From the Principal
Important Information Regarding Student Return to Campus Learning
Mrs Felicity Grima - Principal
Dear Families
- Monday 18 October Pre-K, K, Year 1 and Year 12 (Class of 2021)
- Monday 25 October All other year groups returning
2. Approaches to Safety
The safety and wellbeing of our students and staff remains our highest priority. The following practices will be in place as students return:
a. COVID Symptoms
Students experiencing COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose) are not permitted to attend the College. They must be tested and have a negative test result before they return to the College. These results can be emailed to [email protected]
If students experience symptoms during the day, they need to move to the Clinic immediately. They will be placed in the COVID isolation room in Reception and sent home.
If a student has a medical condition that has similar symptoms to COVID-19, they need to provide a medical certificate from their treating practitioner. This certificate also needs to be emailed to [email protected]
b. Ventilation
A thorough audit of the College has been completed to ensure that cross ventilation is possible in each learning space. Windows have been tested to ensure an adequate number can be opened in each space and flyscreens are in the process of being added. Air conditioner units have all been cleaned and tested. Ongoing review may result in further changes.
c. Vaccinations
In compliance with the Public Health Order, all staff at the College are fully vaccinated.
It is not a Government requirement for students attending schools to be vaccinated, and our current policy is in line with those requirements despite our strong preference for students to be vaccinated. Unvaccinated students cannot be isolated or segregated from other students or staff.
NSW Health strongly urges all students aged 12-18 years to receive two doses of either Pfizer of Moderna COVID-19 vaccines as soon as possible before returning to school.
d. Masks
Masks will be mandatory for all students in Year 7 and over and must be on as they arrive on Campus. They will also be required for any adult on the College campus, both indoors and outdoors. They must be worn on public transport, including the private College bus.
For students younger than Year 7, masks are strongly encouraged.
It is our expectation that students will supply their own masks although supplies of disposable masks will be available in case of an emergency.
If a student is unable to wear a mask for medical reasons, a medical certificate from their treating practitioner must be provided to the College. A copy of the certificate can be given to their class teacher or Stage Co-ordinator (Primary) or their Head of House (Secondary).
Masks will be considered part of the Secondary uniform for the return to school and students will receive Edumate entries and uniform demerits if they do not follow the instructions for mask wearing.
e. Hand sanitiser and cleaning
Hand sanitiser is available in all classrooms and at the entrance to the campus and buildings. Students will be required to use sanitiser as they enter the College and buildings throughout the day. Hand washing procedures are being reinforced.
Cleaning of high touch surfaces has been increased throughout the day, and students will continue to wipe down their desks and equipment at the start of lessons. Safe and approved cleaning product is available in each room.
f. Food and water
The bubblers have been turned off and only water bottle fillers will be operational. Students are encouraged to bring their own drink bottle, particularly as the weather becomes warmer.
As normal, students will not be permitted to share food. Birthday celebrations will be permitted but only pre-packaged foods that comply with our ‘Allergy Aware’ guidelines are permitted.
g. Separation of cohorts
Schools are advised to minimise the interaction of students in cohorts. At the College, interaction will be restricted as much as possible to the following groups for playgrounds and afternoon dismissal areas:
- Pre-K
- Kindergarten to Year 2
- Years 3 to 6
- Individual year groups in Secondary
Primary and Secondary will have recess and lunch at different times. There will no morning assemblies in Primary.
3. Confirmed Case at the College
In the event of a confirmed case of COVID-19 at the College, we will be following the direction of NSW Health and the Association of Independent Schools (AIS). The College could need to respond in a variety of different ways depending on a series of factors such as the number of cases, the age of person diagnosed, the areas visited by the person diagnosed, exposure of others by the person diagnosed etc.
The College is well prepared for each of these scenarios with a sliding scale of responses which will vary from ‘business as usual’ through to enacting our Emergency Response Plan. We note that it is very unlikely that the College will be closed completely should we receive a positive diagnosis within our community, but rather we will be instructed to manage students and/or staff by area, campus or on a year group basis.
Our method of communication with parents and staff will also vary and may include an SMS message, College App post or email depending on the scale of response required, in order to keep our community safe. To assist us, please ensure your family details such as mobile phone numbers and email addresses are up-to-date in Edumate.
