff vs. students challenges in chess, debating and netball. The current score stands at three wins for the staff and two wins for the students—it's still anyone’s game!
Stay tuned for more friendly rivalry and let’s see who comes out on top for 2024!
Rugby Union Update 2024
After a hiatus of well over 10 years, the sport of Rugby Union has been reintroduced at the College thanks to the initiative of Mr Leighton Corr and Mrs Amanda Houison.
Term 2 saw our First XV enter into the North West School Rugby Championship.
It was definitely a baptism of fire with only a few boys having previous rugby experience and the majority having not previously played a contact sport. We also had several players playing above their age level. Despite some heavy defeats the attitude of the boys remained positive right to the end.
Term 3 has seen our Intermediate Team achieve some great success and we are currently sitting at the top of the Competition Table after yesterday’s 34-17 win against Arndell Anglican College.
As with our First XV team, the majority of our Intermediate team are new to Rugby, which makes their achievements so far particularly admirable. I have been impressed by their desire to learn and particularly their willingness to engage wholeheartedly in what is typically a very physical contest.
Games are usually played on Thursdays at 4.00pm and spectators are always welcome.
Our next game (Thursday 29 August) is at home against William Clarke College.
Coach: Jon Wright
All Schools Refereeing
Earlier this term, Jayden B (Year 11) represented Penrith Anglican College at the NSW All Schools Touch Football competition as a referee, showcasing his skills and dedication. He was selected to officiate the 15 Boys Grand Final, where he had an outstanding game! Even more exciting, Jayden has been chosen once again to travel to Brisbane in October to referee the Australian All Schools Games. This will be his second year representing the College at this prestigious event. Congratulations, Jayden!
Formula 4 Experience
On Tuesday 20 August Drew Robins from Year 11 participated in an F4 day at Sydney Motorsport Park. Drew drove an F4 car with his fastest lap being 0.35.100 and reaching a top speed of 168km/h! Watch this name in the future of motorsports!
College Canteen
An Update from the Canteen
Students can now make canteen purchases with their student card!
We're excited to announce students can now use their student cards for cashless over-the-counter payments at our school canteen.
This safe and secure solution is enabled by Flexischools and is yet another way we’re simplifying school life.
Parents use their Flexischools app to add funds to their digital wallet and link this account to their child’s student card. You’ll have the option to set daily spend limits and automated top-ups for additional peace of mind. Students then scan their card at the canteen and the in-person transaction is charged to your Flexischools account. Parents can track their child’s spending via the Flexischools app.
Simply download the Flexischools app from the Apple or Google store, follow the prompts to create an account, and link the student card number within the student profile.
We encourage all families to use Flexischools to help us create an efficient cashless experience at the canteen and simplify school life.
If you have any questions, please contact our Canteen Manager Michelle Cochrane via email [email protected].
Community Notices
Father's Day
We are excited to welcome our Dads to the College as we celebrate Father’s Day on Friday 30 August 2024. Breakfast will start from 7.30 on the oval, with activities, Chapel and Open Classrooms from 8:30 - 9:30. Orders via flexischools are essential and you are welcome to order breakfast for your child as well.
Volunteers Needed
We are seeking volunteers for both the Father's Day Stall and the Father's Day Celebrations.
If you would like to volunteer for the Father's Day Stall, please contact Sunny Hunt at [email protected] or on 0422 222 915.
If you would like to volunteer for the Father's Day Breakfast, please contact Mrs Rebekah Sampson at [email protected] or call the College Reception.
CRU Rush Day Camp
CRU RUSH is on these school holidays! Be sure to join us for a fun-filled week of nerf tag, scooter ball, the Splash Tunnel and hanging out with friends while learning about who Jesus is!
📅 Mon 30 Sep - Fri 4 Oct 2024
👫 Years K-6 📍Penrith Anglican College
The perk of coming on a day camp is that you can return home to the comfort of your own bed each night. We hope your child can join us for this exciting week!
There is also the opportunity for Secondary Students to join the CRU Rush Day Camp as Junior Leaders! Follow the QR-Code to find out more details.