From the Principal

Mrs Felicity Grima - Principal
Anglican Schools Corporation (ASC) Review
One of the great benefits of being part of the larger group of Anglican schools is the collaboration amongst our schools. While each school is wonderfully unique with their own identity and culture, they have the strong support of the other schools within the Corporation.
A great practical example of this is the review process that happens on a five-year cycle for each of our schools. A group of approximately ten educational leaders and school operational experts, mostly from within our Corporation schools, strategically review each school, with the goal to strengthen our learning communities so that they can flourish and continue to grow.
Many of our staff have had the privilege of being invited to join review panels for other Corporation schools.
A highly experienced team will be coming to Penrith Anglican College on 3rd – 5th April to undertake the review. Ahead of this visit, we are hoping to hear from as many College families as possible. You will shortly receive an invitation to complete a survey provide insight into your experience of the school. Please share with us your honest thoughts on what you love about our school, and any opportunities for growth.
Given the current strong position of the College I am confident that the review will be successful as a collaboration in sharing ideas and in enabling even more growth over the next five years for the Penrith Anglican College learning community.
The Anglican Schools Corporation Interns
The ASC Intern Program is a school-based training program designed to build skills in a broad range of day-to-day school experiences, not ordinarily covered as part of university study or practicum experiences. Alongside their university study and as part of the staff team in one of our schools, Interns, supported by a dedicated mentor, engage in rich learning opportunities in preparation for their first teaching role. The Intern Program is designed to help increase the supply of quality Christian teachers in our group of schools.
We are very pleased to have six Interns as part of the Program working at our College:
Miss Kirsty-Lee Hammond - Primary
Miss Jordyn Matthews - Primary
Mrs Jessica Sharaf - Primary, and employed as a part-time Learning Support Aide.
Mr Jacob Bishop - Technologies
Miss Emma Hoekzema - HSIE, and and employed as a part-time Learning Support Aide.
Mr Sam Lucas - Christian Ministry
Save the Date for Justin Coulson event.

We are very excited to be welcoming Justin Coulson back to the College for a parent presentation 'Carrots and Sticks' on 21 May 2024 at 6pm.
Justin is the co-host and parenting expert on Channel 9's Parental Guidance, the founder of, and one of Australia’s most trusted parenting experts. He holds a PhD in Positive Psychology.
Over the past decade he has helped innumerable families with his 9 books about raising children, his hundreds of media appearances (including all of Australia’s major news outlets, and even the Washington Post and the New York Times), and two viral videos that have been viewed a combined 80 million times!
Carrots & Sticks
- Why punishment is unhelpful in raising thoughtful and considerate kids
- The reasons time-out needs to stay in the naughty corner and never come out again
- The challenges with praise and why it can hurt children's development and growth
- The most powerful parenting strategies to help guide your children successfully
Tickets will be available soon.
Student Drop-off and Pick-up
Please note that the lanes in the carpark are ‘one way’. Please enter via Gate 1 for Secondary and Primary 3-6 and Gate 2 for P-2.
In the afternoon we ask that families picking up Secondary students arrive after 3.25pm. Queuing before 3.25pm blocks families from entering to pick up Primary students who finish at 3.15pm.
In order to help the traffic flow smoothly and be respectful of our neighbours and the general community, please note the following:
- Particularly for the first few weeks as students and families adjust to new routines and procedures, we ask for parents to drive carefully and show patience in the carpark. Staff will be present to assist with moving the traffic on as quickly as we can.
- Students should only enter or depart cars in the designated areas in the College carpark and walk using the pedestrian crossings.
- Please do not leave your car unattended in the Kiss and Run Zones and please keep your stopping time to a minimum to allow other cars to move through.
- If you are parking, please park within the marked spaces and meet your child/ren at the 3-6 Assembly area. Please use the marked crossings to model appropriate car park etiquette.
Prayer and Praise
Please pray for:
Those members of the College community experiencing times of hardship and stress
Year 7 as they head off to CEP at Collaroy on Monday.
Our littlest learners as they deal with the exhaustion of school five days a week.
Praise God for:
A safe and successful Year 11 CEP
A wonderful Primary College Leaders’ Investiture this morning.
Celebrating the Class of 2023 at out Alumni Thanksgiving Service
From the Deputy Principal (Primary)