If there is a confirmed COVID-19 case in your immediate household at any time, please contact the College via Reception or by calling 0409 437 584. Please save this number in your phone.
4. Carpark
Parents and carers need to remain in their cars during drop off and pick up times. As we are required to stagger the movement of students coming in and out of the College, we have modified the pick-up times for Primary students.
- Pre-Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 can be picked up from 2:45pm
- Year 3 and Year 4 can be picked up from 3:00pm
- Year 5 and year 6 can be picked up from 3:15pm
Supervision will be provided for students on campus until 3.45pm.
Parents and carers are asked not to arrive earlier than the designated time. If you have more than one child at the school, please arrive at the time of your eldest child and proceed to the designated areas to collect your children. We will have staff in the carpark directing traffic and helping bring your children to the car. Please assist us by displaying your carpark poster on the front of your car. If you need a new poster, please contact the College at [email protected] as soon as possible.
5. Activities not permitted under current restrictions for schools
The following activities are not currently permitted at the College:
- singing, chanting, group repetition and choirs (except for HSC preparation and assessment purposes)
- sport (except for sport within existing PDHPE classes, provided this limits student mixing)
- bands and ensembles
- interschool activities and events including interschool sport, gala days, trials, knock outs and carnivals
- assemblies
- school performances, productions, concerts, speech nights and award presentations
- excursions, camps, field trips and principal-endorsed activities for students
- international excursions
- student visits to aged care facilities
- parent volunteers
- community events (fetes, grandparents’ days etc.)
- P&F activities, including meetings (unless held online only)
- all external providers and specialist programs not directly related to educational outcomes and support, including community
- non-essential visitors should be not permitted on school sites including incursions/guest speakers, official visitors and local members
Assemblies and Chapels will continue online. Decisions will be made later in the term about Presentation and end of year events. It is likely these will be significantly modified and only provided in an online format.
In Secondary School, our normal Tuesday Sport Program is not permitted, and we advise that students will be able to be picked up from lunchtime on a Tuesday. Supervision will be provided but if students are able to leave the campus we are open to this.
6. Uniforms
On each day in Term 4, students will be permitted to wear either their full summer dress uniform or their sports uniform. Uniforms can be purchased online for collection at College Reception. There will be a grace period in relation to haircuts until the end of October.
7. Before and After School Care
Camp Australia will operate according to their normal hours.
8. Bus Services
Busways and Blue Mountains Buses will be operating according to their normal schedule. The College bus to Jordan Springs will also resume on Monday 18 October.
9. Canteen
The Canteen will operate via the ‘Flexischools’ online ordering system only. There will be no face-to-face purchases available.
Thank you for your continued support and compliance with our requests which will help to keep our College community safe.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Felicity Grima
College Term Dates 2022
Please find attached the College Term Dates for 2022.
Meet Our 2021-2022 College Prefects
Name: Emma Tarbert
House: Ryle
Role on the Leadership Team: College Prefect
Best thing about being a student at PAC: The best thing about being a student at PAC is being involved within the school community. Being surrounded by such amazing peers and teachers is something I'm incredibly grateful for.
One thing you feel you contribute to the Leadership Team: I think I contribute dependability. I feel as if I am someone who is reliable and trustworthy.
Something you are looking forward to about being a Leader: I'm looking forward to having the opportunity of acting as a role model for the younger years and building stronger connections with students outside of my year.
A surprising/random fact about you that most people wouldn't know: I can list all the States in America in Alphabetical order.
Name: Mason Maenzanise
House: Ryle
Role on the Leadership Team: College Prefect
Best thing about being a student at PAC: Helping others in need and being involved in activities such as fundraisers and missions.
One thing you feel you contribute to the Leadership Team: I bring positivity to the team as well as acceptance; accepting everybody as they are.
Something you are looking forward to about being a Leader: To guide, help and motivate younger students to do the best they can.
Name: Alexandra Calopedis
House: Ridley
Role on the Leadership Team: College Prefect
The best thing about being a student at PAC: There are many opportunities to grow personal skills through trying new things within the different programs and activities available.
One thing I feel I can contribute to the Leadership Team: My positive and cheerful view on tasks and situations. This can improve productivity and can lift team spirit whilst we work together to help the school.
Something I am looking forward to about being a Leader: Pushing myself out of my comfort zone and testing my leadership skills. This is something new to me and I look forward getting to know the college community better.
