From the Principal
From the Principal

Mrs Felicity Grima - Principal
National Child Protection Week
National Child Protection Week was recognised across the country last week but at Penrith Anglican College it is a daily priority. We want all children and young people who attend Penrith Anglican College to feel and be safe. We are committed to providing a child-safe and child-friendly environment, where children and young people are safe and feel safe and can participate in decisions that affect their lives.
We have zero tolerance for child abuse and are committed to doing what we can to keep students safe from harm.
The College regards its child safety responsibilities with the utmost importance and is committed to providing the resources required to ensure compliance with all relevant child protection laws and regulations and maintaining a child-safe culture.
If you have any concerns about Child Safety, please contact the College immediately.
National Teacher Aide Appreciation Week
National Teacher Aide Appreciation Week is the perfect time to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our Teachers Aides who work in Pre-K, Learning Support, Technologies, Visual Arts, Music, Science and Sport. These valuable staff make a real difference in the lives of our students, teachers, and families every single day!
Whether they are supporting students in the classroom, providing one-on-one assistance, or helping with administrative tasks, they are essential to our work as a College each day. Thank you for your patience, kindness, and commitment to helping every student thrive. We are sincerely appreciate for everything you do.
Parents and Friends Association
The Parents and Friends Association is a valued team within our College community. They support our students and families with events like the Mother's and Father's Day stalls, our recent Colour Run and our upcoming Primary Disco. These events also contribute valuable funds for projects such as bike racks, equipment in the new Technologies Workshop, basketball/netball hoops for the court refurbishment and the new sandpit for the Pre-K playground.
The Parents and Friends Association recently held its AGM. At this meeting, Sunny Hunt, Danielle Willmington, and Nicole Gerace finished their time on the Committee. We will publicly thank these ladies later in the year, but we want to take this opportunity to thank them for generously volunteering their time and efforts with the Parents and Friends Association. Our particular thanks to Sunny Hunt, who has served faithfully for many years, most recently as the President. Sunny's dedication and support is truly appreciated and have made a real difference in our community.
We welcome the new members of the Committee
President - Emily Ray
Vice President - Amanda Swart
Treasurer - Wendy Barker
Secretary - Janelle Lupton
All parents and friends are warmly invited to the next meeting on Monday 14 October at 7.30pm in the College Boardroom.
Prayer and Praise
Please pray for:
Our upcoming Camps - Years 3, 4 and 8
Our Year 11 students entering into their Preliminary Examination session
Those families in the College community experiencing times of hardship and stress
Praise God for:
A wonderful Cranmer Charity Day raising funds for Congo Aid
Our fabulous support staff, particularly our Teacher’s Aides in National Teacher Aide Appreciation Week. Thank you for knowing and caring for our students so incredibly well.
The way he is working in the lives of students, staff and families
Pre-K Play Equipment
We are excited to announce we are replacing our Pre-K Play equipment.
CRS (Creative Recreation Solutions) have begun the manufacture of our equipment and will begin installation on Monday 16 September.
We anticipate that it will cause some significant disruption in the carpark during the short installation phase.16 sept -13 oct weather permitting) At this stage specific information regarding these disruptions is still to be determined. We appreciate your understanding during this time.
We will be providing Pre-K with alternative play areas during the installation of the new equipment.
Didjeribone Incursion P-6
On 3rd of September, we had a man called Tjupurru come in and display his instruments to us all, the didjeribone and the didgeridoo. The didjeridbone is a mix of the trombone and the didgeridoo to play music with one instrument instead of multiple. He changed the notes on the didjeribone to play different songs like the national anthem, happy birthday, and songs by Micheal Jackson. It was breathtaking as we watched in awe of his talent! He used extensive technology to create a backing track. When he tapped some people's heads, they would make music, and he could create complex music with one instrument. We really enjoyed this incursion and hope that he can come back next year to teach us once again.
- By Scarlett S and Zara S.
This week the Primary school had a great incursion by Tjupurru from The Didjeribone School Show. He performed using a variety of instruments to make different sounds and songs. Tjupurru taught us that he makes sounds by using his throat and breathing. He also taught us about his culture and his life. It was a wonderful performance and we enjoyed dancing along to his music.
- By 2 Red.
Year 5 Camp to Waterslea
Our Year 5 Camp at Waterslea was one of the best experiences I've ever had. I loved doing archery. It was one of the best activities ever and I also hit the bullseye, I was so happy with my achievement. I liked making the billy carts and racing them down the hill, but I didn’t like how we had to carry them back up the big hill. It was still lots of fun. The wind on the first night was like the loudest wind I have ever heard. During the Talent Quest on the second night, I couldn't stop laughing with my friends and the funniest item was probably Aubree's.
- By Jenson P. 5W
At Year 5 Camp we did nine activities. They were abseiling, bush walking, building and riding billy carts, the waterslide, orienteering, archery, the Talent Quest, Christian Discovery and the Teddy Bear Competition. My friends were with me in the cabin so that made me super happy. My favourite activity was definitely the waterslide. I had so much fun spending time with my friends!