Mrs Melinda Richardson - Deputy Principal (Primary)
It has been wonderful to meet with a number of you throughout these past two weeks. Our Parent Information Evening was well attended, and an excellent opportunity for families to meet with our teaching team to hear about the wonderful plans for the year ahead, as well as the expectations we hold for students. Our Meet the Teacher evening was a great opportunity for families and teachers to meet more intentionally as we continue to build relationship. Your knowledge and insight is such an important part of our understanding, and I thank each and every one of you who has taken the time to complete the questionnaires and meet with our team. 2024 is looking to be a most wonderful year!
Our Swimming Carnival was a great day, and I extend my thanks to Mr Chris Hall for his organisation of this event. Whilst hot, our students had an incredible time, displaying sportsmanship in the way they interacted with each other through a range of events. A special acknowledgement to Mia E for breaking our 9 years freestyle record!
It has also been wonderful to formally induct our 2024 Primary Student Leaders at a special service held this morning. My thanks to Mrs Lynette Karp for her organisation of this event.
Morning Arrival
Families are reminded that supervision starts at 8am. Students arriving earlier than this, must be supervised by their parent. Students are not permitted to play until the teacher on duty arrives, and are asked to wait on the seats provided.
Our day commences promptly at 8:30am. Families are strongly encouraged to have students on site by 8:20am, to allow them a chance for a quick play and toilet break prior to the day starting. Where families are running late, students must be signed in through the Administration Building, to ensure we maintain accurate records.
Thank you for your support with this.
Co-curricular Opportunities
A range of activities are provided across the Primary School, over the course of the week. These activities help enrich learning at the College, and I thank our teachers for their passion and dedication in running these activities. All students are welcome, however, they are expected to make a commitment, and regularly attend. For some co-curricular activities, a roll will be maintained as effort and commitment in these groups connect with our John Lambert award process. Co-curricular groups will start next week (Week 4).
A letter will be sent next week to students in Years 3 - 6 regarding our Dance Troupe offering. See the table below or download if on a mobile.
Before School |
| Dance Troupe (Years 3 & 4) Dance Studio | Development Band TLC | Dance Troupe (Years 5 & 6) Dance Studio |
Lunch | Friendship Spot (Years 3 – 6) C Block
Student Leaders Meeting D Block (First Half)
L Block Library (K – 2) (Second half)
E Sports (Years 5 & 6) D Block (Second half | Crotchet Crew (Years 4 – 6) Recital Room
L Block Library (K – 2) (Second half) | BIG
L Block Library (K – 2) (Second half)
| Quaver Crew (Years 2 & 3) Recital Room
Debating (Year 6 ) D Block (First half)
Chess Club (Jnr) L Block Library (Second half)
Chess Club (Years 3 – 6) D Block (Second half) | Friendship Spot (Years 3 – 6) C Block
Friendship Spot (K – 2) L Block Library (Second half)
Deputy Principal (Primary)
Primary Leaders Investiture
The 2024 Primary Leaders Investiture took place in the College Gymnasium on Friday, 16 February. It marked a joyful morning of celebration, where families and carers of the Primary Leaders were warmly welcomed to join and participate in the pinning of their child’s badge. Following the investiture, Primary Leaders and their families gathered for light refreshments in the Hospitality Space.
As these new leaders embark on their roles, we pray that they lead with integrity and humility, serving as Godly role models for all Primary students. May they find strength to persevere through challenges and embrace new opportunities with courage. Above all, may they uphold the College values, dedicating themselves to serving Jesus in every way they can.
Primary College Captains
Alice B. and Joel L.
Primary Vice-Captains
Aaeyah H. and Oliver J.
Charryl A.
Oliver H.
Hezekiah H.
Hallie M.
Kelsey M.
Audrey P.
Lucas R.
Gavinu W.
House Captains
Emilija S. and Alexander G.
Janeet B. and Jacob W.
Sebastian T. and Liam B.
Levi C. and Mahie K.
Professional photos were taken by Mr Brendan Samuels and we will publish some in the next edition of the Vine.
The Wellbeing Show
‘The Wellbeing Show’ is coming to Penrith Anglican College on Monday 19 February. All Primary students from Pre-K to Year 6 will be involved in this incursion which occurs in normal school hours.
“The Wellbeing Show” is an interactive performance which highlights strategies for success such as Excellence, Grit, Determination, Positive Emotions, Positive Relationships, Optimism, Positive Purpose, Happiness, Being Healthy, Confidence, Achievement and Laughter. With hilarious comedy skits, singing, guitar, didgeridoo, percussion and much more the students are completely engaged the entire time.
Fundraiser for Compassion