A surprising/random fact about me that most people wouldn't know: I have an extra rib on the right side of my body.
Prayer and Praise
The Lord gives strength to his people;
the Lord blesses his people with peace.
Psalm 29:11 NIV
Please pray for:
Safety and wisdom as lockdown ends and our state opens again.
College families who are enduring times of hardship and stress.
Safety and protection for our community, particularly those in Year 12 coming up to their HSC exams.
Praise God for:
Our State starting to open up after lockdown.
Technology which makes connection and teaching possible.
Stage 3 being able to have a camp experience despite being in Off Campus Learning mode.
Teaching and Learning
Message from the Director of Teaching and Learning
Mr Mitchell Clarke - Director of Teaching and Learning
As previously noted, one of the key foundations of the College Learning Culture is the implementation of a common language for all College students; one that helps students describe and define the characteristics and dispositions of a powerful learner. I have noted that just as students can build their physical muscles by completing the right kinds of exercise, so can their exercise these ‘learning muscles’ to develop their learning capacities.
The Learning Language is divided into four domains: Resourceful, Resilient, Reflective and Relational. In this post I wanted to take a look at the final domain of the College Learning Culture, what it means for our students to develop as Relational learners.
Something that has been particularly tough in recent months has been our separation from the wider College community. Although the College did a brilliant job of making the best of a difficult situation, it cannot be denied that even in the best circumstances, off campus learning is no substitute for the buzz and excitement of learning with fellow students, on campus, in College classrooms. This is because we were created to be part of a community. Whether at home, at work, at school or in community, there is great value in looking beyond one’s own experience and learning with and from those around us; this is what it means to be a relational learner.
The development of this domain better prepares students to not only collaborate with fellow students, but also to develop their skills in respecting one another’s differences. The College continues to work with P-12 students in developing their understanding of the crucial human value of being an empathic citizen and learner. Students are also equipped to listen to other points of view, particularly ones they do not naturally agree with.
In order to help their child become more relational, parents and carers can:
- Ask their children to consider their role when working as part of a group. What are their strengths? What are their weaknesses, and how might another member of the group help them overcome these challenges?
- Encourage students of the importance of being respectful of the opinions and perspectives of other people.
- When reflecting on times of difficult behaviour, ask students to think about how they might next time better consider the point of view of the other party.
As the nation continues to emerge from the recent lockdown, it seems particularly fitting to discuss the importance of all of us becoming relational learners. I very much look forward to seeing Penrith Anglican College spring back to life as students slowly continue to filter back onto the College campus in the coming weeks.
Mr Mitchell Clarke
Director of Teaching & Learning
Transition Back To School In A Covid-19 Era
Please find attached some helpful information for parents/carers regarding students transitioning back to school.
Message from the Deputy Principal (Primary)
Mrs Ljubica Mansell - Deputy Principal (Primary)
Dear Families
Return to Primary School
I do pray you are well and I am pleased that we will begin to welcome our students back to the College over the next two weeks.
This letter will provide further detail about what Primary School will look like as the students return, while still under the current COVID-19 regulations.
1. Student Return
- Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Year 1 students return Monday 18 October 2021.
- Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 students return Monday 25 October 2021.
2. Primary Daily Times
The daily times for Primary have been adjusted as outlined below.
Period | Time |
Morning Supervision | 8am-8:29 |
1 | 8:30-9:22 |
2 | 9:23-10:15 |
Recess | 10:16- 10:37 |
Core Class | 10:38-11:07 |
3 | 11:08- 12:00 |
Lunch 1 | 12:01- 12:23 |
Lunch 2 | 12:24- 12:47 |
4 | 12:48- 1:40 |
5 | 1:41- 2:33 |
6 | 2:34- 3:25 |
Students will not assemble in the morning for assembly and will be asked to line up in front of their classrooms each morning where they will be greeted by their class teacher.
3. Learning
Learning on campus will be prioritised and Off-Campus Learning will be available in a very limited format.
a) Learning at School
Students returning to school will have face-to-face direct instruction from their teachers as per the timetable including specialist lessons.
Students will transition back into their classroom routines under the guidance of their teachers and provided with opportunities to reconnect with their peers and the College environment. These activities will be in line with the guidelines provided to Schools who are returning to Level 3 Plus status.