- By Harper V. 5W
We left on the 27th of August bound for a new Waterslea adventure. We had a variety of different activities. The ones that stood out were the waterslide, Adventure Journey, Archery and Billy Carts. The Waterslide was cold but super fun we were able to ride down in pairs or individually. Archery was a ridiculously hard skill to master, but many people hit the bullseye very quickly. Billy carts we built were hard to build but we went fast. Some of us even wiped out into the bushes! Finally, our adventure journey was remarkably interesting, we learnt about different dangerous plants whilst we learnt that wombats do square poop! Some of us even saw wombats and got up close to kangaroos. We were lucky enough to have an amazing experience at Waterslea thanks to the amazing youthworks helpers.
- By James H, Scarlett S and Zara S.
Gateway8 Academic Challenge
On Thursday, 22nd August a team of eight enthusiastic and adventurous students from Years 5 and 6, participated in the Gatreway8 Academic Challenge at Macarthur School. The day consisted of a range of collaborative challenges in English, Humanities, Music, Science, Mathematics, Creative Arts and Design. Students had to think on their feet to respond to complex questions and overcome difficulties. One of the highlights was the pizza lunch!
Congratulations to all participating students.
Father's Day - Through the Eyes of Year 4B
Father’s Day was incredible! We played lots of games, enjoyed great food, and had an amazing time with our dads. The day kicked off with a delicious breakfast, and our generous staff helped make the event extra special. After breakfast, we gathered for a lovely chapel service led by Mr. McMurray. The highlight of the day was when Year 4 Black and their dads built 3D marshmallow and spaghetti towers. It was so much fun—despite a few marshmallows being stolen by our siblings! The whole day flew by, but the time spent with our dads was unforgettable. This special day will be remembered for years to come.
By Candice F - 4B
On Father’s Day, we kicked off the morning with fun games like frisbee, tug-of-war, and rugby. The delicious smell of bacon and eggs filled the air, setting the perfect tone for the day. When the bell rang, we all gathered for a special chapel led by Mr. McMurray, with Mr. Lucas getting some of the kids involved. They had a great time holding props and dressing up in hard hats, aprons, and fluorescent jackets. After chapel, our dads came to our classrooms to see the amazing artwork and work we’d completed. In my class, we had a spaghetti and marshmallow tower challenge. The goal was to build the tallest structure with three 3D shapes. My dad and I were thrilled to win!
By Grace C - 4B
Father’s Day was a lot of fun! I started the morning with a delicious bacon and egg roll for breakfast, then my dad came to my classroom where we made spaghetti and marshmallow towers. After breakfast, we had a Father’s Day chapel. Mr McMurray and Mr Lucas picked some students to hold props related to dads, like joke books, and even dress up as teachers! I was glad I didn’t have to join in—I’d have been exhausted! Back in the classroom, my sister Emilia, who’s in kindergarten, helped with the tower challenge, and ate so many marshmallows! Overall, it was a fantastic Father’s Day, and I had a great time.
By Mika D - 4B
Father’s Day was amazing! We did so many fun things and had a great time. It all started with meeting our dads on the oval for a wonderful breakfast, kindly organised and prepared by our P and F committee and staff. After breakfast, we enjoyed a lovely chapel presented by Mr. McMurray. Then, our dads got to visit our classrooms to see all our amazing work and join in on some fun activities.
In the classroom, we started building 3D shapes and towers using spaghetti and soft marshmallows. After some fun building time, it was sadly time for our dads to go home—but not before we enjoyed the yummy marshmallows, of course! Overall, it was a fantastic day spent with our fathers!
By Eleanor G - 4B
Father’s Day was very exciting! On Friday, we went to school early and headed to the oval to play games and have breakfast with our dads. Once we were back in class, we built spaghetti and marshmallow towers. There was a competition to see who could make the tallest tower, and my group came second! The materials were tasty, even the raw spaghetti! Overall, Father’s Day was a lot of fun—and very delicious!
By Jenson T - 4B
Father’s Day was fantastic! When my dad, brother, and I arrived at school, we were so excited for the day to start at the oval. We had a delicious bacon and egg roll, and I made my dad a coffee, which he loved. After breakfast, we played frisbee—my dad was the best! Then it was time for chapel with Mr. McMurray, and I especially enjoyed when he talked about why we love our dads. After chapel, we headed to my classroom to build spaghetti and marshmallow towers with three 3D shapes. We didn’t win, but we came second, which was great!
By Isabelle S - 4B
Secondary School
2024 NSW Minister’s Awards for Excellence
Congratulations to Gavinu and Michelle who were invited to the 2024 NSW Minister’s Awards for Excellence evening, held at the University of NSW on Monday 2 September.
The top category winners were acknowledged for academic success as well as outstanding community leadership with their language school.