Brownie Stall hosted by Year 5 students!
At recess on Wednesday 28th February Year 5 will be holding a Brownie Stall for all the Primary School students to enjoy!
Money raised will go to Compassion for all of the children we sponsor from P-6.
Brownies will be on sale for $2.50 and $2.00.
Pre-K students will be able to participate in this event. You will be advised by their teachers of details.
Introducing Lafaille

Introducing our newest little sponsor child…..Lafaille from Haiti who is being sponsored by Pre-K.
He is 4 years old and lives in Haiti. He helps at home by caring for animals. He likes playing games like Hide n Seek and playing ball.
Lafaille lives in a rural area. The most commonly spoken language is Creole and the regional diet mainly consists of bananas, beans, bread, and chicken.
Most local adults work as fishermen or in agriculture and the average family income is equivalent to $50 per month! This community requires a more well-equipped health centre with quality trained staff to better aid the people. Families financially struggle to put their children through schooling, therefore funding assists children in receiving an education.
Our sponsorship of Lafaille means that he and his family can eat nutritious meals. Lafaille will have an education, be able to have medical treatment, and learn about Jesus. One day he will be able to achieve his dreams because of the amazing sponsorship program and the generosity of our Pre-K children!
Look Inside the Library

Welcome to 2024 in the Library, whether you’re new or returning members of the College community. For new users, a special welcome and brief introduction to the Library service.
We operate in 3 spaces throughout the campus each including a physical collection, library office and learning space.
L Centre is the Prep Library (PreK to Year 2)
D Centre is the Year 3 and 4 Library
G Centre is the Year 5-12 Library
Library classes are held for all students PreK to Year 6 where we work hard to foster a love for reading, build students’ research skills and encourage a lifelong pursuit of knowledge.
We welcome borrowing from the wide range of resources in our spaces which include the latest fiction, non-fiction, picture books, graphic novels, magazines, classics, autobiographies and so much more.

In an ever-expanding information landscape, Library also provides access to the following online resources through student login to the library home page.
• Sydney Morning Herald
• World Book Online for all age groups
• Clickview (educational TV programs)
• Story Box Library (stories read aloud)
• Sora (ebooks)
• Gale in Context High School and JStor (databases for Secondary research)

At the end of February we farewell our Head of Library Services, Mr Mark Pullen, after 7 years of service at the College. Mr Pullen will be taking up a Head of Library role much closer to home and we thank him for his dedication, kindness, positivity and energy which will be greatly missed by the Library team and wider community. He leaves with our prayers for his future and our thanks for his contribution here.
For more information about the services we provide, please email us [email protected]
Secondary School
From the Deputy Principal (Secondary)

Mr Leighton Corr - Deputy Principal (Secondary)
Our Secondary College Leaders had the wonderful opportunity of attending the annual Archbishops Student Leadership Commissioning service on Thursday February 9. This event bring together student leaders from all Anglican Schools in Sydney at the wonderful Cathedral at Town Hall.
The students heard an encouraging message from the most Reverend Kanishka Raffel about the importance of humility and a servant heart in their time in service and were then formally commissioned in to their roles.
This event is a wonderful chance for our leaders to be encouraged in their leadership journey by an experienced and wise Christian leader, but also to see so many different students from different schools who are facing the same things as they are.
It was a pleasure for Mrs Grima and I to join them for this service and we look forward to their ongoing humble service over the next two terms.
Mr Leighton Corr
Deputy Principal (Secondary)
Upcoming Latimer House Charity Day