Students will remain with their core class teachers for the first few days and engage in whole class activities to ensure students have settled into the College environment.
b) Learning from Home- Learning Packs
Home learning packs will be available for students who will continue to learn from home.
Teachers will plan activities for students to work from at home that reflect the lessons for Literacy and Numeracy plus other Key Learning Areas.
As teachers are returning face-to-face teaching in the classroom, we are unable to provide live Zooms and therefore will have alternative ways students will be able to access the learning.
Morning Zoom check-ins and live Zoom lessons will no longer operate once the grade returns to face-to-face learning.
We have arranged for Primary staff, including support staff, to be rostered on at different times throughout the week to check in with students. These sessions will not be live lessons, but an opportunity for students to ask questions about the activities and receive support with their learning.
Learning packs created for Weeks 1 to 4 will remain as they are, and students will continue using the learning materials and plans provided.
Please know that teachers will provide support to students learning from home but due to supervision of face-to-face teaching, teachers will not be as readily available as they have been during Off-Campus Learning.
You are encouraged to email your child’s teacher in the first instance if you have any questions relating to the learning.
c) Learning Pack Collection
Learning packs will only be created for students who are not returning to face-to-face learning in Term 4.
Learning Packs | Date of Collection | Time |
Weeks 5 & 6 | Monday 1 November 2021 | 9:30am and 11:30am |
Weeks 7, 8 & 9 | Monday 15 November 2021 | 9:30am and 11:30am |
4. Car Park
Under the current guidelines, parents and carers need to remain in their cars during drop off and pick up times.
a) Primary Finish Times
As we are required to stagger the movement of students coming in and out of the College, we have modified the pick-up times for Primary students.
- Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 finish at 2:45pm.
- Year 3 and Year 4 finish at 3:00pm.
- Year 5 and year 6 finish at 3:15pm.
Parents and carers are asked to adhere to these times when collecting their child/ren and not to arrive earlier than the designated time. If you have more than one child at the school, please arrive at the time of your eldest child and proceed to the designated areas to collect your children.
b) Pick Up and Drop off Points
Students in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Year 1 will need to be dropped off and picked up at the L Block Kiss and Drop Zone.
Students in Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 will need to be picked up at the Primary Assembly area Kiss and Drop Zone.
If you have children across all areas of the school, we ask that you drop off or pick up your youngest child first at the L Block Kiss and Drop and then proceed to the Primary Kiss and Drop zone.
Please ensure that you have your parking passes on display. If you require a new sign, please email the College reception at [email protected]
5. Playground Areas
Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 students will use the Farm for recess and lunch break times.
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be separated according to their grades across different sections of the school.
Students in Primary will not be out at the same time as Secondary students as they will run on a different timetable.
Students will be asked to play and remain in their areas during break times and not cross into other areas.
6. Uniform Term 4
On each day in Term 4, students will be permitted to wear either their full summer dress uniform or their sports uniform. Uniforms can be purchased online for collection at College Reception. There will be a grace period in relation to haircuts until the end of October.
7. Returning of College resources
Students who have borrowed resources form the college, including laptops, ipads, library books and other resources, are asked to return them to the College on Monday 18 October 2021 via the administration office.
8. Learning Materials and Stationery
Students in Pre-K to Year 2 will have stationery available for them to use and we will ensure that students are sanitizing their hands throughout the day.
If students have their own stationery items, they are welcome to bring them to school but it is not compulsory.
Students in Years 3 to 6 are required to bring their own stationery, which is normal practice.
During Visual Arts Lessons, the art materials are shared but the teachers will ensure that our COVID safe practices are in place with sanitizing of hands and desk spaces before and after the lesson. If you prefer your child/ren not to share these materials, can you please supply the following in a snap lock bag or in their pencil case: and lead pencil, glue, scissors, sharpener and an eraser.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone as they return to school in the coming weeks. Please feel free to contact me via email at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Wishing you a blessed and peaceful weekend.
Kind regards,
Mrs Ljubica Mansell
Deputy Principal (Primary
Aspiring Young Writer Gets Published!
We have a young published author in the College community!
During lockdown, Year 1 student Charlie Balderstone submitted a story to be considered for publication.
His story, titled 'Green Lady', is one of the 156 stories written by kids aged 6 - 9 to be featured in Colours - Green Stories - An Anthology of Writing by Better Read Kids.