Students were presented with their certificates by Deputy Premier and Minister of Education and Early Learning Prue Car.
Gavinu Wijayarathna - Year 6
Student Achievement, Community Languages Schools – Highly Commended Award
Michelle Zylka - Year 7
Student Achievement, Community Languages Schools – Minister’s Award. This top category winners are acknowledged for academic success as well as outstanding community leadership with their language school.
Michelle also presented a speech in Polish on stage and acted as an MC for the night.
Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute School Science Awards
Recently, Elissa Patterson in year 11 attended the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute Science Awards. This award is presented each year to one Year 11 student who demonstrates the highest level of educational achievement, innovation, creativity, and hard work in their science class. Please join us in congratulating Elissa in her achievements.
Last term, Year 9 and Year 11 French students completed the Assessment of Language Competence Certificates Level 1 and 2 in French. Students achieved some outstanding results which challenged their listening and reading skills. Recognition should be directed towards the following students:
Ciara Kent, Rishelle George, Aahana Saha who achieved a High Distinction in Certificate 2.
Sophia Benitez-Castellanos who achieved a High Distinction in Certificate 1.
Medieval Day
Our Year 8 students had an unforgettable experience during Medieval Day, stepping back in time to explore life in the Middle Ages!
The highlight of the day was recreating the Battle of Hastings with handmade cardboard weapons and armour, bringing history to life in a fun and interactive way. Students also had the unique opportunity to try on real suits of armour, shields, weapons and helmets, gaining hands-on insight into the lives of knights and every day life from medieval times.
A big thank you to everyone who made this immersive learning experience possible!
Elective Visual Arts Exhibition
Please join us for our Year 9-11 Elective Visual Arts Exhibition on 25 September at 4:00pm in the B Block Gallery.
Staff Vs. Students Chess
Arndell Interschool Equestrian Championships
On Saturday 31st August, 6 of our Year 9 boys played for Emu Plains Under 15/2 Tier B to win their Grand Final 28-8. Represented by Aleksander Kennedy, Isaac Nercessian, Caleb Simmons, Billy Bradford, James Comber & Nathan Gombakomba the team put on a dominant display of team work, defence and a well-executed strategy game plan. The road to success was not without setbacks with 3 of the boys suffering nearly season ending injuries. Although with resilience, perseverance and rehab proceeded to end the season with a Premiership win. The boys now progress to Battle of the West against Paramatta Grand Finalists and we wish them all the best.
College Canteen
An Update from the Canteen
Students can now make canteen purchases with their student card!
We're excited to announce students can now use their student cards for cashless over-the-counter payments at our school canteen.
This safe and secure solution is enabled by Flexischools and is yet another way we’re simplifying school life.
Parents use their Flexischools app to add funds to their digital wallet and link this account to their child’s student card. You’ll have the option to set daily spend limits and automated top-ups for additional peace of mind. Students then scan their card at the canteen and the in-person transaction is charged to your Flexischools account. Parents can track their child’s spending via the Flexischools app.
Simply download the Flexischools app from the Apple or Google store, follow the prompts to create an account, and link the student card number within the student profile.
We encourage all families to use Flexischools to help us create an efficient cashless experience at the canteen and simplify school life.
If you have any questions, please contact our Canteen Manager Michelle Cochrane via email [email protected].
Community Notices
Parent App Update
Year 10 Charity Day - Friday 13 September
As part of their fundraising initiatives supporting Parkinsons NSW, Year 10 will be holding a Supporters Day on Friday 13 September. Students from all year groups Kindy to Year 12 are encouraged to wear their favourite team jersey or colours and bring a gold coin donation to support Parkinsons NSW. Normal mufti day rules apply.
There will also be lolly bags, cans of drink and house badges for sale for $2 each at recess on the day between E block and B block. Cash or eftpos will be accepted.
Penrith Show
Congratulations to Penrith Anglican College’s Visual Arts students who participated in the Penrith Show last weekend. Your efforts and creativity have been recognised, with nearly all of the 25 entries receiving awards.
Special recognition goes to our first-place winners: Seini, Noah, Finley, Alexis, and Eva.
A sincere thank your to Principal Felicity Grima for her continued support in covering entry fees, and to Mr. Lewis and Mrs. Dunn for their teaching and encouragement in making these achievements possible.
Well done to everyone involved - you’ve done your school proud!
CRU Rush Day Camp
CRU RUSH is on these school holidays! Be sure to join us for a fun-filled week of nerf tag, scooter ball, the Splash Tunnel and hanging out with friends while learning about who Jesus is!
📅 Mon 30 Sep - Fri 4 Oct 2024
👫 Years K-6 📍Penrith Anglican College
The perk of coming on a day camp is that you can return home to the comfort of your own bed each night. We hope your child can join us for this exciting week!
There is also the opportunity for Secondary Students to join the CRU Rush Day Camp as Junior Leaders! Follow the QR-Code to find out more details.