Latimer House Chairty Day is coming up on Wednesday 6 March. The event will be raising money for Anglicare's Take Love. There will be food, music and fun. Orders for sausage sizzle and games tickets will open online next week. More information to come.
Valentine's Day Fundraiser

Valentine's Day is all about spreading love to people you care about and those around you, and the Penrith Anglican College Student Leadership Team did just that this year. The day was filled with love, laughter, and lots of hard work in the oppressive heat, and the smiles on students’ faces when receiving lolly bags and roses made all the effort worthwhile! Unsold roses were delivered to the Nepean Hospital Cancer Clinic at the end of the day for the enjoyment of patients and staff. On behalf of the Student Leadership Team, thank you to our school community for your support.
Monet Phillips
College Prefect
Mathspace Online Mathematics Program

Visual Arts Department
Art Camp 2024

There are a few places remaining for Visual Arts Camp, open to all students in Year 8 and elective Visual Arts students in years 9 -11.
The 2024 Visual Arts camp will be held at Bundanon on the 15th -17th May, 2024. Bundanon is located in the Shoalhaven, New South Wales, and was once home to acclaimed painter Arthur Boyd. Students will participate in a range of artmaking masterclasses along with developing their knowledge and appreciation for art culture and history.
For further information see your Art teacher or download the attached information document. Deposits are required by the end of February to secure your position.
Primary Swimming Carnival

Congratulations to all the students who attended, participated, and competed at the Primary Swimming Carnival. While it was a hot day, the students had a great time getting into house spirit and cheering on their peers in each race and even encouraging one another during the novelties.
We had a new record at our carnival:
Mia E.- 9 Years Girls 50m Freestyle with a time of 39.34
Congratulations to Latimer House for taking out the day.
CASA Primary Basketball Gala Day

On Thursday 8 February, boys and girls from Stage 3 represented the College in the CASA Basketball Gala Day at Hills Sports Stadium. The day turned out to be a great day for basketball and the students were eager to get out on the court and show off their dunks, layups and slick passing skills. Both teams played were competitive in each of their games. These students showed great sportsmanship and represented Penrith Anglican College very well on the day.
Secondary Swimming Carnival

The weather was hot and the pool was the place to be. There was House spirit, records broken and the inaugural Staff vs Year 12 relay that the Year 12 team won by almost a lap. And of course the chaos of the Year 12 novelty race.
Results with be in the next Vine issue.
Community Notices
Upcoming Events
Mon, 19 February | Year 7 CEP Camp |
Sat, 24 February | ACER Scholarship Testing |
College Tours | |
Sun, 3 March | Clean Up Australia Day |
Tues, 5 March | StEPS Vision Screeners |
Wed, 6 March | Latimer House Charity Day |
Thurs, 7 March | StEPS Vision Screeners |
Wed, 13 March | NAPLAN |
Secondary College Tours | |
Years 7-12 Information Evening 2025 | |
Thurs, 14 March | NAPLAN |
College Tours Afternoon | |
K-Yr 6 Information Session 2025 | |
Pre K Information Session 2025 | |
Fri, 15 March | NAPLAN |
Mon, 18 March | NAPLAN |
Tues, 19 March | NAPLAN |
Wed, 20 March | NAPLAN |
Year 7 and 12 Parent Student Teacher Interviews | |
Thurs, 21 March | NAPLAN |
Fri, 22 March | NAPLAN |
Pre K Taster Morning | |
Mon, 25 March | NAPLAN |
Tues, 26 March | Primary Cross Country Carnival |
Easter Hat Parade | |
Thurs, 28 March | Whole School Easter Chapel |
Fri, 29 March | Good Friday |
Sun, 31 March | Easter Sunday |
Mon, 1 April | Easter Monday |
Tues, 2 April | Secondary Cross Country |
Wed, 3 April | Year 8-11 Parent Teacher Student Interviews |
Mon, 8 April | Year 8-11 Parent Teacher Student Interviews |
Fri, 12 April | Last day of Term 1 |