Charlie is very excited and wants to continue to write and get more of his stories published. Congratulations Charlie, and keep on writing stories!
Mrs Gail Watkins
Primary Teacher
Compassion Child Sponsorship
Salvador Caballero Perez
Salvador is 9 years old and lives in Mexico with his mother and father. His mother is unemployed and his father is a farmer on a local farm.
His job is to run errands. He likes to play ball games, go to church, Sunday School and sing.
Salvador has been sponsored by the current Year 3 since they were in Pre K.
We can’t do much to solve the problems of our world but we can play a small part in the solution.
Sponsorship not only supports the physical wellbeing of the child but also their spiritual growth. Jesus teaches us to be kind to the poor and the needy. Sponsorship assists us in this practice by putting the needs of others before our own.
Thank you for helping the children we sponsor and their families. They pray for you everyday because their gratitude to us is massive!
Mrs Sue Munce
Compassion Child Co-ordinator
The television producer given hope from Ecuador - Viviana
“When I was growing up, Compassion was the buttress of our family, providing hope and a way out. We anxiously awaited centre activities because we knew on those days we would eat. If it hadn’t been for Compassion, I’d never have had a spiritual life, an academic life or even food in my home. Now I work in communications. I’m starting a community television channel.“
Compassion International
Calling All Detectives!
As we commence our long-awaited return to the College, we are asking for your Sherlock Holmes detective skills to seek out any library books which may be lurking, disguised, using a false identity, or in any other way evading their return to the library!
Please bring back ANY library books you have finished using including textbooks when you return to the College in the weeks ahead so we can stocktake and prepare for 2022. The game’s afoot!
Open for Business
It is vital that we provide our community with as many Library services as possible this term and into the future. To enable us to do this as safely as we can, the Library will implement a few important changes. Book quarantine – when books are returned, they will be quarantined for 3 days prior to re-shelving. It’s important for students not to hand books on to a friend or put them back on the shelf after browsing and we will work to help everyone remember to return all books to the returns boxes provided. Contactless borrowing – during Library lessons we will remind students to present their books with Library barcodes facing up so staff aren’t handling them prior to books going home. Students will select from the shelves and present them for borrowing in a physically distanced area to keep everyone as safe as we can. We look forward to seeing all our wonderful students soon and know we can all work together to keep each other well.
Virtual Story Time for Primary School
Story Time has continued throughout lockdown for all our library classes and we have had a wonderful time sharing stories of many kinds with our wonderful library students. We hope College families have enjoyed sharing these stories as we seek to stay connected while we are physically separated.
Scholastic Book Club
Christmas is coming to Book Club. Keep an eye out for the upcoming Scholastic Book Club Bumper Christmas catalogue, landing soon!
Library Staff
Secondary School
Year 7 English
Year 7 English students created theatre production posters from the study of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Mr Andrew Cox
English/LOTE Teacher
Year 9 Food Technology
Choc Peppermint Slice
As part of the Food Equity unit they were studying in Term 3, Year 9 Food Tech students participated in the Practical@Home Challenge during Off Campus Learning.
In Weeks 2-4 students had to use the list of foods provided that they may have had in your pantry, fridge and freezer to come up with as many different meals as they could. Then Practical@Home went gourmet in Weeks 5-7 as students commenced a Food Celebrations unit where students changed their focus to party finger foods and desserts.
Here is a selection of the Lockdown Meals to make your mouth water!
Mrs Diane Catto
Head of Technologies
Year 11 Textiles
Year 11 Textiles students designed a Mini Major project and completed fashion illustrations of their Folio work. Due to Off Campus Learning in Term 3, they were not able to complete the practical component.
Mrs Karina Chambers
Technologies Teacher
Year 12 2021 Reflections On English
As our 2021 Year 12 cohort finish up at the College, Miss Kenny’s class reflected on their experiences of English at PAC. From their favourite texts; Feed by MT Anderson, The Simple Gift by Steven Herrick and The Happiest Refugee by Anh Do, to their favourite tasks; group essays, creating their own documentaries and discursive writing, Year 12 enjoyed a lot of laughs as they looked back on their English journey.
The most common highlight: studying the documentary Blackfish during their Year 10 ‘Truth and Perspective’ unit because it dealt with confronting issues in the world, made them think and was a lot of fun. Here are a few extracts from their reflections:
- I have developed my ability to write under pressure and have seen improvements as my marks increased with each task.
- English has allowed me to develop my communication skills and present my arguments clearly to different audiences.
- I had a variety of English teachers and have developed a great relationship with them all. They have taught me all I know about English like the purpose of texts and how to analyse a film. This is something that I will never forget when I watch a movie.
- English has been valuable to me as it taught me how to effectively communicate and write in a range of styles.
- Years 11 and 12 English have been an adventure. I wouldn’t say it has been easy, but then the road along growth never is.
- The journey began with the difference between nouns and verbs, and now I write on three different topics in a 2 hour exam.
- I have developed skills that will help me in the future in many different situations. I have seen improvement in my abilities by embracing the subject and putting in the effort to see better results.
- Teacher feedback has definitely helped me grow as a student as it provided guidance in areas for improvement but also reassuring me in the positive aspects of the work that I had produced.
- English has also helped me grow as a person because it has enabled me to be more confident in my abilities inside and outside the classroom.
- I appreciate the challenge that it brings to students of all skill levels and how you can always improve on your writing.
- I have become more confident in my writing whilst stepping out of my comfort zone.
- I was able to reflect on my mistakes and be proud of my achievements through collaboration with my classmates and teacher.
- As the years went on I took the time to identify where I was struggling the most in English in order to grow as a student.
We wish all of our Year 12 students the very best as they prepare for their HSC examinations and are very proud of their achievements.
Miss Lauren Kenny
Head of English
Off Campus Sports
As we commence term 4, let’s celebrate the achievements of Term 3’s Off Campus Sport!
A huge thank you to each and every student and staff member who got involved, no matter how many submissions provided – even if they only participated once, they helped your House! And congratulations to each House’s Top 5 point scorers – these students were regular participants, but more importantly, just submitting their evidence of activity each week:
Christopher Oliver, John Xavier, Anne Oliver, William Watson, Emily Walker
Hannah Stanford, Erin O'Shannessy, Ellie Degarnham, William Tupper, Nate Ciantar-Pirrone
Francesca Pereira, Ava Toland, Jeremy Noakes, Ava Kobus, Alexander Wright
Liam Dowding, Sara Wildsmith, Ellison Game, Benjamin Mallin, Jessica Mallin, Aryan Patial
Congratulations to the Cranmer Cobras for taking out the Gold Medal position for Term 3’s Off Campus Sport Competition. After a slow start to the term, Cranmer clawed their way back in the last two weeks! Full results:
- Cranmer – 1399 points
- Ridley – 1256 points
- Ryle – 883 points
- Latimer – 809 points
Mrs Amanda Houison
Director of Sport
Community Notices
Toys 'n' Tucker Appeal
We are excited to announce that the College is continuing its long-term involvement in Anglicare’s annual Toys ’n’ Tucker Appeal. More information will be coming out in the next issue of The Vine and gifts will be collected once students return to the Campus on October 25, but please peruse the shopping list and start stocking up on things you may be able to donate. Items such as puddings, tinned ham, long life custard and jam can be added to shopping lists now and donated in the comings weeks. The College community has been so generous with this appeal and we hope to continue that in 2021.
Cancer Council Healthy Lunchbox
Term 4 means returning to school after a period of lockdown. The Cancer Council Healthy Lunchbox is here to help parents easily get back into packing healthy lunches that their children will enjoy. Why not use their Healthy Lunch Box website and Interactive Lunch Box Builder to plan weekly lunch boxes.
Community Business Directory
The latest version of our Community Business Directory is now available for download.
The Community Business Directory acts as a link for business and families to support each other. This initiative has been created by the Parents & Friends Association for businesses of Penrith Anglican College families rather than a general advertising site to assist our College Community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Each business in the Directory has a direct link with a College family.
Please note, the Parents & Friends Association, Penrith Anglican College and their staff will not be liable for any interactions or transactions that occur between any parties connected through this P&F Initiative. The Parents & Friends Association has not vetted the information, products or offerings provided by these businesses.
We will continue to update this document and post a link to the updated version on the website and the College App. If you would like your business to participate in the Community Business Directory, please fill out the form via this link. There is no cost involved.
We are excited to be able to support our College families in this way, and hope you find this Directory helpful.